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1、The Third Period,Section B(1a-1e),Unit 3 How do you get to school?,Aims and language points:,Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 学习stop 和station。 2. 学会表达同时使用多种交通工具去某个地方。 3. 能熟练使用how, how far 和how long 进行操练。 4. 理解听力材料。 Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:1)名词n. stop 2)短语. think of 2. 句型:I ride my bike to the subway stat

2、ion. Then I take the subway. Mary wants to know how far he lives from his grandparents home.,20 minutes/ 3 kilometers,50 minutes/ 14 kilometers,How do ?,How long ?,How far ?,20 minutes/ 7 kilometers,35 minutes/ 8 kilometers,40 minutes/ 10 kilometers,How does ?,How long ?,How far ?,What are they?,bus

3、 stop,bus station,1. _ bus stop 3. _ bus station 2. _ train station 4. _ subway station,c,a,d,b,How do you go to school?,ride a bike,subway station,school,How do you go to school?,How do you go to school?,Mary wants to know _where Bob lives. _how far he lives from his grandparents home. _how he gets

4、 to his grandparents home. _how long it takes to get to his grandparents home. _what he thinks of the trip.,He usually takes the train. And then he takes a bus from the train station to their home.,How does Bob get to his grandparents home? Check ( ) 1 or 2.,Mary: I love your home, Bob. Its so big!

5、Bob: Thanks, Mary. My grandparents home is very big, too. Mary: Where do they live? Bob: Very far from my home. Mary: Oh, how far? Bob: Its about 500 kilometers from here. Mary: Wow! Thats far. Bob: Yes, it is. So I go there and see my grandparents only one or two times a year. Mary: How do you get

6、there? Bob: I usually take the train. Mary: How long does it take? Bob: It takes about six hours. And then I take a bus from the train station to their home. Mary: Wow. Thats a long trip.,Role-play,Mary: I love your home, Bob. Its so big! Bob: _, Mary. My grandparents home is very big, _. Mary: Where do they live? Bob: Very far _ my home. Mary: Oh, how _? Bob: Its _500 kilometers from here. Mary: Wow! Thats far. Bob: Yes, it is. So I go there and see my grandparents only _. Mary: _? Bob: I usually _. Mary: _? Bob: It takes about six hours. And _ I take a bus from _ _ to thei


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