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1、高等院校研究生英语系列教材,综合教程(上) INTEGRATED COURSE,Unit 9,Affordable Housing,Content,Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project,Task 1 With rapid economic development in China, peoples housing conditions have been greatly improved, but house prices have also ris

2、en. Interview some of your friends, especially those who were born before or during the 1970s, about the changes they have experienced in the cost and condition of their housing. The following are some possible topics that you may like to raise.,Starting out,Possible topics Location/ Size/ Interior

3、decoration/ Electrical appliances/ Running water/ Hot water/ Showering or bathing facilities/ Indoor toilets/ Electric or gas stoves/ Refrigerators/ Central heating and/or air conditioning/ Lighting/ Telephone / Cable TV/ Internet access/ Housing costrent or ownership,Starting outTask 1,Task 2 Peopl

4、e have a number of different reasons for choosing a particular area to live in. Compare the benefits and shortcomings of the following locations and decide where youd like to live. You could add to the list.,Starting outTask 2,Task 3 Read the following paragraph and discuss with your partner what yo

5、ur choice would be if you were in Lao Wangs situation. Give the reasons for your choice.,Starting outTask 3,Lao Wang and his wife live in a 15 m2 old apartment in downtown Shanghai. The area will be redeveloped in a couple of years time. They will be given 300,000 Yuan as compensation for their apar

6、tment and can either use the money to buy a house in the suburbs, or pay the developer 8,000 Yuan per square meter for a new 130 m2 downtown apartment which they will have to wait for five years before moving in.,The Housing Crisis Goes Suburban,Reading Focus,Reading Focus Global Understanding,Main

7、idea,Para. 1,Causes of the problem,Paras. 2-9,Consequences of the problem,Para. 10,Solutions to the problem,Paras. 11-13,Summary,Para. 14,Main idea,Affordable housing has not only become a problem for _, but has affected _. Its now a serious problem for more low- and moderate-income Americans than _

8、. Fairfax is an example for this situation.,Reading Focus Global Understanding,the urban poor,the suburban middle-class,taxes, Social Security or gas prices,Causes of the problem,A. Governments attitude towards affordable housing. a. From Roosevelt to Nixon, _ b. Nowadays,_. B. The striking mismatch

9、 between _ affordable housing, or affordable housing near jobs. a. In the past two decades, much poor housing has been _ but not all has been _ and there has been _. b. Many middle income people can not find _ near their place of work.,Reading Focus Global Understanding,Americans used to care a lot

10、about it.,federal aid has not been increased,affordable homes,razed/demolished,the demand for and the supply of,rebuilt,no increase,Consequences of the problem,A. Children _. B. Workers _. C. Communities _.,Reading Focus Global Understanding,cant see their parents so often,cant make ends meet,are le

11、ss competitive,Solutions to the problem,A. Local officials _. B. Federal government _. C. A real estate crash may not help.,Reading Focus Global Understanding,should get out of the way,should support new constructions,Summary,Housing in America today is not just _, but is also _.,Reading Focus Globa

12、l Understanding,an urban poverty issue,a middle-class quality-of-life issue,Task 2,Paraphrase the underlined parts of the following sentences. (P258),Reading Focus Detailed Information,When household incomes grow by X, housing prices grow by 12X.,2. may rise to $110,000 a year,Keys:,3. has not only

13、affected people with low incomes but also people who live in the suburbs,4. having a period of misfortune,5. not people who have received federal housing assistance, but those who havent,Reading Focus Detailed Information,6. stop needing welfare payments,7. give an opportunity to a family which is a

14、lso eligible for the welfare,8. and studies show that overcrowded living condition lead to higher crime rates, poorer academic performance and poorer health,9. and workers may have to drive long distances to work because they cant afford housing closer,10. Last year less than 5% of houses sold for $

15、 250,000 or less so prices will have to reduce a lot for housing to be affordable for low-income families.,Critical Thinking,Reading Focus,Step One Read the following statements from the text and discuss whether Chinese people have the same problems. Support your views with evidence.,Home ownership

16、is often described as a dream, but these days many workers would settle for a decent rental that wont bankrupt their families. 2. Local officials require one-acre lots and two-car garages, and block low-income and high-density projects.,Reading FocusCritical Thinking,3. The high housing price proble

17、m has climbed the income ladder and moved to the suburbs. 4. Families spend at least half their income on housing, many skimp on health care, child care and food to do so. 5. Workers are enduring increasingly long commutes from less expensive communities.,Reading FocusCritical Thinking,Step Two Thin

18、k about the role of government in providing affordable housing. Discuss in groups the following statements.,Reading FocusCritical Thinking,The root of the (high housing price) problem is the striking mismatch between the demand for and the supply of affordable housing. 2. Affordable housing helps ma

19、ke communities competitive. 3. The scarcity of affordable housing is a deepening national crisis.,1. workers cram their families into overcrowded apartments, college graduates have to crash with their parents, and firefighters, (Para. 1) cram: v. to force something into a small space 把塞入 e.g. Jessic

