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1、FOREIGH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY,Less is more,6,UNIT,Section A,2,Objectives,Less is more?,Door closer, are you?,Door closer, are you?,Door closer, are you?,1. As far as choices in our daily life are concerned, have you ever been troubled with such dilemma

2、: to keep all or to give up some?,Just as all people have to make decisions in their everyday lives, college students are always faced with the dilemma of making right choices. Faced with an abundance of options to choose from, they cant bear the pain to lose any opportunity and have a strong desire

3、 to keep all the options open. They try to avoid such an emotional loss, and would rather pay the high cost to keep all the doors of opportunity open.,2. What is the proper way to deal with this dilemma? Is more always better than less?,Evidences show that people feel less happy and more depressed w

4、hen given an overabundance of choice. The tendency to keep all our doors of choices open might have damaged our life, and we can get greater pleasure and more satisfaction by focusing our energy and attention on fewer options and things. More is not necessarily better in life. We should close some d

5、oors in order to allow for the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open.,Task1. Listen to a talk about why people are often irrational. Based on what you hear, match the questions with the answers by placing a letter next to the number.,1 ( ) According to the speaker, how can people behave

6、 in a rational way? 2 ( ) What are the consequences of peoples irrational behavior? 3 ( ) What has MIT Professor Ariely discovered? 4 ( ) What is the example in the talk regarding irrational behavior? 5 ( ) What does the speaker say about this irrational behavior?,Task1. Listen to a talk about why p

7、eople are often irrational. Based on what you hear, match the questions with the answers by placing a letter next to the number.,A People tend to behave irrationally in a predictable fashion. B People should act according to logic and reason required in a situation. C It causes problems to themselve

8、s as well as to others. D He doesnt think this irrational behavior is always intentional. E If a person knows someone suffers from a disease, he will feel he suffers from the same disease.,Task1. Listen to a talk about why people are often irrational. Based on what you hear, match the questions with

9、 the answers by placing a letter next to the number.,1 ( ) According to the speaker, how can people behave in a rational way? 2 ( ) What are the consequences of peoples irrational behavior? 3 ( ) What has MIT Professor Ariely discovered? 4 ( ) What is the example in the talk regarding irrational beh

10、avior? 5 ( ) What does the speaker say about this irrational behavior?,B,C,A,E,D,1. In your opinion, what is an irrational behavior? Give some examples.,It is an action or opinion based on inadequate use of reason and logic: Once a price is established in their minds, they will compare other similar

11、 items with this price Buy products they dont need just because they get something for free in the transaction. Do something just because some other people are doing the same thing.,Task 2:Listen to the talk again and answer the two questions,2. What do you think may cause peoples irrational behavio

12、r?,Ignorance People can be totally unaware of a situation before forming their own views and judgments. Emotions People take offense or get angry before the situation actually occurs. Stress It creates feeling of anger, irritation and frustration. Blind beliefs They are too conscious about society a

13、nd its reactions to them.,Task 2: Listen to the talk again and answer the two questions,Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both _ your attention. you can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or be given up. But you know the future is _the changed situation may not allow

14、 you to do what is left behind. Thus you are caught in a fix and feel sad. How come that nice opportunities and _ should gather around all at once.,Listen to a short passage named “Another door” and fill in the missing information.,deserving,unpredictable,To be continued,brilliant ideas,It may happe

15、n that your life changes _ on your preference of one alternative to the other. In fact that is what life is like: we are often faced with the two opposite aspects of a thing which are both_ like newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only after we are _ another.,

16、dramatically,desirable,To be continued,engaged in,Listen to a short passage named “Another door” and fill in the missing information.,The former and the latter give rise to a divided mind. I still remember a philosophers _ When one door shuts, another opens in life.So a _or passive choice may not be

17、 a bad one. Whatever we do in our lifetime, wherever life storm _ us, there must be something we can achieve,remarks,casual,To be continued,tosses,Listen to a short passage named “Another door” and fill in the missing information.,some shore we can land, which opens up newvistas to us. Dont forget G

