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1、形容詞比較級的用法,Peggy 老師的英語教室,形容詞比較級是什麼?,為了表現不同程度的性質,形容詞具 有三級:原級、比較級、最高級,比較級的規則變化與不規則變化 看句型,學造句 延伸閱讀,形容詞的比較級變化,規則變化:短字+er more +長字 不規則變化:需靠背誦 good / well better,規則變化 1. 形容詞字尾加er,tall ,taller,I am tall.,My father is taller.,fast ,faster,The bike is fast.,The train is faster.,2. 形容詞字尾是e者則加r,nice nicer,safe

2、safer,cute ,cuter,3. 形容詞字尾是子音加y則去y加ier,They are happy.,Tina is happier.,happy ,happier,Dad is busy.,Mom is busier.,busy ,busier,4. 形容詞是發短母音則重複字尾加er,hot ,hotter,Yesterday was hot.,Today is hotter.,big ,bigger,The hippo is big.,The elephant is bigger.,5. 多音節形容詞在前面加more,interesting ,more interesting,be

3、autiful more beautiful,handsome more handsome,形容詞比較級不規則變化,good ,better,bad worse,many much,看句型 學造句,(2):主詞+ be +比較級+than +主詞+be,(1):主詞+ be + 比較級,I am taller.,You are tall.,I am taller than you are.,The train is faster.,The bike is fast.,The train is faster than the bike is.,Peggy is happier.,They are

4、 happy.,Peggy is happier than they are.,I am better.,Mary is good.,I am better than Mary is.,延伸閱讀,The class is dismissed Thanks for your listening!,為了表現不同程度的性質,形容詞具 有三級:原級、比較級、最高級,最高級的規則變化與不規則變化 統整比較,原級,比較級,最高級,(一)單音節及部分二音節形容詞,fast cold nice late hot big wet dry easy happy,faster colder nicer later

5、hotter bigger wetter drier easier happier,fastest coldest nicest latest hottest biggest wettest driest easiest happiest,形容詞最高級的形成,通常只在形容詞的原級後加上 est 原形容詞字尾即是 e 時,則只加 st,tall ,tallest,cute ,cutest,形容詞最高級的形成,原形容詞字尾是子音 + y時,則須先去掉 y 後,再加 iest 原形容詞字尾的三個字母和音標均是子母子(即子音 + 母音 + 子音) 時,則須重復字尾,再加 est:,happy ,hap

6、piest,big ,biggest,原級,比較級,最高級,(一)單音節及部分二音節形容詞,fast cold nice late hot big wet dry easy happy,faster colder nicer later hotter bigger wetter drier easier happier,fastest coldest nicest latest hottest biggest wettest driest easiest happiest,(二)多音節形容詞,原級,比較級,最高級,beautiful important difficult expensive,

7、more beautiful more important more difficult more expensive,most beautiful most important most difficult most expensive,超過三個音節(含)的形容詞,在其前加 most,形容詞最高級的形成,(三)形容詞最高級的不規則變化:需靠背誦,good many much little bad,原級,比較級,最高級,better more more less worse,best most most least worst,最高級 句型練習,The yellow one is smalle

8、r than the red one. The red one is smaller than the blue one. The yellow one is the smallest. The blue one is the biggest.,50kg,20kg,10kg,The soccer is _ than the baseball.,The basketball is _ than the soccer.,The basketball is _ of the three balls.,more expensive,more expensive,the most expensive,Nancys flowers are _ than Carols.,Bettys flowers are _ than Nancys.,Bettys flowers are _ than Nancys.,more beaut


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