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1、苏州学校新初一入学分班考试英语试卷含答案试卷总分: 40分 考试时间: 30分钟一、根据首字母填空,每空一词。(5分)1. Australia and America are two interesting c .2. To keep h , you should eat a little sweet food.3. There is a lot of s in Harbin in winter.4. Liu Tao f his homework first every day.5. The film b at 8:30. Hurry up!二、根据中文提示完成句子。(5分)1.My fami

2、ly will (去海洋公园).2.I usually (看狮舞) at the Spring Festival.3.We usually on National Day(有一个长长的假期).4.Liu Tao (看报纸) in his bedroom now.5.Many children dont (关心他们的牙齿).三、单项选择。(5分)( )1. - Which places of the following is the UK?-_.A. Uluru B. Stonehenge C. The Grand Canyon( )2. He lost his bike. He felt _.

3、A. sad B. excited C. sadly( ) 3. He _ at school yesterday.A. wasntB. didnt C. isnt( )4. There _ a basketball game tomorrow afternoon.A is B. will haveC. will be( )5. How can he get to your school? He can _ Bus No.6.A. by B. takeC. takes( )6. Here is a present _ you, Nancy. Its _ your cousin.A. from;

4、 for B. for; fromC. for; for( )7. I want to help Jim _ the paper_ a kite.A. reuse; to make B. to reuse; make C. reuse; make( )8. _ Festival is usually in May or June, People eat _ on that day.A. Mid-Autumn; moon cakesB. Double Ninth; rice cakesC. Dragon Boat; rice dumplings( )9. The baby is sleeping

5、. Please keep_.A. quietB. quietlyC. quick( )10. In Hong Kong, people drive on the _ side of the road.A. right B. leftC. middle四、用所给词的恰当形式填空。(5分)1. Mike is a _ (China) boy.2. There are _ boys under _ tree. (twelve)3. Su Hai is good at _. She has a _ lesson at weekends. (dance)4. The nurse is showing

6、us how _ (brush) our teeth. 5. The Christmas tree looks _. All the children are dancing _ around it.(beautiful)6. _ (swim) is good for our _ (body).五、按要求完成下列句子。(5分)1. The lion let the mouse go. (改为一般疑问句)_ the lion _the mouse go?2. Look! The boy is making bottles with plastic. (写成同义句)Look! The boy is

7、 _ plastic _ _ bottles. 3. Li Lei studies hard at school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Li Lei study at school?4. We are going to have a picnic next week. (改为一般过去时)We _ a picnic last week.5. There were ten pens on the desk. (对划线部分提问)_ _ on the desk?六、根据上下文和首字母填空,完成短文。(5分The frog(青蛙) prince Long long ago, there w_ a

8、beautiful girl. She had a golden (金色的)ball. She l_ ball very much. She u_ played with it.One day the girl played with the ball by the lake. The b_ rolled into(滚进)the lake. The girl was very sad. She c_ loudly. Then a frog appeared and a_, “W_ are you crying here?” “My ball is in the lake,” said the

9、girl. “I can h_ you, but you need to kiss(亲吻) me.” “OK” said the girl. The frog j_ into the water. Soon he c_ out with the ball. The girl was very happy. She kissed the frog and the frog turned into a prince.七、阅读理解。选择正确的答案填入题前括号。 (5分)一Can we live without salt(盐)? No. Salt is very important to us. We

10、 need salt in our food. Animals need it too.Most of the salt in our country comes from the sea. People dig great pools and let the sea water in. When the sun dries up the water, people can get salt from the ground. The salt is white, clean and beautiful.There are a lot of salt wells (井) in Sichuan.

11、A salt well is much like a water well. People bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big pans over fire. In this way they get salt.We can also get salt from salt mines(矿井). Some years ago, people in Jiangxi found a big salt mine and soon opened it. People there need no salt from ot

12、her places now. In the north of our country, there are many salt lakes. Some of these lakes are big and can even meet the needs of our people for many years.( ) 1. Why is salt important to people?A. Because animals need it.B. Because we need it in our hospitalsC. Because we need it in our food.( ) 2

13、. The underline word dig means _.A. 倒入B. 挖掘C. 晒干( ) 3. Salt comes from _.A. salt wells and salt minesB. the food we eatC. pools and rivers( ) 4. Which place has a lot of salt wells?A. HunanB. JiangxiC. Sichuan( ) 5. Where are many salt lakes in our country?A. In the eastB. In the westC. In the north

14、二Peng Liyuan, First Lady (第一夫人) of China, made a speech(演讲) in English at the United Nations on September 26th, 2015. She talked about education (教育) and shared her Chinese dream with the world.Peng began her speech with a story of her father. Her father lived in a very small village (村庄) in China.