18、od always keeps an _ open for every one. While the front door is closed, there must be another open for you.,alternative door,Listen to a short passage named “Another door” and fill in the missing information.,Dan Ariely, American economist and psychologist, wrote a book in 2008 entitled Predictably

19、 Irrational(可预见的非理性): The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. In the book he challenges readers assumptions about making decisions based on rational thought. He explains, “My goal, is to help you fundamentally rethink what makes you and the people around you tick.”,1.What do you know about Dan A

20、riely?,Xiang Yu was a prominent military leader and political figure during the late Qin Dynasty. In about 207 BC, Xiang Yu led the Chu rebel forces to victory at the Battle of Julu (巨鹿之战 ) against the Qin armies. The battle marked the decline of Qins military power. They finally beat the Qin army.

21、The Battle of Julu was of crucial importance in overthrowing the Qin dynasty, and it has been known as the battle of “Smashing the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats” (破釜沉舟).,2. How much do you know about Xiang Yu and the Battle of Julu?,Door closer, are you?,rival options,Why did General Xiang Yu orde

22、r his troops to crush their cooking pots and burn their sailing ships when crossing the Zhang River?(Para.3),Tips,to impose on his troops a necessary sacrifice to achieve victory over their opponents.,to inspire the soldiers be more determined and concentrated on the battles.,Part I introduces a sto

23、ry of closing doors to open _ about Xiang Yu. Facing choices of rival options, he made an unusual decision - ordering his troops to crush cooking pots and burn their sailing ships. By doing this, he closed the door for retreating from the enemys territory but opened the window for _.,Part I (Paras.

24、1- _),3,windows of opportunity,winning the battle,According to Dr. Arielys book, Predictably Irrational, what might be a weakness of human beings? (Para.4),His experiment shows that people just couldnt bear to see their options vanish though they knew it would benefit them to let go.,Part I serves a

25、s a transition from the ancient story of Xiang Yu to the _ of the students at MIT. Through conducting an experiment on humans_ , Dr. Ariely found that people just couldnt bear to see their options vanish though they knew it would benefit them to let go.,Part II (Para. 4),modern story,irrational beha

26、vior,Whats the significance of doing the experiments? (Para.5),Whats the winning strategy when playing the computer game? (Para.6),How did students loss money because of their irrational efforts to keep the vanishing doors open? (Para.7),Why are the corresponding costs often less obvious in life tha

27、n in the experiments?(Paras.8-9),Part III mainly focuses on the experiment conducted by Dr. Ariely. He first explains the _ of the experiment, and the process of the students _. Then he points out the real cause of the students_. Finally he emphasizes that in life the doors are actually closing slow

28、ly and we dont see the future _.,Part III (Paras. 5- _),9,purpose and significance,losing money,irrational behavior,vanishing away,In the text, what does Dr. Ariely suggest in order to balance our life? (Paras.10-12),Part IV (Paras. 10-12),Part IV suggests how we can balance our lives by reducing _.

29、 such as prohibition of overbooking , trying to lessen the load, remembering the lessons of _ like Xiang Yu, and keeping those activities _.,unnecessary options,door closers,enriching our lives,What is the message the author wants to send out from this text? (Paras.13-14),Part V (Paras. 13-14),Part

30、III concludes the essay, and meanwhile it raises the question if _ . We should close certain doors in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open.,more is better than less,The story of closing doors to open windows of opportunity about Xiang Yu serves as a good example illu

31、strating the point that when we close doors, we open windows of opportunity. The experiment conducted by Dr. Ariely also proves that in life, we should close certain doors in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open.,Main Idea of the Text,When facing choices of rival opt

32、ions, think about what Xiang Yu would do. (Para. 1),Xiang Yu ordered his troops cooking pots crushed and their sailing ships burned after taking his troops across a river to raid the enemy. (Para. 2),Xiang Yu explained that his decision was a necessity to attain the victory. But his unusual decision

33、 would be validated on his battlefield and in modern social science research. (Para. 3),Introduction to Xiang Yus story of closing doors to open windows of opportunity,This example from ancient times leads to the experiment at MIT where Dr. Ariely teaches behavioral economics. The experiment showed

