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1、八下思维导图,Advice for a healthy lifestyle,Advice4: be happy,Advice2: exercise,Advice1: eating habit,Advice5: ,Advice3: sleeping habit,根据思维导图要点提示,说说健康生活方式的建议。 注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),Do you want to have a healthy lifestyle? Here is some advice for you. First, you should eat a lot of vegetables and frui

2、t. Second, taking exercise every day is a good way to keep fit. Third, its necessary to sleep at least 8 hours every night. Besides, its also important to be happy every day. Finally, you could relaxed yourself on weekends. Travelling is a good choice. If you follow these, you will have a healthy li

3、festyle.,volunteer work,Sunday afternoon: volunteer at an animal hospital,Saturday afternoon: visit sick children in hospital,Saturday morning: clean up the city parks,Reason: ,Sunday morning: work in an old peoples home,根据思维导图要点提示, 说说你上个周末的志愿服务工作及参加志愿者活动的理由。注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),Last weekend, I

4、 took part in the volunteer activities. On Saturday morning, I went to clean up the city parks with my classmates. On Saturday afternoon, I visited the sick children in hospital and cheered them up. On Sunday morning, I worked in the old peoples home to help them wash their clothes. On Sunday aftern

5、oon, I volunteered at an animal hospital. It was a busy and meaningful weekend. I am happy to be a volunteer. Helping others is helping ourselves.,chores,Your feeling about doing chores ,The time you do chores : in your free time,The chores you do: sweep the floor; take out the trash,The chores you

6、like: take the dog for a walk,根据思维导图要点提示,说说你在家做的家务。注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),The chores you hate: do the dishes,I often do chores at home. In my free time, I help sweep the floor, take out the trash and so on. I like taking the dog for a walk. I find it interesting to play it. However, I hate to do

7、the dishes because it always makes me wet. In my opinion, we should do chores, because we can not only relaxed ourselves but also help our moms.,How to make friends,Advice 2: help others,Feeling: lonely,Problem: have few friends,Advice 3: ,Advice 1: outgoing, friendly,根据思维导图要点提示,新来的同学Mary没有朋友感到孤独的问题

8、给建议 。注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),Mary is a newcomer. She has few friends and feels lonely. Id like to give her some advice on how to make friends. First, she should be more outgoing and friendly to others. Second, helping others is a good way to make friends. Third, she is supposed to take part in mor

9、e activities. I hope she will have more friends and feel happy.,The things people were doing,I: listening to music,Mother: cooking,Father: watching TV,Friends: ,Sister: doing her homework,根据思维导图要点提示,说说暴风雨来临的时候,你和你的家人/朋友正在做什么。注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),The weather was terrible yesterday. When the rain

10、storm came, my father was watching TV while my mother was cooking. At that time my sister was doing her homework in her bedroom and I was listening to music that is peaceful. My friends were waiting for the bus, so they got wet. What bad weather it was!,Yu Gong Movies the mountains,Result: Two gods

11、was moved; took the mountains away,Reason: Two mountains were big and high,Person: Yu Gong,Thing you can learn: .,Action: Yu Gong and his children moved the mountains,根据思维导图要点提示,说说愚公移山的故事。注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),Once upon a time, Yu Gong tried to move the mountains. Because there were two big and

12、high mountains in front of his house. It took a long time to go to the other side of the mountain. Yu Gong and his children worked hard on moving the mountains. At last, a god was so moved that he sent two gods to take the mountains away. From the story, I can learn that nothing is impossible to a w

13、illing heart!,根据思维导图要点提示,说说我们国家之最和祖国的大好河山。注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),Our country,The highest mountain Qomolangma,The longest river The Yangtze River,The biggest city Shanghai,The biggest country in Asia,The most famous places of interest ,参考答案 China is a great country in the world. It is the biggest

14、country in Asia. In our country, the longest river is The Yangtze River. The biggest city is Shanghai. The highest mountain is Qomolangma. The most famous place of interest is the Great Wall. Have you been there? Im proud of my country. Do you like it?,根据思维导图要点提示,说说你喜欢的书和作者,注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分)

15、,Books,The reason interesting,The book you like Harry Potter,The writer you like Lu Xun,The kind of book you like Science fiction,The time you read the book ,参考答案 Books are our friends. I like different kinds of books. But I like science fiction best. Harry Potter is my favorite book. I like it very

16、 much. Besides, I like Lu Xun very much because his books are very interesting. I often read books after school and go to the library on weekends. Do you want to go with me?,根据思维导图要点提示,说说你曾经一次旅游的经历。注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),An unforgettable travel,Place: Hainan,Transportation: Plane, 3 hours,Weather

17、: Sunny, very hot,Activities: ,People: friendly Food : delicious,参考答案 Last summer holiday is unforgettable for me because my parents and I went to Hainan. It took us about three hours to go there by plane. The weather there was sunny and very hot . We stayed in Hainan for two days. The people there

18、are very friendly. I like the food very much. We ate a lot of sea food. They were delicious. We also went surfing and played beach volleyball there. We had a good time.,根据思维导图要点提示,说说你的家乡东莞有哪些特色。注意根据话题,适当补充最后一个信息点。(共25分),Hometown: Dongguan,Weather: warm and hot,Traffic: busy and crowded,Beautiful places: Qifeng Mountain, beautiful,People: ,Food: all kinds of,参考答案 Let me tell you something about my hometown, Dongguan. The weather here is warm and hot. So the winter here is very comfortable. However, the traffic is busy and crowded. It makes


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