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1、Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.,Miss Dang,陕旅版五年级上册 Unit 3 My favorite food ishamburgers. 第三课时,党美娟,My mothers favorite food is dumplings. Its delicious. My father likes tea best. My daughter loves chocolate very much. Its so sweet. Noodles is my husbands favorite food. And I like rice best.,1、

2、What day is it?,2、What time is it now?,3、What are Kevins family doing?,4、Whats his mothers favorite drink?,Listen and answer,Its Monday.,Its four thirty.,They are having afternoon tea.,Her favorite drink is coffee.,5、What drink does Kevins father like best?,6、What is his grandpas favorite thing?,7、W

3、hat about his brother?,8、Whats Kevins favorite thing?,He likes tea best.,His favorite thing is reading.,His favorite food is chocolate.,His favorite food is cookies.,Its _on Sunday. My family are having our afternoon tea. Mom is drinking_. That is her favorite drink. Dad is _tea. He _it very much. M

4、y grandpa is _. He reads every day. My brother loves _. Thats his favorite. What do I like ? Oh, I like_best!,four thirty,coffee,drinking,loves,reading,chocolate,cookies,下午茶起源于英国,17世纪时,仅为英国上流社会高雅的饮食习惯。18世纪中期以后慢慢变成一种时尚并逐渐平民化,最终在全球都流行起来。多集中在下午3时到5时半之间,在国内也基本是这个时间。 经典的英式下午茶由点心和茶组成,一般放在一个三层的托盘里,下午茶发展到现在

5、,品种已非常丰富,不再是单纯的点心和茶,还包括很多小零食、坚果、花草茶等。 面对现代社会的高效率、快节奏,上班族的午餐常常吃得太少或过于匆忙。一顿营养均衡的下午茶不仅能赶走下午的瞌睡虫,还有助于恢复体力,还能帮助人们保持精力直到黄昏,进而使晚餐比较清淡,养成最完美的饮食习惯。此外,实验证明,下午茶还可以增强记忆力和应变力。有喝下午茶习惯的人在记忆力和应变力上,比其他人的平均分值高出1520。,afternoon tea,Homework: 1、Read the story of Kevins family. 2、Have a try to write a passage of your family. Eg: There are fiv


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