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1、welcome,Task-based Reading,Learning Objectives,Types of ten words 2. Skills of doing Task-based reading 3. Checking exercises 4. Practice,Types of ten words,1 original words,2 changed words,3 conclusive words,信息查找题(使用原词),信息转换题(变形转换),信息归纳题(总结概括),part of speech(词性),expression,Original word,practice,Wh

2、en difficult people express themselves orally, they generally want at least two things: theyve been heard and theyve been understood. (10安徽),understood,Changed word(part of speech),Many people need guidance in choosing a career (职业). Fortunately, there is much information on the Web about job opport

3、unities. With all the information available, its not surprising that people can feel confused. (09安徽),There is a lot of job information on-line, but too much of it may sometimes be _.,confusing,practice,practice,All successful people have failed many, many times. But they know that there are still a

4、 lot of great new people and opportunities out there. So they try again. And sooner or later they have success once again. (2011苏北四市二模),successful,Changed word(part of speech),In conclusion, modern people appear to be more self-centered than those in the past due to strong outside pressure. However,

5、 we should encourage people to know the importance of being caring and generous and build a mutually beneficial relationship with others.,Fierce competition and great pressure on modern people may _ to the changes.,lead,Changed word(expression),practice,contribute,The problem is that parents are onl

6、y educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever.,Parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well (75)_ o

7、f teaching them how to be confident, happy and clever.,instead,practice,Changed word(expression),practice,A failure may hurt for a while but then you can learn one or many lessons from it. And then you try again. And again. And failure becomes less and less frightening. (2011苏北四市二模),beneficial,helpf

8、ul,useful,Changed word(expression),1.Read the information in the diagram(图表),2.Find the related key information in the passage with the help of that in the diagram and underline it.,3. Choose the proper form of a word,n, adj, adv,v.,Sharing,skills on getting correct words,introduction,theme subject

9、topic,Reason(for) cause(of),result consequence,aim purpose goal intention,feeling emotion,measure(to do),way(to do), method(of/for),approach(to doing),solution(to doing),常见概括性词(I),常见概括性词(II),opinion view attitude (to/toward),difference similarity,advantage disadvantage weakness,type sort kind,sugges

10、tion tip advice(un),feature characteristic,conclusion,strength,practice,Have you ever wondered why there are so many skin colors in the world? Do you know why people living in particular areas usually have a certain color? Biology and history are the two reasons for this.,introduction,Conclusive wor

11、d,Title: Different skin colour,Conclusive word,Because six out of every 10 accidental deaths happen to Chinese children who are playing, Shanghai Johnson for example, your schedule should give you enough time to study for and pass a test, as well as time to relax. Finally, when you accomplish a goal

12、, do something good for yourself as a reward.,reward,使用原词:,Fourth, manage your time wisely. Create a schedule that allows adequate time for accomplishing a goal; for example, your schedule should give you enough time to study for and pass a test, as well as time to relax.,wise,词性转换:,We all put off d

13、oing things at times. Statistics show that 90% of university students will often put off studying for a test or writing an important paper the night before, 25% of university students put off almost everything all the time.,sometimes,occasionally,delay,postpone,表达转换:,Before long, they feel completel

14、y helpless. For the chronic(长期的)procrastinator, often the only way to solve this problem is to quit school.,choice,option,alternative,表达转换:,The third reason why many students put off doing things is that they often worry that their work will never be as good as it should be and fear failure of any k

15、ind, which, unfortunately , can often cause these students to put off doing any work at all.,perfectly,best,表达转换:,If you believe that you are a chronic procrastinator, you should try to get help before it is too late. Talk to a professional, and discuss the problem.,consult,表达转换:,This more serious f

16、orm of procrastination can result in a student dropping out of school. Students who put off doing their assignments once in a while get further and further behind in their studies. Before long, they feel completely helpless. For the chronic(长期的)procrastinator, often the only way to solve this proble

17、m is to quit school.,Results,Consequences,problems,总结概括:,First, list the things in life that are important to you, . Second, chose realistic goals for yourself; dont try to do more than you can. Third, once you have identified our goals, list them and ask yourself “Which should I do first?” . Fourth

18、, manage your time wisely. Finally, when you accomplish a goal, do something good for yourself as a reward.,Approaches,总结概括:,Lets have a try!,unwilling,motivation,How/Ways,despite,trust,forced/made,produce,help/make,Instead,focusing/concentrating,Some days you wake up and right when you are going to

19、 begin your work, you feel a presence within you that stops you from doing so. You dont want to work today and you dont feel motivated to do anything but just escape. Without this motivation, you feel a little hopeless, lost, and stuck. But sometimes even if there is no motivation, you can still fee

20、l inspired. Connect the Dots Steve Jobs has never finished college. After studying in college for 6 months, he couldnt see the value in it and dropped out. Not knowing where to go in life, he decided to take a class in calligraphy (书法). Ten years later, he designed something that has affected the di

21、fferent types of typography (排版) that we use today. If he hadnt dropped out in college, he would never have taken that calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography. Sometimes when youre trying to reach a goal, its impossible to connect the dots where you currentl

22、y are. Somehow you just have to trust yourself, and have faith that you will reach your dreams, despite not having the slightest clue or perfectly laid-out road to where you are going. Nobody can connect the dots looking forward; you only can connect them when youre looking backwards. You have to tr

23、ust that the dots will somehow connect in the future; you have to trust in something, whether its destiny (天数,命运) or not, but trusting yourself is the first step towards feeling inspired and having the motivation to move forward. (南通市2010届高三第三次模拟考试),1,2,5,4,Perfect Your Environment Look around your

24、room right now or your workspace. Does it inspire you? Does it give you motivation? Is it noisy or quiet? Sometimes the hardest thing we do to ourselves is try to force ourselves to work in an area that is subconsciously telling us, “I cant work here.” And when you are constantly trying to disciplin

25、e yourself, you will feel worse and be less productive. Instead try to build your ideal workplace and ideal time. Perhaps add a piece of artwork or a quote of your favorite person nearby you on the wall. Maybe add a beautiful plant in the corner to give you inspiration. If you feel more energy and e

26、nthusiasm during the night, schedule your day to work at midnight if you can. If you can realize the power of having a productive environment, you will naturally feel inspired and motivated to get work done. Dont Work So Hard If youre trying to force your way into taking action, it could be a sign that you are working too hard. Most people wont wake up and waste an hour imagining, thinking further, or confirming, and the first thing they think about is asking “what do I need to do today?” And when they get the answer, they


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