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1、Unit 7 success,Guess who he is.,1. He was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington.,2. His father was a prominent lawyer, his mother was a school teacher and an active member of non-profit organizations like The United Way,3. He has authored two books: The Road Ahead (1995) Business the Speed

2、 of Thought (1999) 未来时速:数字神经系统和商务新思维(向人们展示了计算机技术是如何以崭新的方式来解决商业问题的。这本书在超过60个国家以25种语言出版。,4. He began programming computers at age 13 and developed the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer(微机).,5. He and his wife, Melinda, have endowed a foundation with more than $28.8 billion (as of

3、January 2005) to support philanthropic(慈善的) plans in the areas of global health and learning. 在中国的四川发生特大地震的时候,向中国卫生部捐赠130万美元(约合910万人民币),,6. He is chairman and chief software architect (首席软件设计师)of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions. 7. He retired on June 2

4、7,2008,He is,He only used 20years to start up his business., 比尔盖茨每秒赚67.5美元,每天赚583.2万美元,一年赚21.3亿美元。,His house is a large earth-sheltered mansion in the side of a hill overlooking Lake Washington in Medina, Washington. According to King County public records, as of 2006, the total assessed value of th

5、e property (land and house) is $125 million,in 2005,he was honored as William Henry Gates III(KBE)by Queen Elizabeth II) 。威廉亨利盖茨三世爵士,Know More about William H. Gates,Background Information,历年富豪榜排名】 盖茨2001-2007年蝉联世界首富!2008年排名世界第三,2009年又一次成为世界首富! 比尔盖茨,又被封为威廉亨利盖茨三世爵士(William Henry Gates III KBE),美国商人、亿

6、万富豪。他是微软的创始人,根据美国福布斯杂志的统计,盖茨是全世界最有钱的人。另外一个统计则称盖茨一个人的财富要比全世界最贫穷的50%人口的财富总额还要多。曾经有人计算过,比尔盖茨拥有的财富可以买32架航天飞机,或344架波音747,拍摄268部泰坦尼克号,买15.6万部劳斯莱斯产的宾利大陆型豪华轿车。,Personal life Bill and Melinda Gates, June 2009. Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft manager, from Dallas, Texas on January 1, 1994,为比尔生下一双儿女的

7、盖茨太太美琳达法兰奇,But Gates first love, not his wife, is Ann Winblad, who is 9 years older than he!,When finally Gate got marrid, he and his wife, Melinda, signed an agreement that allows him to go on an annual holiday with his ex-lover, Ann, leaving his wife behind!,一个是比他大9岁的初恋情人安温布莱德永远的朋友,The third woman

8、 of his life,6.776亿的情人,斯特凡妮宙赫尔,让尔盖茨破费6.776亿美元的情妇斯特凡妮宙赫尔。,This is his car,Background Information,世人对盖茨的评价褒贬不一。有人说他是成功的企业家,有人说他垄断行业、欺凌弱小;有人说他是“最慷慨的慈善家”,有人说他是一个虚伪的人他的慈善之举只是有史以来最昂贵的公关活动;有人说他是当之无愧的全球首富,有人说他只会贪婪地在股市中套现,从微软用户的身上榨钱但是就像美国人说的那样:“不管你是爱他,还是恨他,你都无法漠视他这就是比尔盖茨的魅力。”,1.afford v.,have enough money fo

9、r sth. 买得起,affordable a.: 可负担得起的,e.g. Tom cant afford the PC 汤姆买不起个人电脑。,2.annual a.年度的,an annual event/meeting/ report 年度活动/ 会议/报告,e.g. The school trip has become an annual event.,学校旅行已经成为一项年度活动。,3.approach n.,a method of doing something 方法,approachable a. 可接近的,亲切的,approach ones home 快到家了 make appro

10、aches to sb. 同某人打交道,e.g. He has a new approach to the study of English.,他有一套学英语的新方法。,e.g. He conducted his business successfully.,5. conduct v.,处理,管理,conduct oneself well 表现好 a man of good conduct 品行端正的人,conductor 乐队指挥,列车员,导体 conductive 导热/电的,他管理生意很成功。,6. develop v.,e.g. The builders are developing

11、that part of town.,8. estimate v./n.,估计,估价,e.g. We should have an accurate estimate of the cost of our living.,开发,发展,estimation n. 估计,in sbs estimate 依某人估计 by estimate 照估计,developing country 发展中国家 developed country 发达国家,建筑商正在开发该城镇的那部分地区。,我们对于自己的生活费用要有准确的估计。,9. exchange v.,交换,exchange A for B 用A换B ex

12、change sth. with sb. 和某人交换某物 Stock Exchange 证券交易所,e.g. John exchanges gifts with Mary at Christmas.,约翰在圣诞节同玛丽交换礼物。,10.fancy v.,e.g. Sorry, but I dont fancy going out tonight.,11.fortune n.,财产,运气,e.g. God sends fortune to fools.,喜欢,make a fortune 发财 try ones fortune 碰运气 good/bad fortune 好运气,fancy cak

