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1、,6,Unit,A Tour of Chinese Festivals(2),1,Major Topics,2,Part One: Listening ActivitiesWater-Sprinkling Festival 泼水节Words and expressions,legend n.传说 monster n.怪物, 妖怪 fertile adj.肥沃的, 富饶的 barren adj.不孕的, 贫瘠的 vileness n.讨厌, 卑劣 strangle v.扼死,3,behead vt. 斩首, 砍头 fiercely adv.猛烈地, 厉害地 splash v. 溅, 泼, 溅湿

2、courageous adj. 勇敢的, 有胆量的 jubilant adj. 欢呼的, 喜悦的 Proper Nouns Water-Sprinkling Festival 泼水节,4,5,6,7,8,9,Water-Sprinkling Festival 泼水节,10,11,1. Listen to the tape, underline the mistakes in the passage and fill in the right ones in the blanks. (1)._Every March, all the Dai people in Yunnan Province s

3、ing and dance to celebrate their traditional great day- the Water-Sprinkling Festival, their New Years Day. (2)._The Water-Sprinkling Festival has a very interesting origin. The legend tells that once there came a monster who turned this piece of fertile land into a hellish cave. (3)._The monsters s

4、even daughters, however, hated their father for his cruelness and decided to release the Dai people from pain and hunger.,April,world,vileness,Water-Sprinkling Festival,12,(4)._When the monster fell sound sleep, the girls immediately strangled their monster father with a string picked from his head

5、and beheaded him. (5)._But the head of the monster rolled on and smashed fiercely everything that lay in its path. (6)._The girls tried to splash water on the flaming head. The fire was finally put out after ten long years. (7)._In memory of these seven beauties, the Dai people began to celebrate th

6、e Water-Sprinkling Festival on the New Years Day, which was, and is the most jubilant month in the year. (8)._Even today, whoever visits the place is sure to be carried away by all the celebrations, which are strongly a part of the Dai culture.,hair,burnt,seven,girls,amazed,13,2. Listen to the tape

7、again, and match the information in column A with that in column B (There are three extra items in column B),14,Part Two: Situational Dialogue情景对话 Double Ninth Festival重阳节,Words and expressions spray n. 小树枝,小花枝 dogwood n.山茱萸 chrysanthemum n.菊花 survive v.幸免于, 幸存 homonym n.同音异义字, 同名异物 filial adj.子女的,

8、孝顺的 digit n.阿拉伯数字 Proper Nouns Double Ninth Festival 重九节 Chongyang Festival 重阳节 Huan Jing 桓景,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,Double Ninth Festival It is September 9th of the Chinese calendar. The tourists are traveling on Mt. Huashan. They are talking about the customs of Old Men Festival. Wang: Today its n

9、inth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. It is known as the Double Ninth Festival, also called Chongyang Festival. In China, many people hike in the mountains today. Judy: Marvelous! We are all happy to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival with our Chinese friends! Its really a holi

10、day tour. Can you tell me why people climb mountains today?,23,Wang: Huan Jing rushed home and asked his family to do exactly as the Taoist said. The whole family climbed a mountain nearby and did not return until the evening. They survived the earthquake and had a narrow escape. Judy: I dont believ

11、e the Taoist could forecast the earthquake. Until today, nobody could exactly forecast earthquakes in the world. Wang: Me too. It is only a legendary story. But it happened that climbing a mountain, carrying a spray of dogwood and drinking chrysanthemum wine on the ninth day of the ninth month becam

12、e a traditional Chinese custom. Judy: But what about those people who live in flat regions far from any mountains? They cannot climb mountains.,24,Wang: To be frank with you, its hard to explain the reason, but there is a story about the custom. In ancient time, a young man named Huan Jing climbed t

13、he mountain with a Taoist on the ninth day of the ninth month. Judy: What did they do there? Did they go to the temple to worship the Taoist gods? Wang: No, the Taoist told him to put a spray of dogwood in a red bag, take his children to leave home and climb to the top of a mountain as soon as possi

14、ble. He was also advised to drink some chrysanthemum wine. Judy: Sounds strange, why?,25,Wang: Yes, we are. The Chinese are not only romantic, but also filial to our parents. Since nine is the highest odd digit, people take two of them together to signify longevity. The ninth day of the ninth month

15、has become a special day for people to pay their respects to the elderly people. Judy: I come to know why 9th September is also the Old Men Festival in China. Today is really a special day. Its worth climbing Mt. Huashan on such a significant occasion. Wang: Youre right. I bet you can enjoy the beau

16、tiful autumn scenery on Mt. Huangshan. Judy: Thank you.,26,1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. (1). Why do people carry a spray of dogwood with them and drink some chrysanthemum wine when they celebrate the Double Ninth Festival? (2). How do the people who live in the plain

17、 celebrate the Festival?,Climbing a mountain, carrying a spray of dogwood and drinking chrysanthemum wine are thtraditional activities on the ninth day of the ninth month.,People celebrate the Festival by going for a picnic and eating cakes.,27,(3). Why is the Double Ninth Festival also called Old M

18、en Festival? Since nine is the highest odd digit, people take two of them together to signify longevity. (4).Do you think festivals are important events for cultural tourism? Why? Yes, festivals are important events for cultural tourism because festivals present the customs and traditions of the peo

19、ple. The practice and customs of different festivals can become great attractions to both foreign and domestic tourists.,28,Part Three: Cultural China文化中国Chinas Valentines Day中国的情人节,Words and expressions cowherd n.牧牛者 magpie n.鹊 astronomical adj. 天文学的 phenomenon n.现象 needlework n.刺绣, 缝纫 skillful adj

