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1、2010年 湖南省英语新高考研讨会关于完形填空二的思考,雅礼中学高三备课组,(一) 改革背景 (二) 考试说明 (三) 区别目的 (四) 样题分析 (五) 思考尝试 (六) 体会总结,(一)高考改革背景,2010年的高考湖南省实施新课改后变化如下:完形填空部分分成两个部分,第一部分为传统的完形选择填空,约300字设12空;第二部分为自由完形填词题,文章长约180字,设8空。,(二)考试说明中的相关信息,“本节要求考生根据上下文,在每个空格处填入一个适当的单词。短文在补足后,要求意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。本节侧重考查考生的语感以及语言的衔接、连贯、结构等语言知识运用的能力。”,(三)与完形一

2、的区别,1. 内容: 第一节侧重考查词汇在语篇、语境中的运用,关键词是“语义”; 而第二节考查功能语法,即侧重于考查词汇在篇章中的交际功能,关键词是“衔接、连贯”。,2. 形式: 第一节给定四个选项供考生选择,其中必有一个正确选项; 第二节只给出空缺,没有选项,要求考生根据语境和自己已有的语法与词汇知识来填空, 对语言知识的提取和运用能力提出了更高的要求。,3. 目的: 革除传统英语考试的弊端,增加主观性,减少客观性,消除投机心理,加大对考生思维推断能力和语言应用能力的考查力度,实现英语语言教学从被动记忆型向主动应用型、本质挖掘型主导的跃升。该题型主要考查考生在语境中灵活运用语言的能力及推理判

3、断能力。单词的拼写能力和词形变换能力也是一个很重要的考查方向。,Humans are responsible for causing changes in the environment that hurt animals and species. We take up more space on Earth for our homes and cities. We pollute habitats. 48. We illegally hunt and kill animals. All of these activities take resources and habitats away

4、49. from plants and animals.,(四)样题分析,Human activities often changes or destroys the habitats that plants and animals need to survive. 50. Since / Because / As human populations are growing so fast animals and plants are disappearing many times faster 51. than they have in the past 65 million years.,

5、Animals and plants have always had a 52. hard / difficult time surviving. Animals became extinct in the past for a wide varieties of reasons. In some cases, competition for resources among animals led to extinction and in 53. other cases, environmental changes caused extinction.,Fortunately, we huma

6、ns are beginning to realize our mistakes 54. or / otherwise we could destroy everything on Earth. We must not only use our knowledge and abilities to manage the earth, but to make the Earth 55. a safe and health place where all animals and plants including humans ourselves we live.,根据上下文指代:48 短搭:49

7、上下文联系:50 ,51,53,54 前后文呼应:52 语法:55(冠词),命题特点,选材为180词的小短文,可能为记叙文、说明文或议论文; 强调对篇章结构的理解,不给提示词,无选项填空,但信息点都来自篇章; 语法填空 偏重对虚词的考查,如代词(1)、介词(1)、冠词(1)、连词(2)、形容词(2)、副词(1)等; 答案不一定唯一。,考查目的,1. 阅读和理解语篇的能力。 2. 分析句子结构的能力。 3. 熟练运用语法的能力。,(五)关于完形2的教学思考和尝试,We need more man in our hospital, not as doctors, (1) as nurses. Ov

8、er the last few years, I have found that having male nurses is a real bonus, (2) they definitely have a place in our hospital. There are several reasons for waiting male nurses here, not only (3) half the population in our country is male. Men make excellent carers and are (4) as good as women at ta

9、king care of others. (5) , many men take good care of their children, wives, parents, sisters, brothers, and (6) their nieces and nephews.,We need more man in our hospital, not as doctors, (1) as nurses. Over the last few years, I have found that having male nurses is a real bonus, (2) they definite

10、ly have a place in our hospital. There are several reasons for waiting male nurses here, not only (3) half the population in our country is male. Men make excellent carers and are (4) as good as women at taking care of others. (5) , many men take good care of their children, wives, parents, sisters,

11、 brothers, and (6) their nieces and nephews.,but,and,because,equally,Actually,even,解题思路:,第一步 跳过空格、通读短文、了解大意。 学生应该迅速地浏览全文,以了解全文主旨。首先应该特别注意文章的首尾句。通常文章会在开头给出一个提纲挈领或提供背景信息的句子,在末尾表明自己的观点;其次,要注意一些关键词语或句子,特别是涉及人物、时间、地点、原因、经过、结果的词句;此外,还应该善于从文章的逻辑结构、上下文联系中挖掘作者的观点和态度。,第二步 复读短文、确定语义、判定词形。 在理解短文主旨和上下文语境的基础上,理解挖

12、空句的句意,分析其结构,结合已有的语法知识,兼顾语法和意义,大胆猜测,各个击破。,填词时应留意词形,不可简朴地都填原形词。 有些空格需要填入介词、连词等结构词,除考虑上下文的内容外,还要考虑和其他词的固定搭配及其惯用法结构。 Tips:每空要填的单词都可以在所在句或上下文中找到它的依据。,第三步 三读短文、上下参照、验证谜底。 填好各空后,再将文章读一遍,把已经填好的答案放在整篇文章中来检查,看其语法是否正确,短文语意是否贯通。如果前后有矛盾或句子不通顺,证明有可能出现错误,这时候就要重新予以考虑。,做完形填空题2时应留意如下几点:,1. 根据上下文的逻辑关系填词 2. 运用语法知识填词 3.

13、 运用词的搭配关系及意义填词 4. 克服思维定式,注意文章细节 5. 解决疑难,核对答案,(六) 体会和总结,心得体会: 十一模块中的文章可以充分利用,I was very excited _ also a little nervous on my first day at work. I had to report to the Human Resources Department first thing in the morning _ that they could introduce me to my colleagues. Everyone was very _ and welcom

14、ed me to the company, and my boss took me to the canteen for lunch. I _ met the General Manager. I really enjoyed my first day, but I did not do much work! The second day was very different. Even though I was _ a management trainee, I still had a lot of responsibility, and there was so much to learn. The work was quite interesting, but there was a lot of _. In fact, there was so much work that _ had to work overtime t


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