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1、,名师面对面小考满分策略 人教版数学,快渔教育,小考英语专题复习,第24课时There be 句型,复习目标 1掌握There be句型各种形式的构成 2掌握There be句型的时态 3学会运用There be句型描述周围的环境 知识梳理 一、There be句型的构成,二、There be句型的时态 There be句型除用于一般现在时态外,还可用于一般过去时和一般将来时。如:There was a running race yesterday.昨天有一场赛跑。There will be/There is going to be heavy rain tomorrow.明天有大雨。 【注意

2、】 There be结构中谓语动词be在人称和数上应与其后的主语保持一致,同时还要考虑句子的时态。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is或was,是可数名词复数时用are或were。is与are用于一般现在时中,was与were用于一般过去时中。若句子中出现了几个并列的主语,be的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”。There be结构不能与have(has)存在同一个句子中。There be指“在某地有某人或某物”,强调存在关系,而have(has)表示“某物归某人所有”,强调所属关系。,【解析】在There be结构中,若be动词后面跟的是两个或两个以上的并

3、列名词,be动词的形式遵循“就近原则”。 【答案】A,【解析】在There be结构中,肯定句用some,否定句和一般疑问句用any。juice为不可数名词,不能用数词或不定冠词修饰。 【答案】A,【解析】由本句中many trees可知be动词要用复数,且句中有过去时间last year,所以动词要用过去式。 【答案】B,【解析】本题考查学生对There be的特殊疑问句的掌握。 第1题:对人提问,用“who”引导:Who is in the park? 第2题:对“数量”提问,用How many加“book”的复数“books”再接地点状语。,Who is,How many books a

4、re,考点闯关24,一、用have, has, there is, there are填空。 1I _ three hobbies. 2_ some bread in the fridge. 3_ some nice pictures on the wall. 4I _ a good family. 5_ a TV on the table. 6She _ some dresses. 7They _ a nice garden in front of their house.,have,There is,There are,have,There is,has,have,二、单项选择。 ()8.

5、How many months _ in a year? Aare thereBis thereChave ()9.There _ any money in the bag. Aisnt Barent Chave not ()10.There _ one girl and three boys in the classroom. Ais Bare Chas ()11.Is there any bread on the table? No. Theres _ bread on the table. Anot Bno Cisnt,A,A,A,B,()12.Are there _ eggs in t

6、he fridge? Yes, there are _ Asome; any Bany; some Csome; some ()13._ there any photos on the wall? Yes, there _ AIs; is BAre; are CAre; is ()14.Is there a mouse under the bed? _ AYes, there is. BNo, it isnt. CNo, there is. ()15.There are _ comic books in the school library. Aany Bsome Ca ()16._ ther

7、e a schoolbag on the chair? AAre BHas CIs,B,B,A,B,C,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 17我家前面有棵树。 _ _ a tree in front of my house. 18你的城市有一个动物园吗? _ _ a zoo in your city? 19玻璃杯里没有牛奶。 _ _ any milk in the glass. 20公园里有一些孩子和他们的老师。 _ _ some children and their teacher in the park. 21树上没有鸟。 There _ _ birds in the tree.,are no/

8、arent any,There is,Is there,There isnt,There are,四、从方框中给下列句子选择正确的答语。 AThere are five.BThere are some books in the bag. CNo, there arent. DYes, there is. ()22.Whats in the bag? ()23.Are there any apples on the desk? ()24.Is there a book under the desk? ()25.How many people are there in your family?,B

9、,C,D,A,五、改错题:找出下列各句中的一处错误,将序号填入题前 括号内,并在题后横线上改正。 ()26.There isA five boysB in the kitchen._ ()27.There arentAsomeBtreesC near the river._ ()28.How_manyAbookB are there? There is oneC._ ()29.WhatAareB in the box? There are some applesC._,A,are,B,any,B,books,B,is,六、阅读理解。判断文后句子的正(T)误(F)。 Come and look

10、at my bedroom. There is a bed, a desk, two chairs, an airconditioner and a football in it. The desk is next to the bed. The bed is near the window. There are some books on my desk. I usually do my homework on it. There is an airconditioner over my bed. Where is my football? Oh, look! Its under my bed. I like playing football! I love my bedroom.,()30.I dont like my bedroom. ()31.The airco


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