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1、Food and Health,学习目标 1、能了解保持健康的一些常识:如睡眠、运动、饮食、心 情等; 2、能表达一些疾病,并给这些疾病提建议; 3、能表达一日三餐吃什么、能简单描述菜的制作步骤、能 点菜; 4、写作策略: (1)突出步骤连词的运用; (2)用不同的句式表达建议。,1,Keep _ _. Keep in good _. Its believed that _ is very important. We should eat _. Having _ lifestyles can help _ stay _.,us our we health healthy healthily,u

2、s,healthy,health,health,healthily,healthy,us,healthy,Lets use “health” correctly!,2,How to keep healthy,We can keep healthy by ,eating healthily doing sports having enough sleep smiling to others doing something relaxing ,3,food,meat,vegetables,rice,noodles,Check if you have a balanced diet!,I like

3、_but I dont like_,Talk about likes and dislikes,fruit,drink,dessert,4,Talk about your diet,I have a pretty healthy eating habit . I like the food that is _. For breakfast I like_. I would like to have _for lunch . As for dinner, I love to eat_.,Lets go to a restaurant!,5,Order food,W: Can I _ you? C

4、: Yes, please. W: _ _ you _? C: Id like a bowl of noodles. W: _ _ _ _ would you like? C: Id like tomato noodles. W: _ _ would you like? C: I would like a large bowl. W: Please sit here and wait for a moment. C: Thanks a lot.,“W” stands for waiters or waitress. “C” stands for customers,help,What,woul

5、d,like,What,kind,of,noodles,What size,6,Practice :,Order: a large chicken hamburger a small glass of orange juice,Do you like eating in a restaurant or at home?,7,what,He may need ,teaspoon,yogurt,watermelon,cup,honey,milk,bananas,blender,Home cooking,How to make a banana shake,How manymuch do we ne

6、ed?,8,Please use many or much to fill in the blanks :,2、A: How _ bananas do we need ? B: We need four .,1 A: How _ honey do we need ? B: We need four teaspoons of honey.,3、A: How _watermelons do you need ? B: Two .,4、A: How _ yogurt do you need ? B: Two cups .,many,much,much,many,9,4 Check the_ :som

7、e lettuce, one cup of yogurt , a box of milk, two teaspoons of honey and some fruit.,1 Now you can _ the fruit _ the blender.,5 Dont forget to_ your shake into the cup and drink it.,2 You need to _ yogurt and milk _the blender. And turn on the blender.,3 You should_the fruit and _ them _.,ingredient

8、s,cut up,mix,pour,pour,put,1,4,5,2,3,Complete the recipe.(把食谱补充完整),into,into,Put them into right order.(把食谱按顺序排列好),up,_,_,_,_,_,10,_ , check the ingredients : some fruit, one cup of yogurt, a box of milk, two teaspoons of honey and some fruit.,_, put the fruit into the blender.,_, pour your shake in

9、to the cup and drink it.,_, pour yogurt and milk into the blender. And turn on the blender.,_, cut up the fruit and mix them up.,First,Next,Then,After that,Finally,Recipe for shake,They are the instructions of making a shake.,11,步骤连接词:,1、First, next, then, after that, finally 2、firstly, secondly, be

10、sides, whats more, last but not the least,12,discomfort (身体不适),illness,sore throat,cold,fever,headache,stomachache,hungry,Whats the matter with you?,cough,toothache,sore back,tired,stressed out,thirsty,weak,sleepy,nervous,worried,sneeze,upset,Health problems,Whats the trouble with you ? Whats wrong

11、with you ?,13,Ways to describe having illness(描述患病的方式):,1. I have a + 疾病,cold,cough,flu(流感),fever,2. I have a + 部位 -ache (持续的隐隐的疼痛 ),3.I have a sore - 部位(由于发炎而引起的肌肉疼痛),sore throat,sore back,sore eye,sore arm,sore neck,sore leg,toothache,headache,stomachache,sneeze,heartache,earache,foot ache,14,My b

12、iggest problem is that Im too _(忙碌的). Last night I _(熬夜)late to prepare for my lessons. This morning, I got up early because I was on duty(值周). I was in a hurry to school without _. I felt _(饥饿的) at school . I stayed in school all day long. Unluckily, I got a _(发烧) and a _(头痛). They made me _(累的), _

13、(渴的) and _(虚弱的). Even in the day time, I felt _(困倦的). What should I do? I was pretty _(紧张的).,My biggest problem,busy,stayed up,hungry,fever,headache,tired,thirsty,weak,sleepy,nervous,breakfast,15,Dear Cherry, I am sorry to hear that you are so busy and in bad health these days . I hope you feel bett

14、er soon. As your students, we care about you , And we hope you will follow our advice. First of all, Dont stay up too late. It will make you weak the next day. Then, you should have a good habit of having breakfast. Because it can make you energetic. And youd better have a big breakfast , it means y

15、ou need to choose some nutritious(营养的) food such as a large bowl of noodles, some bread, milk ,eggs. Whats more ,you need to lie down and have a good rest for a few days. You are supposed to take some medicine. Dont worry about us. We will study by ourselves until you came back to school . And dont

16、forget to keep(保持) in good mood. Why not regard the problem as a friend. It reminds you to look after yourself. I believe you can get better soon . Remember we will always be with you. Yours Class One,16,Advice,Shouldcouldneed to do DontDont forget to Remember to . Why notWhy dont you What How about

17、 doing If I were you , I would Youd better You are supposed to ,17,Trouble is a friend. After going through them, you will find you have grown.,Trouble and problems decorate(装点) our life.,18,目前中学生早餐问题已经引起社会关注,你所在学校的 学生会在5月20日“全国学生营养日”开展问卷调查,其结果令人 担忧。请你根据调查结果写一篇100词左右的短文,倡导营养早餐。 所写内容必须包括表格中所提供的信息,并发表

18、自己的看法。,写作范例,Read carefully and make sure what we have to write!,审,19,【写作微技能小贴士】 写作过程:写作过程三个步骤,可以归纳为六个字 “审”和“列”、“扩”和“连”、“查”和“抄”。审是为了把 握的作文方向,方向错了,即离题了,下面写得再美 也无济于事了!列是为了涵盖所有要点,防止遗漏。 扩和连是把提纲逐条逐项变成美句,把句子连成通畅、 富有逻辑的篇章。查是防止犯语法错误、拼写错误等, 尤其是时态、动词的形式和名词的单复数要特别注意! 抄是把握书写的规范。,20,俗话说“管住你的嘴,迈开你的腿”就能保健康。请你以 “How

19、 to Keep Healthy?”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文参 加英语报举办的健康类征文比赛。文中不得出现你的真实姓 名、校名等相关信息。 参考词汇:regularly, active, junk food, a balanced diet, as a result,Lets write!,Read carefully and make sure what we have to write!,审,21,列,Make an outline to make sure what you want to say!,Eat a balanced diet: Do more exercise :,22,扩,1、用丰富的语言来表达: Exercising is he


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