20、a crammed her clothes into the bag. crash: v. slang to stay at someones house for the night 借宿 e.g. I crashed for one night at my friends house when I was in Chicago.,Reading More Language Point,2. The real estate boom of the past decade has produced windfalls for Americans who owned before it began

21、, (Para. 2) windfall: n. an amount of money that you get unexpectedly 意外之财,Reading More Language Point,3. Roosevelt signed housing legislation in 1934 and 1937, providing mortgages, government apartments and construction jobs for workers down on their luck. (Para. 3) down on their luck: to have no m

22、oney because one has had a lot of bad luck over a period of time (因不走运而)穷困潦倒 e.g. 1) When someone is down on their luck, good friends will be sympathetic. 2) George has certainly been down on his luck recently: first his wife fell ill; then he lost his job.,Reading More Language Point,4. But it has

23、razed more subsidized apartments than it has replaced. (Para. 4) raze: v. to completely destroy a town or building 把(城镇、建筑物)夷为平地 e.g. 1) Much of Nanjing was razed by Japanese invaders in 1937. 2) The old buildings were razed to make way for a new development.,Reading More Language Point,5. Overall,

24、the number of households receiving federal aid has flatlined since the early 1990s, despite an expanding population and a ballooning budget. (Para. 5) flatline: v. to fall to a very low level 降到很低的水平 e.g. 1) The Republicans have been flatlining in the polls. 2) The population growth in this town has

25、 been flatlining in the past five years.,Reading More Language Point,6. Today, for every one of the 4.5 million low-income families that receive federal housing assistance, there are three eligible families without it. (Para. 6) eligible: adj. being able or allowed to do it 合格的;有资格的 e.g. 1) In some

26、countries children over 16 are eligible for a drivers license. 2) Over 500,000 18-year-olds will become eligible to vote this year.,Reading More Language Point,7. The time limits included in welfare reform 10 years ago were controversial, but studies suggest theyve helped motivate recipients to get

27、off the dole. (Para. 7) dole: n. unemployment benefit, welfare money given by the government in the US to people who are out of work 救济金 e.g. 1) How many people are on the dole? 2) I said the bankers should be the first to go on the dole during the financial downturn.,Reading More Language Point,8.

28、Washington politicians, on the other hand, have the federal budget at their disposal. (Para. 12) at their disposal: available for someone to use 供某人使用支配 e.g. 1) Tanner had a lot of cash at his disposal. 2) A car and driver were placed at my disposal.,Reading More Language Point,9. And even a modest

29、price slump could trigger a construction slowdown (Para. 13) slump: v. to suddenly go down in price, value, or number 暴跌 e.g. 1) Sales slumped by 20% last year. 2) The US dollar slumped to a record low against all other currencies.,Reading More Language Point,Key 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-,Task

30、1 Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. (P260),A,D,B,B,C,A,B,A,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,C,A,Task 2,1. Thousands of spectators _ into the stadium to see the game. 2. Tell the students to blow up the _ and then tape the straw to it. 3.

31、 Most river tourists travel in big noisy motor rigs, which _ through all but the biggest rapids without difficulty.,Read the words and their explanations in the box. Choose a word to complete each of the sentences below and explain its meaning. Change the form if necessary. (P261),crammed (b),balloo

32、n (a),Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,crash (a),4. Jill _ her clothes into the bag. 5. He lost control of his car at the first bend and _ . 6. We _ in as much sightseeing as possible during our stay in New York. 7. The companys debt has _ in the past year. 8. You can _ at our place if you cant ge

33、t a ride home. 9. Well have to get out of this situation before the _ goes up. 10. As house sales have _ , so has spending in department-store on items like furniture, carpets and electrical appliances.,crammed (d),ballooned (c),crashed (a),crammed (a),Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,crash (b),ba

34、lloon (b),slumped (b),11. It is believed that the proceeds from the sale will go into a _ fund for the children. 12. The hardest thing is finding a car dealer you can _ ! 13. I was fortunate enough to have very _ parents. 14. The post-war _ sent the unemployment figures soaring to twice the expected

35、 level. 15. That decision did not win her much support from _ and moderates. 16. When he is 25, the trustees will give him full control of his _ fund.,trust (d),trust (c),liberal (c),Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,slump (c),liberals (b),trust (b),Task 3,Fill in each of the blanks with an appropr

36、iate word or phrase from the four choices given below.,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,Northern Canada, including the Northwest Territories, is an 1)_ place to live. Housing is at least 60% more expensive in the north 2) _ it is in southern Canada. Food prices are also 3)_, by at least 20%. Since

37、 building materials and foodstuffs are 4)_ from the south, the higher prices are primarily 5) _ transportation costs. 6) _ far away from Yellowknife have higher costs, and communities served only by aircraft have the highest food and housing costs.,expensive,than,higher,imported,due to,Communities,F

38、or example, foodstuffs shipped by air to 7) _ communities such as Sachs Harbor on Banks Island are 80% more expensive than they are in Yellowknife. To offset these high food and housing costs, 8) _ are higher than those in southern Canada. In addition, most people live in public or staff housing, wh