20、.灵巧的, 熟练的,29,Proper Nouns Seventh Evening Festival 七夕节 Begging for Skills Festival 乞巧节 Daughters Festival 女儿节 Qingmiao 青苗,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,Chinas Valentines Day The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the Seventh Evening Festival, also known as the Double Seven Festival. It is also called

21、Chinas Valentines Day. According to a romantic Chinese fairy tale, the cowherd and the weaving girl meet on the evening of the Double Seven. The fairy tale has it that the Milky Way separates the hard-working cowherd and the weaving girl, who are very deeply in love with each other. It is only on th

22、e Seventh Evening Festival that they can meet.,37,On that evening, the worlds magpies form a bridge over the Milky Way so that the lovers can cross over and meet. This beautiful tale has its origins in the Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220). All Chinese people are told the story when they are children. T

23、he festival is also based on an annual astronomical phenomenon. Every year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, two particular stars are bright in the night sky and shine until the sun rises. One of the stars is thought to be the weaving girl and the other the cowherd.,38,People have a cus

24、tom of begging the weaving girl to teach them needlework and weaving skills on the Double Seven Festival. Girls hold weaving and needlework competitions on the day of the festival to see who has the quickest mind and the most skillful hands. As such, the Seventh Evening Festival is also called the B

25、egging for Skills Festival or the Daughters Festival. Another custom of the Seventh Evening Festival is praying to the Milky Way for a good harvest. Some places hold “Qingmiao” or “Young Crops” parties.,39,1. Read the travelogue carefully, and decide whether the statements are true or false. (1). _

26、Chinas Valentines Day is called the Double Seven Festival, which is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. (2). _ Based on the annual astronomical phenomenon, the moon in the sky is thought to be the weaving girl and the sun the cowherd.,T,F,40,(3). _ The worlds magpies would buil

27、d a bridge over the Milky Way so that the cowherd and the weaving girl could live together forever. (4). _ People hold “Qingmiao” or “Young Crops” parties in order to beg the weaving girl to teach them needlework and weaving skills. 2. Learn by heart the underlined phrases, and make sentences using

28、the underlined phrases or patterns.,F,F,41,Part Four: Introduction to Cultural Topics Spring Festival春节,Words and expressions couplet n.对句, 对联 ignore vt.不理睬, 忽视 reunion n.团圆, 重聚 ritual n.典礼, (宗教)仪式, 礼节 ancestor n.祖先, 祖宗,42,togetherness n. 团结精神;归属感 abundance n.丰富, 充裕, 丰富充裕 prosperity n.繁荣 toll vi. 征税

29、, 鸣钟 fireworks n.烟火, 激烈争论 Proper Nouns Willow Hall柳树厅,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,Spring Festival Ladies and Gentlemen! You are so lucky to have Spring Festival when you are traveling in China. Spring Festival is the Chinese New Years Day, the most important holiday for the Chinese, even for the oversea Ch

30、inese all over the world. I know youve spent your New Years Day in your countries, but our New Years Day is just beginning and will last until the 15th day of Chinese lunar calendar. Today, Ill invite all of you to have a banquet to celebrate the Chinese New Year on behalf of our travel agency.,50,D

31、ear friends, follow please! Ill take you to the Willow Hall of the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel. If you were careful enough, you may have seen the couplets and New Year pictures on the door frame. Take your seats, please! Now, you are all here, but well not start our diner until 10 oc

32、lock. Our banquet will last till 12 oclock tonight, for the Chinese New Year dinner often last into the midnight after the ringing in of a New Year. Please take some candies and peanuts first, but you should leave some room of your stomach for so many wonderful dishes later.,51,Now, it is 10 oclock.

33、 Our banquet begins. Would you please sit close around the table? Its the time of family reunion and thanksgiving. If you were in a Chinese family, you could observe an important ritual, to offer the sacrifice to their ancestors. This feast is also called “surrounding the stove” or “weilu”. It symbo

34、lizes family unity and honors the past and present generations. Ladies and gentlemen, our menu today includes a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken to represent prosperity, just to mention a few. Look at the whole chicken!,52,Maybe you are wondering how you could eat t

35、hem up. There goes a saying, “Eating Chinese food means eating Chinese culture.” So youd better learn some Chinese food culture first. At the banquet of the Chinese New Eve, the chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent

36、 long life. Let me help you with this dish. After the whole chicken is served on the table, you can cut it into different sizes as you like. Listen! The bell begins to toll. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve! People start to play the fireworks. Chinese New Yea

37、r is coming! Every Chinese over the world are all celebrating it. Happy New Year! Happy Spring Festival!,53,The tips for introduction of cultural topics Make a draft of your commentary before you take tourists around. Animate your introduction with facial expressions and body language. Speak colloqu

38、ial English and use simple and short sentences. Apply one or two methods of introduction you know. Invite your foreign teachers to take part in festive activities of the Chinese Spring Festival. Try to make your introduction more situational and attractive using the proper body language. Pay attenti

39、on to the fluency and coherence of your class presentation.,54,Part Five: Additional Know-how 补充知识Laundry Service in the Hotel酒店干洗服务,55,I. Dialogue for Travel 旅行对话 (1).Listen to the tape, and learn by heart the italicized phrases and expressions. Judy: Id like to have my skirt dry-cleaned. Staff: Pl

40、ease just leave it in the laundry bag and fill out the attached form. Judy: It is urgent. I need my skirt back before 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. Is there anyway you can do that? Staff: We have the emergency dry-cleaning service. Hotel guests can enjoy a 10% discount.,56,Judy: How much shall I pay? Sta

41、ff: Let me seeThe total comes to 8 dollars. We charge an extra $10 for urgent cases. Judy: No problem. Ill sign my bill. Staff: Ill send someone up to pick up the laundry right now. Judy: You have been very helpful. This is for you. Staff: Thank you very much. But we wont accept any tips according to


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