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1、观点对比类作文,“对某一问题人们常有两种不同的看法,请你汇报一下两种不同的看法。”这是英语作文常见的题目。这类作文可能会采用调查结果或讨论总结的形式,他可能会采用书面的形式汇报调查结果或讨论结果。这类作文叫观点对比类。,近期,你们学校禁止学生在学校期间吃零食。对此,你班的学生争论不休;有人认为应该禁止,有人则表示不该进行限制。请你就此事写一封信,向英语报社编辑反映讨论的情况,并说明自己的看法。,作文模板 _ had a discussion about whether _.Opinions are divided on this issue._ of the students think _

2、should _. Because _ .Whats more, _. On the other hand,_ of the students think _ shouldnt _ . Because _ . Besides,_. In short, _ have not arrived at any agreement yet. In my opinion,_.,模板说明: 开头句式:介绍讨论的主题 We had a discussion about whether 2. Im writing to tell you about our discussion about,过渡句: Opini

3、ons are divided on this issue/ question. 2. Opinions are mainly divided into two groups. 3. Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter. 4. Different people, however, think quite differently on this matter.,介绍正方观点: Some people think/ believe that 2. They are for the opinion tha

4、t 3. Sixty percent of the students are for the idea that. 4. Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to 5. The reason is that 6. The reason are as follows. 7. Whats more, we canas well as 8. Besides, its, which,介绍反方观点: However, of the students think 2. On the other hand, of the students thi

5、nk 3. However, others have different opinions that. 4. But of the students think 5. Others argue that,总结句: In short, no agreement has been reached yet. 2. So far, no agreement has been reached. 3. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that 4. In my opinion/ Its my opinion that/ My opinion is that 5. In a word/ In conclusion,最近,你所在的社区计划新开一家麦当劳餐厅。你校同学对要不要开设餐厅进行了一场讨论。请你根据下列信息,给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论情况。,Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve


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