34、that students couldnt bear to see their options vanish, even though it was clear they would profit from doing so. (Para. 4),Transitional paragraph,Introduction to Xiang Yus story of closing doors to open windows of opportunity,Introduction to Xiang Yus story,Transitional paragraph,Body: the experime

35、nt by Dr. Ariely,Body: the experiment by Dr. Ariely,Its an experiment about computer game which eliminated the excuses for letting go. (Para. 5),The rule of the game was the more money they earned, the better player they were. (Para. 6),how they lost money because of the irrational efforts to keep t

36、he vanishing doors open. (Para. 7),Dr. Ariely points out the real cause of the students irrational behavior. (Paras. 8-9),Introduction to Xiang Yus story,Transition,Dr. Arielys suggestions,Body: the experiment by Dr. Ariely,Implement more prohibitions on overbooking and reduce options on our own. (P

37、ara. 10) Reduce the load and remember the lessons of door closers like Xiang Yu. (Para. 11) Only keep the choices that actually enrich our lives. (Para. 12),Introduction to Xiang Yus story,Transition,Dr. Arielys suggestions,Body: the experiment byDr. Ariely,conclusion,We should close certain doors i

38、n order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open. (Paras. 13-14),Door closer, are you? When faced with _ options, XiangYu proved to a wonderful decision-maker. He took his troops making a _ into enemy territory. To his troops_, he ordered their cooking pots crushed and their s

39、ailing ships burned, which gave his troops only one _: to win the battle. The battle turned out to be a great success on his side.,To be continued,rival,raid,astonishment,option,This story indicates that while closing the door for doing something, people may open the _ for achieving something more s

40、ignificant. Through conducting an experiment on humans _ behavior, Dr. Ariely, found that many students in his experiment just couldnt bear to see their options _ though they knew it would benefit them to _. He then emphasizes that in life the doors are actually closing slowly and we dont see the fu

41、ture vanishing away.,To be continued,window,irrational,vanish,let go,To solve this problem, people can balance their lives by reducing _options on their own and keeping those activities that will actually enrich their lives. To conclude, we should close certain doors in order to allow the right wind

42、ows of _ to open.,opportunity and happiness,unnecessary,将强加于,(generation gap / make things worse),To bridge the generation gap, parents should never impose their personal views on their children, which may make things even worse.,impose sth. on sb.,短语逆译,短语应用,为了消除代沟,父母不应该将自己的观点强加给孩子,这样会使事情更糟。,意群提示,被特

43、写;在中专题介绍,(heroic deed / enlighten people),His heroic deed was featured in the first page of yesterdays newspaper, which enlightened many people.,be featured in,短语逆译,短语应用,他的英雄事迹在昨天的报纸头版专题介绍,让很多人受到了启发。,意群提示,喜欢(依恋) 某物或某人,(from between her lips),The bird got so attached to her that it would take food fr

44、om between her lips.,be attached to sth. / sb.,短语逆译,短语应用,鸟是如此依恋她,以致于它会从她的双唇间获取实物。,意群提示,围绕;以为主题,(take it for granted that),Some people are very selfish and take it for granted that the whole world revolves around them.,revolve around,短语逆译,短语应用,一些人很自私,想当然地认为整个世界都以他们为中心。,意群提示,花很大代价,(pay an even bigger

45、price ),Xiang Yu paid a big price when he burned his ships, but he could have paid an even bigger price if all of his men had died in the battle.,pay a big price,短语逆译,短语应用,当项羽烧毁他的船只时,他付出了巨大的代价;但如果他的士兵都死在战斗中,他可能会付出更大的代价。,意群提示,派上用场,(turn a deaf ear to / start your own business),Dont turn a deaf ear to

46、 his advice, for what he said may come in handy someday when you start your own business.,come in handy,短语逆译,短语应用,对他的建议,不要置若罔闻,将来某一天当你自己经营时,也许会派上用场。,意群提示,用某事来衡量,(lose your self-confidence/wisdom),Never lose your self-confidence. The real power a person is not measured in his size but in his wisdom.,