39、ere rents are 9)_ . Government employees living in remote communities receive an isolated post 10)_ payment to help offset the higher cost of living.,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,remote,wages,allowance,subsidized,Is Affordable Housing Becoming an Oxymoron?,Reading More,Reading More,Global Unde

40、rstanding,Critical Thinking,Language Points,Vocabulary in Action,1,2,3,4,Housing prices have been 1) _ to unprecedented levels. Its a common idea that a significant part of the 2) _ for housing is based on an expectation of future 3) _. The more prices go up, the more people want to buy 4)_ reap the

41、 gains from 5) _future price appreciation. This pushes prices up even more. Can anything be done?,Complete the following extract with the information from the text (P267).,Text Exploration,pushed up,demand,so as to,appreciation,Reading MoreGlobal Understanding,expected,Some municipalities provide 6)

42、 _ types of assistance to new homeowners. 7) _,this increases demand even more. Increasing taxes does not solve the cost of the housing problem either. Basic 8)_ that either a reduction in demand or an increase in the supply of housing will 9)_housing prices, so a rise in 10) _rates should moderate

43、11)_, and it appears that housing prices are 12) _ out in some areas.,various,Unfortunately,lower,economics,Reading MoreGlobal Understanding,interest,demand,flattening,As to increasing supply, land 13)_ restrictions are tight in many desirable 14)_ areas, and political forces are 15) _ against relax

44、ing these restrictions due to limited land resources and traffic problems. So what is the answer to high home prices?,residential,use,aligned,Reading MoreGlobal Understanding,Critical Thinking,Reading More,1. What is a price bubble? 2. Why cant increasing taxes on housing solve the cost of the housi

45、ng problem? 3. Why do many Californian empty-nesters sell their houses and migrate to Oregon? 4. Why do people hold different views on land use restrictions?,Reading MoreCritical Thinking,Discuss in groups the following questions.,1. a significant part of the demand for housing is based on an expect

46、ation of future appreciation. (Para. 2) appreciation n. a rise in value, especially of land, money or possessions 增值 e.g. 1) There has been an appreciation of 50% in property values. 2) The pounds rapid appreciation is creating problems for exporters.,Reading Focus Language Point,2. Analogous to the

47、 imposition of a subsidy, a 10% increase in property taxes would push housing prices down by 10%. (Para. 5) analogous to similar to another situation or thing so that a comparison can be made 类似的, 相似的 imposition: the introduction of something such as a rule, tax, or restriction (规章、税种、限制等的)实施;征收 e.g

48、. The imposition of the new rules for bank accounts will make withdrawing money much easier.,Reading Focus Language Point,3. But a new house requires land zoned for housing. (Para. 10) zoned: if an area of land is zoned, it is officially kept separate from other land so that it can be used for a par

49、ticular purpose 划分成地区,把划入某地区 e.g. The land is currently zoned for residential use.,Reading Focus Language Point,4. In urban California, traffic has become increasingly congested, putting a limit on how far away from their jobs people can live. (Para. 10) congested: crowded usually by traffic or peop

50、le 交通拥挤的,车辆阻塞的 e.g. 1) Some areas are congested with both cars and people. 2) The tolls are likely to be restricted to particularly congested areas, and busy times such as rush hours.,Reading Focus Language Point,5. Imagine someone who scrimps and saves to buy his dream house in an area zoned for on

51、e-acre lots. (Para. 11) scrimps: to try to save as much money as you can, even though you have very little 尽量节省,尽力攒钱 e.g. The old couple scrimped and saved to support their son studying abroad.,Reading Focus Language Point,6. But by the same token, once a searcher becomes an owner, he often becomes

52、a fervent supporter of such restrictions. (Para. 11) by the same token: in the same way, or for the same reasons 同样地;由于同样的原因 e.g. 1) I want to win, but by the same token, I dont want to hurt Sams confidence. 2) You can ask me anything, and by the same token, I can choose not to answer. fervent: beli

53、eving or feeling something very strongly and sincerely 热情, 热烈的 e.g. I have always been one of his most fervent admirers.,Reading Focus Language Point,1. own A. The yacht was intended for the kings _ use. B. You wont know the cost of _ a car until youve _ one. C. He studied these subjects on his _. 2

54、. dynamic A. Shes _ and determined. B. Markets are _ and for ever changing. C. Group _ is the study of group behavior, especially the interactions that occur among persons in small groups involved with business or social activities.,Task 1,Fill in each of the blanks with the appropriate form of the

55、word given and explain its meaning. (P268),own,owning,owned,Reading More Vocabulary in Action,own,dynamic,dynamic,dynamics,3. fix A. Ellis was able to quickly find and _the problem. B. Hes going to _ a time when I can see him. C. Many of those changes could just be a temporary _. 4. feed A. Several

56、children were _ bread to the ducks. B. Figures are _ into the computer, which then predicts the likely profit. C. The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal _.,fix,fix,fix,feeding,fed,Reading More Vocabulary in Action,feed,5. appreciation A. It helps children to develop an _ of poetry and literature. B. Im very _ of all the support youve gi


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