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1、高考词汇最新专题练习300例,1. Zhang Yimou, who made many highly successful films, is one of the most famous (导演)in China.2. He (道歉) to Jane for being late, however, her anger didnt melt.3. When I was talking with Tim, he (打断) us all of a sudden.4. Tom was very delighted to be (介绍) to everyone at the party held

2、yesterday.5. His (面部的)expression suggested that he was very content, which took a load off my mind.,directors,apologized,interrupted,introduced,/presented,facial,6. We should remain calm in an (紧急情况)and then we can find the most suitable solution.7. A great number of athletes (比赛)in the Olympic game

3、s in Athens.8. Dont worry, I am well (准备)for the coming exam. I suppose I will get through it doubtlessly.9. I wonder what (位置)he plays in the football team.10. The patient kept (咳嗽)all night, His cough was really stubborn.,emergency,competed,prepared,position,coughing,11. I wont attend the meeting

4、unless (邀请)which doesnt make a difference to me.12. The bus carried some (乘客)to the airport straight away.13. My father allowed me to go (野营)along with my classmates. I was wild with joy. 15. These scientists went all out to turn their dreams into (现实).,invited,passengers,camping,realities,16. Upon

5、hearing the good news. I offered my (祝贺)to him on it.17. He has managed to finish the work within the (有限的)time.18. The local TV station is (播放)a wonderful football match live.19. The (宇航员)landed on the moon, who are our heroes.20. The (德国人)who stayed in xian were very friendly to us.,congratulation

6、s,limited,broadcasting,astronauts,Germans,21. He gave us a detailed (解释)of how light travels in water.22. It is reported that the dinosaur with (羽毛)in the picture looks very strange. 23. Dont pour (污染)water into the rive.24. Being in bad health, he was (鼓励)to do morning exercise every day.25. The go

7、od news that our nation won (传播)all over the world soon.,explanation,feathers,polluted,encouraged,/inspired,spread,26. Plenty of customers were (误导)by false advertisements.27. The bridge being built now will be forty meters in (长度).28. The manager with his staff is (促销)their new product in the super

8、market.29. It is very (方便) for us to shop when we live in big cities.30. It was good news that he had been (任命)president of the university.,misled,length,promoting,convenient,appointed,31. My teacher said my (作文)were well written except for some spelling mistakes.32. He (答应)that he would buy me a ca

9、r the next year, and later he carried out his promise.33. He contributed many articles to those (杂志).34. The (截止日期)for handing in my composition is tomorrow, and therefore I finish it tonight.35. Plenty of (新鲜的)air contributes to good health.,. promised,. magazines,. deadline,fresh,compositions,36.

10、_(如今)English is widely used in the world. 37. He failed again, which made his parents_(失望)38. The movie was highly_(成功),and it earned the director a large sum of money.39. The boy didnt notice the sign saying “No_(吐痰)”40. Which_(科目)do you prefer, physics or chemistry?,. Nowadays,. disappointed,succe

11、ssful,. spitting,subject,41. Last week. I met several (外国人)on the Great Wall.42. Water was found at a (深度) of 25 feet.45. There are still many people who dont know how the universe came into (存在),foreigners,depth,existence,46. They work as (志愿者)to go to the flooded area.47. 48. The friendly visit (加

12、强)the relationship between the two countries.49. Reading English can enlarge your (词汇量)50. The (罪犯)were sentenced to death by the judge.,volunteers,strengthened,vocabulary,criminals,56. Its (非法的)to park your car here. You will be fined.57. The soldier was (严重地)wounded in the battle.,illegal,seriousl

13、y,61. I am flying to New York tomorrowWhat a_(巧合);so am I.62. The boy was_(控告)with theft, however, he was not guilty.63. The boss is_(体贴)towards his employees, and he treats them very well.,coincidence,charged,thoughtful/considerate,66. You ought to consider the problem in all_(方面).68. It seemed tha

14、t the man was _(牵连)in the case.69. This is an informal party. You can be dressed in_(便服)clothes.70. Tom ran for a doctor, and_(同时),I stayed with the patient.,aspects/respects,involved,casual,meanwhile,71. The president didnt_(批准) the bill.72. Many Children found_(临时的)jobs during the summer holiday,

