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1、Gullivers Travels,By Jonathan Swift,Gullivers Travels,Jonathan Swift,Jonathan Swift,a master satirist,was born in Dublin, Ireland.He was famous for Tale of a Tub, Gullivers Travels, The Battle of the Books ,and so on.,Gullivers Travels,Gullivers Travels,Literary Position and influence,Swift is one o

2、f the greatest masters of English prose. Swift is a master satirist. Swift was a man of great moral integrity and social charm.,Swifts greatest satire work, Gullivers Travels, is written in 1726.,Introduction,Gullivers Travels serves as a biting satire, and Swift ensures that it is both humorous and

3、 critical, constantly attacking British and European society through its descriptions of imaginary countries.,Gullivers Travels,Written in the form of a travel journal, Gullivers Travels is the fictional account of four extraordinary voyages made by Lemuel Gulliver, a physician who signs on to serve

4、 as a ships surgeon when he is unable to provide his family with a sufficient income in London.,Plot and Major Characters,The book begins with a very short preamble in which Gulliver, in the style of books of the time, gives a brief outline of his life and history prior to his voyages. He enjoys tra

5、velling, although it is that love of travel that is his downfall.,Gullivers Travels,Gulliver makes our deep-sea voyages, which are described in the four parts of the book.,Lilliput,Laputa,Brobdingnag,Houyhnhnms,First voyage-Lilliput,On the very first voyage, Gulliver is shipwrecked.,Lilliputians(利立浦

6、特人), the tallest of whom is six inches high.,The picture shows that arriving at the island, Gulliver was catched by the Lilliputians, and then sent to the emperor.,Little by little he gets used to their life and gets license to see Mildendo(密尔敦多) ,the metropolis.,About the city The city is an exact

7、square, each side of the wall being five hundred feet long. The two great streets run across and divide it into four quarters.,也就是说密尔敦多这个城市是一个正方形,它的大小大概就是两个足球场。同时它被两条主要街道分为田字形。,About the emperors palace The palace is in the center of the city and is enclosed by a wall of two feet high. Gulliver disc

8、overed it the most splendid apartments that can be imagined.,Principle secretary tell two mighty evils(内战和侵略)that Mildendo has to meet. The first evils is a violent faction(内战) at home between TRAMECKSAN (特莱姆克三)and SLAMECKSAN(斯莱姆克三) The second evil is the danger of an invasion, by a most potent enemy, from abroad.,小人国内战实际讽刺英国国内托利党和辉格党常年不息的斗争和对外战争,其实质是政客们在一些国计民生毫不相干的细节上勾心斗角。,Introduce faction and invasion in detail Faction Reason:high heels and low heels between TRAMECKSAN and SLAMECKSAN Invasion Reason: controversy on breaking eggs,The sixth paragraph : Gulliver was re


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