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1、药 品 英 文 说 明 书,药品英文说明书的基本结构,药品名称(Drug name) 药品性状 (Description) 药品的适用症 (Indications) 剂量与用法 (Dosage and Administration) 注意事项 (Note) 副作用 (Side Effects),禁忌症 (Contraindications) 包装 (Packing) 失效期 (Expiry Date) 出厂日期 (Manufacturing Date) 其他 (Others),药品性状 Description,Composition(成分) ingredients(主要成分) formula(

2、分子式) molecular weight(分子量) property(性质) pharmacological potency(药效); pharmacological action(药理作用) Solubility (溶解度),剂量与用法,用法 Adminstration, direction (用法) Dosage:剂量 Usage and dosage /Administration and dosage:用法与剂量 常用表达 Daily, per day, a day, every day; Every 8 hours, 8 hours apart, eight-hourly, at

3、intervals of 8 hours; Once daily, twice daily, three times daily, every other day/every second day 50 mg per kilo of body weight daily,剂量与用法,Divided into three, eight-hourly doses 分为三份,每八小时一次 Divided into doses ,every hours 分为若干份,每时一次 Into two or three equally divided doses 2 g per day in 2 equally

4、divided doses 每日2克,分为二等份 100 units twice daily 每日2次,每次100 单位 100 to 200 units per kg body weight in 6 divided doses 每公斤体重用100200 单位,分6次给药,剂量与用法,给药途径 Orally(口服) Intraperitoneally (腹腔内给药) Parenterally(肠道外给药) Intramuscularly(肌肉注射) Intravenously(静脉注射) Subcutaneously (皮下注射),注意事项,Precaution Remark Note/no

5、tice warning,副作用, 禁忌症,副作用:After effects, by-effects, side reaction/effects 毒性:Toxicity 耐受性:Tolerance 禁忌症:contraindication,包 装 Package,剂型 Tablets (糖衣片,sugar-coated tablets), dragees(糖衣丸), capsules(胶囊); Injection(注射剂), drops(滴剂), suppository(栓剂) 包装 Bottles(瓶), tubes(管), vials(小瓶),其 他,Expiry date (Exp.

6、 Date) 失效期 Storage life Validity/Duration 有效期 Batch No./Batch Lot No. 批号,Antistineantihistamine for the treatment of allergic affections安替司丁治疗过敏性病症的抗组胺剂,Properties Antistine either attenuates(削弱) or suppresses the effects of histamine(组胺), which plays a major role in provoking allergic(过敏的) disorder

7、s. It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonise(使反抗) histamine that the indications for Antistine are based. Indications Urticaria; food allergies; hay fever; vasomotor rhinitis; itching due to skin diseases, including eczema; pruritus; and serum sickness.,性质安替司丁可减弱或抑制组胺作用,组胺在激发过敏性

8、病症中起主要作用。本品的适应症正是根据这种实验证明的抗组胺作用来确定的。 适应症荨麻疹、食物过敏、枯草热、血管舒缩性鼻炎;由于皮肤病症引起的搔痒包括湿疹、搔痒病和血清病。,Administration and dosage Tableis adults; 1tablet 3-4 time daily. Small children; tablet 2-3 time daily. The tablets should be taken during meals and swallowed whole with a little fluid. Ampoules 1 ampoule, given by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection, 2-3 times daily. For children the doses should be correspondi


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