15、so that they could pay for their tuition.73. Thank you for pointing out my_(缺点).I will correct them.75. Too much homework brings great_(压力)on the students, which is bad for their health.,approve,temporary,shortcomings/weakness,pressure,76. His words got me in an_(尴尬的)situation, and I was at loss wha

16、t to say.77. The man_(咨询)the lawyer about the case.78. He has been_(使忙碌)with the business recently.79. The farmer raise some _(鹅),ducks and pigs on the farm, so he was as busy as a bee every day. 80.The result is beyond my _(期望).,embarrassing,consulted,occupied,geese,expectation,81. The people set u

17、p the_(纪念碑)to the heroes in honour of them.82. The_(温暖)of the fire made us comfortable and sleepy.83. The job calls for_(耐心)and carefulness. please bear it in mind.84. The_(下岗)worker had to hunt for a now job again in order to support his family.85. I am uncertain of the time of the_(爆发)of the war a

18、nd therefore I turned to my history teacher.,memorial,warmth,patience,laid-off,outbreak,86. The_(科学家)do research into agriculture on this farm.87. The man was_(动手术) on the other day, and now he has recovered88. We are still not sure about his_(存活),so we call the police.89. Dont judge a person by his

19、 _(长像).90. The strong wine contains too much_(酒精).,scientists,operated,survival,appearance,alcohol,91. The cartoon also _(有吸引力)to adults. For example, my parents like it.92. He shot at the _(靶子),but he missed it.93. The old man_ _(向索钱)me thirty yuan for repairing my walkman.,appeal,target,charged,97

20、. He has been in the army for_ (几十年). 99. Please explain the meaning of this_ (在下面划线)words in the text.100. The coach made many athletic _ (成就),and besides, he was awarded many prizes,decades,underlined,achievements,101. Today is our wedding _(纪念日).We have to celebrate it somehow.102. John told Lucy

21、 not to go with us._ (很明显)she was disappointed.103. _(比较)with wealth, health is more important.104. I am very content with the car I bought. Which is good in quality and _(合理)in price. 105. He is a_ (受过良好教育)person. so he always has good manners.,anniversary,Obviously,Compared,reasonable,well-educate

22、d,106. There was many a student _(参加)the party.107. After _(毕业)from that university. he worked for a large corporation.108. The man_ (洗澡),dressed and went downstairs for supper.109. The medicine is very_ (有效的)against the disease.110. When_ (提供)with such a chance, he felt very delighted.,attending,gr

23、aduating,bathed,effective,provided,111. It is vital that we should have a good _(知识)of English.112. Xian is_(位于) in the northwest of China.113. A new _(语言)lab is being built near our teaching building.114. I didnt break the vase on_ (目的) so please forgive me.115. He ate too much, and later he had a

24、_(肚子疼).,knowledge,located / situated,language,purpose,stomachache,116. The poem is an _(表达) of his sorrow.117. The book _(出版)last week sells very well.118. The wealthy lady has much_ (珠宝) in her drawer. she doesnt know which piece to wear.119. I am engaged every day, _(特别)on Monday.120. They loaded

25、the_ (家具)onto the lorry.,expression,published,jewelery,especially,furniture,121. The Chinese attaches more and more importance to _ (教育).122. Nowadays when we read a newspaper. We can find not only news, but also (广告) 123. His father blamed him for knocking over the glass (粗心地).124. Their views didn

26、t have an effect on my final (决定).125. (总共)there are 20,000 books in this library.,education,advertisements / ads,decision,Altogether,carelessly,126. The smart boy has rich (想像 力)who always puts up with some good ideas. 127. The road was (堵住)by the big fallen tree,so all the cars had to take a round

27、 about route. 128. He took my (伞)by mistake, but he didnt realise it. 129. There are (千)of factories in this city, among which are some car factories. 130. The next morning, he found his car (被偷),which he had purchased three days before.,imagination,blocked,umbrella,thousands,stolen,131. The terribl

28、e accident caused twenty (死),which shocked everyone.132. (公民)have the rights to vote, nobody can take away the rights without good reasons.133. John didnt know the correct (发 音)of this word, so he asked me for help.134. To our (兴奋),our team won the game. We all burst into cheers at the news.135. Alt