47、短语逆译,短语应用,永远不要丧失信心。一个人真正的强大不是用他的身体而是他的智慧来衡量。,意群提示,be measured in sth.,下次你要在两个难于取舍的、主要的和次要的选择之间做决定时,不妨问自己这样一个问题:项羽会怎么做?,原句译文,逆译练习,The next time youre deciding between rival options, one which is primary and the other which is secondary, ask yourself this question: What would Xiang Yu do? (Line 1, Par

48、a.1),句型提炼,The next time sb. is doing sth, ask oneself the question: ,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“某种情景下某人应该反思”。,句型应用,(complain about / in return),典型例句,下次你要在抱怨他人,认为他们对你不友好时,不妨问自己这样一个问题:你平常对他们如何?,群提示,The next time you are complaining about others, who seem to be unfriendly to you, ask yourself the question: How do

49、you often treat them in return?,对墨守陈规的人来说,项羽将军是一个罕见的异于常人的人,他是一位资深的首领,由于他征战无数并达到了成功的顶峰,他深受尊敬。,原句译文,逆译练习,General Xiang Yu was a rare exception to the norm, a veteran leader who was highly respected for his so many conquests and who achieved the summit of success.(Line 5, Para.3),句型提炼,Sb. or sth. is a

50、rare exception to sb. else, who / that,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达 “某人或某物与众不同”。,句型应用,(innovative leader / think critically ),典型例句,对很多普通人来说,乔布斯是一个罕见的异于常人的人,他是一位创新型的领导。他不仅能够批判性思维,而且努力探索新领域。,意群提示,Jobs was a rare exception to many ordinary people, an innovative leader who was thinking critically and who endeavored t

51、o explore new areas.,他们可能会争辩说,他们抓住这些门是为将来多留一些机会。但是,据阿雷利博士说,这不是真正的原因。,原句译文,逆译练习,They would probably protest that they were clinging to the doors to keep future options open, but, according to Dr. Ariely, that isnt the true factor. (Line 6, Para.7),句型提炼,Sb. would probably protest that, but according t

52、o sb. else, that isnt the true factor.,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“对某种观点或分析的否定”。,句型应用,(corporal punishment / for the sake of),典型例句,他们可能会争辩说,学校体罚孩子是为他们将来的成长。但是,据调查组说,这不是真正的原因。,意群提示,They would probably protest that they practiced corporal punishment at schools for the sake of the childrens future growth, but, acco

53、rding to investigation group, that isnt the true factor.,Both consequences are surprising. Both have to do with strategies. Both focus on humans mentality.,1.In what way is General Xiang Yus order similar to Dr. Arielys experiments?,Afraid of losing potential opportunities. Too greedy and too ambiti

54、ous. Overconfident about their real capacity. More choices, better chances.,2. In reality, why are people reluctant to see their options vanish?,More options, less focused concentration. More choices, worse quality. Everything has two sides. Too much greed ends up with nothing.,3. How do you underst

55、and the English saying “Less is more”?,Tips,Q2: What message do you get from this listening ?,Tips,You should keep a clear mind and learn to be thankful for and appreciative of what you have and where you are on your path right now. By learning the lessons of gratitude and abundance, you can bring y

56、ourself closer to the enjoyment of your life right now.,Q1: What should you do when you have arrived “there” but still feel dissatisfied ?,We should have the consciousness of appreciating for all that we have right now, so that we may live more joyously in our present moment.,Q2: What message do you

57、 get from this listening?,True abundance comes not from amassing, but rather from appreciating.,A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in the world.,Tell the story “Smashing the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats” (破釜沉舟) to your classmates and discuss its message.,In the late years o

58、f the Qin Dynasty (秦朝, 221 - 206BC), Xiang Yu (项羽) launched a rebellion.After crossing the Zhang River (漳河), Xiang Yu ordered his soldiers to sink all the boats and break their cooking pots, leaving only a three-day supply of food for each soldier. He warned them that there was no way to retreat; the only thing they could do to survive was to advance and fight. Xiang Yus boat burning strategy gave his men no choice but to go forward to fight with skill and passion. After nine furious war, the Qin army was finally defeated.,Tell the story “Smashing the Cauldrons


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