15、In those days, not many villagers could read, so her father opened a night school to teach them. With his help, many people learned to write their names and read newspapers for the first time. And many women could teach their children how to read. Pengs fathers love for education made her lucky to h

16、ave a good education. Later, she became a musician.Education is important, but still, some children in China cant go to school. She also talked about the importance of education for women and girls. As a mother herself, she understands how important education is to women as they are the first teache

17、rs of their children.Peng hopes that all children, especially(特别是) girls, can have a good education, and that is her Chinese dream.( ) 6. Peng Liyuan made a speech in _.A. JapaneseB. EnglishC. Chinese( ) 7. Pengs father _ to help villagers Learn to read and write.A. bought many newspapersB. opened a

18、 school where the villagers could learn at nightC. taught their names( ) 8. Peng thought she was lucky because _.A. she could have a good educationB. she became a musicianC. she had a good father who could help her all the time ( ) 9. The word “musician” in the passage (短文) means “_” in Chinese.A. 音

19、乐家B. 讲师C. 教授( ) 10. Whats Pengs Chinese dream according to the passage?A. The poor children can have a good education.B. All children, especially girls, can have a good educationC. She hopes to be a teacher like her father to help more children八、书面表达。(5分)如何成为一名好学生?即将升入初中的你有一些好的建议吧。请你以“Being a good s

20、tudent” 为题, 从习惯、遵守交规等方面谈一谈你的看法, 要求语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写规范, 不少于5句话。Being a good student_新初一入学分班考试英语试卷答案一、根据首字母填空,每空一词。(5分)1. Australia and America are two interesting c .【答案】countries【解析】are后面用名词复数形式。2. To keep h , you should eat a little sweet food.【答案】healthy【解析】keep healthy保持健康3. There is a lot of s in H

21、arbin in winter.【答案】snow【解析】冬天的哈尔滨下雪多。4. Liu Tao f his homework first every day.【答案】finishes【解析】完成家庭作业,刘涛是第三人称单数。5. The film b at 8:30. Hurry up!【答案】begins【解析】电影开始。二、根据中文提示完成句子。(5分)1. My family will (去海洋公园).【答案】go to Ocean Park2. I usually (看狮舞) at the Spring Festival.【答案】watch a lion dance/watch li

22、on dances3. We usually on National Day(有一个长长的假期).【答案】have a long holiday3. Liu Tao (看报纸) in his bedroom now.【答案】is reading newspapers4. Many children dont (关心他们的牙齿).【答案】care about their teeth三、单项选择。(5分)( )1. - Which places of the following is the UK?-_.A. Uluru B. Stonehenge C. The Grand Canyon【答案】B

23、【解析】英语的名胜古迹。A选项来自澳大利亚,C来自于美国。( )2. He lost his bike. He felt _.A. sad B. excited C. sadly【答案】A【解析】自行车丢了,感觉伤心。用形容词。( ) 3. He _ at school yesterday.A. wasntB. didnt C. isnt【答案】A【解析】yesterday判断用一般过去时,句子中没有动词,用be动词的一般过去时。( )4. There _ a basketball game tomorrow afternoon.A is B. will haveC. will be【答案】C

24、【解析】tomorrow用一般将来时,there be结构的一般将来时。( )5. How can he get to your school? He can _ Bus No.6.A. by B. takeC. takes【答案】B【解析】can后用动词原形。( )6. Here is a present _ you, Nancy. Its _ your cousin.A. from; for B. for; fromC. for; for【答案】B【解析】for给某人,from来自某人。( )7. I want to help Jim _ the paper_ a kite.A. reus

25、e; to make B. to reuse; make C. reuse; make【答案】A【解析】help sb do sth. ( )8. _ Festival is usually in May or June, People eat _ on that day.A. Mid-Autumn; moon cakesB. Double Ninth; rice cakesC. Dragon Boat; rice dumplings【答案】C【解析】五月或者六月是端午节。端午节吃粽子。( )9. The baby is sleeping. Please keep_.A. quietB. qu

26、ietlyC. quick【答案】A【解析】keep后用形容词。( )10. In Hong Kong, people drive on the _ side of the road.A. right B. leftC. middle【答案】B【解析】香港靠左行驶。四、用所给词的恰当形式填空。(5分)1. Mike is a _ (China) boy.【答案】Chinese【解析】修饰名词用形容词。2. There are _ boys under _ tree. (twelve)【答案】twelve the twelfth【解析】表示数量有基数词,表示顺序用序数词。3. Su Hai is