29、hough he told me the story many years ago, it is still (难忘的)and impressive.,deaths,Citizens,pronunciation,excitement,unforgettable,136. The WTO is an (国际 的)organization, which plays a very important role in the world.137. The flood (摧毁)the village, and the villagers became homeless.138. He is now in

30、 a very difficult (境 遇),we ought to give him a hand. 139. English is a tool for us to (沟 通)with foreigners.140. Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest (总统)of America.,international,destroyed,situation,communicate,presidents,141. I will go and call on you sometime next (星期三).142. It is

31、(不必要)to cook a big meal. All of us are not hungry now.143. Children are always (好 奇)about everything around them.144. The shoes that my mother bought for me are of good (质量).145. We attach importance to quality rather than (数量).,Wednesday,unnecessary,curious,quality,quantity,151. France is a (欧洲的)co

32、untry, which is also a developed one.152. He is always (大方的)with money. He bought each of us a present at Christmas.153. They were _(包围)by the enemies, but they didnt give in.154. If you have got any questions, dont (犹豫)to ask me.155. Attention, please. I have got an _(通知)to make.,European,generous,

33、surrounded,hesitate,announcement,156. He couldnt tolerate the boys c _to the dog, so he went up to stop him.157. The movie was so touching that it left a deep i _on me.158. He said he felt uncomfortable and hot. so the doctor decided to take his t . 159. The new railway station is still under c _.It

34、 is expected to be fulfilled next year.160. The boss asked his _(秘书)to attend the meeting instead of him.,cruelty,impression,temperature,secretary,construction,161. Eventually we _(说服)his uncle to lay off smoking.162. The power station supplies the whole city with _(电).164. September is the n_month

35、of the year.165. Could you give me something to drink, I am very t _.,persuaded,electricity,ninth,thirsty,171. He is keen on sports and soccer is one of his f _.172. He made much p _in English by means of listening to the tape every day.173. The coach looked unhappy. It was clear that he was not s _

36、with the performance of the players.174. Our government has taken m _to stop the spread of SARS, which will be got under control soon.175. Jane was born on F _12,1980.,favourites,progress,satisfied,measures,February,181. His constant complaint made me , which nearly drove me mad.(生气)182. He was to b

37、 for driving the car carelessly.(负责)183. He is as g as a wolf, He is never content with what I give him.(贪婪的)184. The c of the chemical factory smoked heavily bringing about bad air pollution.(烟囱)185. The movie that I saw last night r me of my happy childhood.(使想起),annoyed,blame,greedy,chimneys,remi

38、nded,186. The bridge fell down, he fell into the river and d in it.(溺水)187. Whether we will go for a picnic d on the weather.(取决于)188. They walked a the wind, so he covered only 5 miles in two hours.(迎着)189. Going a means going to work or living in a foreign country.(外国)190. After the terrible war,

39、the whole city was in r ,so the citizens had to restore it.(废墟),drowned,depends,against,abroad,ruins,191. It is a s for a young man like you not to work hard.(羞耻)192. He told me that he p swimming to skating.(更喜欢)193. America belongs to d countries, while China doesnt.(发达)194. We will hold a c for t

40、his splendid victory.(庆祝)195. Train services are now back to n after three days strike in New York.(正常),shame,preferred,developed,celebration,normal,196. I like rising early, because I can b fresh air then.(呼吸)197. The boy was f of the dog. He dared not go out.(害怕)199. His best friend was killed in

41、a t accident.(交通)200. When coming a cross new words reading a newspaper, you neednt look up each word in a d . (字典),breathe,frightened,traffic,dictionary,201. There are two c in the play - a father and a son.202. There are many ancient treasures on show in this m .204. He likes plants and animals. H

42、is wish is to turn b when he grows up.205. C stamps is my hobby.,characters,museum,biologist,Collecting,206. The book is much too expensive. I cant a to buy it.(买得起)207. The air around the earth is called a . (大气层)208. It is u that the bear can ride a bike.(难以令人相信)209. The boy is always late for sch