13、es 花式糕点 fancy diving 花式跳水,对不起,我今晚不想出去,【谚】傻人有傻福。,13.hardware n.,(1)(电脑)硬件 (2)五金器具,14. insert v.,to put something inside or into something else 嵌入,15.intention n.,意图,目的,e.g. I have no intention of retiring just yet.,intend v. 打算 intentional a. 故意的,有意图的,have no intention of doing sth. 无意做某事 with the in

14、tention of 抱有的目的 without intention 无意中,不是故意地,我目前还没有退休的打算。,16.intimate a.,亲密的,e.g. We had been intimate for some time.,an intimate letter 私人信件 an intimate friend 亲密的朋友,我们有段时间非常的要好。,17. manage v.,e.g. We managed to persuade him.,20.output n 产量,做到,达到,the output of energy能源的输出,the annual output 年产量,mana

15、geable a.易控制的 management n. 管理 manager n. 经理,我们成功的劝服了他。,e.g. Our room overlooked the sea.,21. overlook v. 俯瞰,我们的房间俯瞰大海。,22. pack v.,e.g. 50,000 fans packed into the stadium.,Related words: package n. 捆,包 packer n. 包装机,包装者,挤满,塞满,pack up in/into 整理行装 pack up 把收起 pack sb. off 把 打发走,五万名足球迷涌入体育场,24. pref

16、erences n. 偏爱,e.g. Do you have a color preference ?,prefer v. 选择 preferable a. 更好的,by preference 首先,最好 have a preference for 偏好 喜爱,你有偏爱的颜色吗?,25. share v. 分享,share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物 do ones share for 对做出某人应有的贡献 share out 分派,分配,e.g. After his death his property was not shared between his children.

17、,在他死后,他的财产并不由他的孩子平分。,28.virtual a. 虚拟的,virtual reality 虚拟现实 virtual computer 虚拟电脑,29.wander v.,e.g. He made a virtual date with a girl.,move around without any purpose 漫步,他和一个女孩子虚拟约会。,I Wander Lonely I Wander Lonely 我独自漫游 William Wordsworth 威廉华兹华斯 I wander lonely as a cloud我独自漫游像一朵云 That floats on h

18、igh oer vales and hills.高高的漂流在山谷和群山之上 When all at once I saw a crowd 蓦然我看到成片的 A host of daffodils 清一色的水仙花 Beside the lake, beneath the trees紧挨湖边,聚于树阴 Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. 在微风中摇晃着,以-为基础,2. base onupon:,E.g. The novels of Jane Austen are based on her life experiences.,简-奥斯汀的小说是依据她的生活经

19、历而写的。,他把希望寄托在越狱的可能性上。,E.g. He based his hopes on the possility of escaping from the prison.,3. be true of:,对-适用,be the same to,E.g. The same is true of the way of life in Japan.,Jack likes basketball, and the same is true of other boys.,在日本这种生活方式也一样。,杰克喜欢篮球,其他男孩子也是。,4. be shy ahout doing:,wary or af

20、raid of doing,怯于,E.g. Im shy about telling you the result, its too bad.,我不敢告诉你结果,因为考得太糟了。,They are shy about speaking to one another.,他们不敢和对方谈话。,Phrases Expressions,1. leave behind:,撇下,E.g. Im coming! Dont leave me behind.,我来啦!别落下我。,E. g. The men had all joined the army, leaving only old women and c

21、hildren behind.,男人们都去参军了,只留下老妇和小孩。,2. start up:,embark on a venture, especially a business or club.,创办,E.g. He started up a successful car firm.,他创办了一家生意很好的汽车公司。,3. go off:,4. lie in:,exist in,在于,响起,make a loud noise,苏州美在她的传统园林设计。,E.g. The beauty of Suzhou lies in its traditional design of gardens.,

22、The charm of travel lies in its new experiences.,旅游的诱人之处在于它使人获得新的阅历。,闹钟六点响了,我不得不起床了。,E.g. The alarm clock went off at six and I had to get up.,5. take up:,占用,fill a place or time,E.g. She has very taken up with dancing at the moment.,她目前大部分时间都用在跳舞上了。,海占了地球表面面积的大半部分。,The oceans take up the greater pa

23、rt of the earths surface.,1.As winter (approach) ,the weather became colder. 2.We all congratulate him on the (develop) _of his shop into a big business. 3.In my (estimate)_,a lot of other boys are facing the same trouble. 4.The toy with attractive pictures is (fancy) _one Ive ever seen. 5.We can (overlook) _your bad behaviour this time, but you should behave yourself.,was approaching,development,estimation,the fanciest,overlook,6.I (preference) _to stay at hom


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