27、 good at _. She has a _ lesson at weekends. (dance)【答案】dancingdancing【解析】at后用动词ing形式,上舞蹈课用dancing。4. The nurse is showing us how _ (brush) our teeth. 【答案】to brush【解析】特殊疑问词后用动词不定式。5. The Christmas tree looks _. All the children are dancing _ around it.(beautiful)【答案】beautifulbeautifully【解析】look后用形容词,

28、副词修饰动词。6. _ (swim) is good for our _ (body).【答案】Swimmingbodies【解析】游泳,动名词做主语。我们的身体,用名词复数形式。五、按要求完成下列句子。(5分)1. The lion let the mouse go. (改为一般疑问句)_ the lion _the mouse go?【答案】Did let【解析】一般过去时的一般疑问句。2. Look! The boy is making bottles with plastic. (写成同义句)Look! The boy is _ plastic _ _ bottles.【答案】usin

29、g to make【解析】makewith用做同义词组:make to do3. Li Lei studies hard at school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Li Lei study at school?【答案】How does【解析】对hard程度提问用特殊疑问词how4. We are going to have a picnic next week. (改为一般过去时)We _ a picnic last week.【答案】had【解析】变为一般过去时用had5. There were ten pens on the desk. (对划线部分提问)_ _ on the des

30、k?【答案】What was【解析】there be句型的特殊疑问句。六、根据上下文和首字母填空,完成短文。(5分The frog(青蛙) princeLong long ago, there w_ a beautiful girl. She had a golden (金色的)ball. She l_ ball very much. She u_ played with it.【答案】was【解析】there was表示有,根据文章long long ago判断用一般过去时。【答案】liked【解析】非常喜欢,用一般过去时。【答案】usually【解析】她经常玩。One day the gi

31、rl played with the ball by the lake. The b_ rolled into(滚进)the lake. The girl was very sad. She c_ loudly. Then a frog appeared and a_, “W_ are you crying here?” “My ball is in the lake,” said the girl. “I can h_ you, but you need to kiss(亲吻) me.” “OK” said the girl. The frog j_ into the water. Soon

32、 he c_ out with the ball. The girl was very happy. She kissed the frog and the frog turned into a prince.【答案】ball【解析】根据上文得知球,球滚进河里。【答案】cried【解析】她很伤心,所以哭的很大声。【答案】asked【解析】青蛙出现并且问道。【答案】Why【解析】为什么在这里哭泣【答案】help【解析】我可以帮你。【答案】jumped【解析】跳进河里。【答案】came【解析】带着球从河里出来。七、阅读理解。选择正确的答案填入题前括号。 (5分)一Can we live witho

33、ut salt(盐)? No. Salt is very important to us. We need salt in our food. Animals need it too.Most of the salt in our country comes from the sea. People dig great pools and let the sea water in. When the sun dries up the water, people can get salt from the ground. The salt is white, clean and beautifu

34、l.There are a lot of salt wells (井) in Sichuan. A salt well is much like a water well. People bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big pans over fire. In this way they get salt.We can also get salt from salt mines(矿井). Some years ago, people in Jiangxi found a big salt mine and s

35、oon opened it. People there need no salt from other places now. In the north of our country, there are many salt lakes. Some of these lakes are big and can even meet the needs of our people for many years.( ) 1. Why is salt important to people?A. Because animals need it.B. Because we need it in our

36、hospitalsC. Because we need it in our food.【答案】C【解析】根据文章第一段可知。我们需要食物中的盐。( ) 2. The underline word dig means _.A. 倒入B. 挖掘C. 晒干【答案】B【解析】根据文章第二段第二句可以判断,dig是挖掘的意思。( ) 3. Salt comes from _.A. salt wells and salt minesB. the food we eatC. pools and rivers【答案】A【解析】根据文章第三段可以得知盐的来源。( ) 4. Which place has a l

37、ot of salt wells?A. HunanB. JiangxiC. Sichuan【答案】C【解析】根据文章第三段第一句可知,是四川。( ) 5. Where are many salt lakes in our country?A. In the eastB. In the westC. In the north【答案】C【解析】根据文章最后一段第一句可知,是在北方。二Peng Liyuan, First Lady (第一夫人) of China, made a speech(演讲) in English at the United Nations on September 26th

38、, 2015. She talked about education (教育) and shared her Chinese dream with the world.Peng began her speech with a story of her father. Her father lived in a very small village (村庄) in China. In those days, not many villagers could read, so her father opened a night school to teach them. With his help

39、, many people learned to write their names and read newspapers for the first time. And many women could teach their children how to read. Pengs fathers love for education made her lucky to have a good education. Later, she became a musician.Education is important, but still, some children in China cant go to school. She also talked about the importance of education for women and girls. As a mother herself, she understands how important education is to


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