43、ool so the teacher blames him f . (经常),afford,atmosphere,unbelievable,frequently,211. There wasnt enough e_(证据)to prove that he was guilty.212. Dont be tense. and there are _(各种各样的)ways to solve the problem.215. She was a_(焦虑)about her son. so she kept praying to god for his safe arrival.,evidence,v

44、arious,anxious,216. John devoted all his life to t_(翻译) the books into English.217. Many people s_(饿死)to death because of a shortage of food.218. The old woman has a son and a daughter. The former is a teacher, and the l_(后者)is a doctor.220. He is always e_It seems that he never feels tired.,transla

45、ting,starved,latter,energetic,221. She went into the lab without the teachers p_(允许), which made him very angry.222. The robbery o_(发生)late into the night.223. His e_(视力)is very poor, and therefore he has to wear glasses for reading.224. The p_(太平洋)ocean is by far the largest ocean.225. Xian is an a

46、_(古代)city with a long history.,permission,occurred,eyesight,Pacific,ancient,226. Tell me what youre a_(地址)is, because I have no idea where you live.227. Senior citizens get free m_(医疗)treatment in this country.228. It is said that the newly built apartments are well f_(家具配备).229. His silence s_(表明)t

47、hat he agreed with me.230. The e_(有经验的)doctor saved many lives from death.,address,medical,furnished,suggested,experienced,231. Im leaving for Japan tomorrow.Wish you a good j_(旅程).232. Air pollution does harm to the e_(环境).233. Luckily, the soldier was s_(轻微)wounded in the battle.234. It is bad m_(

48、礼貌)to stare at someone for a long time.235. F_(幸运的是),the doctor came to the accident in time and saved all the victims.,journey,environment,slightly,manners,Fortunately,236. The actor was so _(幽默)that we all laughed through the play.237. Im Chinese, so my mother t_(语言)is Chinese.238. The famous writ

49、er was _(采访)by the journalist from CCTV.239. The factory has brought in a lot of advanced e_(设备)to put out more better machines.240. I dont have anything to talk about with my father. It appears that there is a _(代购)gap between us.,humorous,tongue,interviewed,equipment,generation,241. As a result of

50、 his excellent work, his salary has been i (增加) to 3000 dollars per month.242. G _ (总的来说)speaking , the book is worthy to be read.243. The boy p_ (假装) to be sleeping when his mother returned.244. The dog is d_ .危险 Dont get close to it.245. He hated being laughed at in p_ . (公开),increased,Generally,p

51、retended,dangerous,public,246. At that time, I s_(共用) a room with Tom, We were roommates.247. The hen l _(产蛋)two eggs yesterday.248. You must pay special a_(注意) to your pronunciation.249. He put much i_ (信息)into the computer in his office.,laid,attention,information,shared,251. In my o_, (观点)Tom did

52、nt do very well in the exam.252. The flower a_(吸引)a number of bees to gather honey.253. The PRC was f_(成立)on October 1,1949.254. He asked the l_(图书管理员) how long he could keep the book.255. The knife is sharp, please put it b_(超出)the childrens reach.,opinion,attracts/attracted,founded,librarian,beyon

53、d,256. He c_(抱怨) to the manager about the poor service in this hotel.257. Three plus five is e_(等于) to eight. 258. Women have more o_ (机会) to be secretaries.259. The foreigner doesnt know much about Chinese students, so his teaching ways are not s_ (合适) for us sometimes .260. The flight doesnt fly s

54、_ (直接) to Paris. It goes via Hong Kong.,complained,equal,opportunities,suitable,straight,261. Frightened, the animals ran away in all d_ . (方向) 262. He is more than my teacher. I also r_ (认为) him as my best friend. 263. The film has got a happy ending. It is a c_.(喜剧) 264. The p_ (画像) of the Chinese

55、 poet, Li Bai hangs on the wall. 265. It is a c_ (风俗) to shake hands in China.,directions,regard,comedy,portrait,custom,266. I_(工业)and agriculture are of equal importance to our nation.267. Who will be r_ (负责) for the coal mine accident?268. The guitar is a musical i_.(器具)269. Fish can be d_ (消化) easily.270. What other language can you speak b_(除了) English?,Industry,responsible,instrument,digested,besides,271. Lucy is in low spirits, Lets (安慰)her right now.272. We usually conduct c


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