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1、,Unit4 Then and now,B lets learn,选出你认为不是炸弹的单词读一读。,grass,Bomb time!,gym,didnt,two years ago,last year,like,now,could,ago,before,Learning aims,1. 能够听、说、读、写以下核心短语:go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton。 2. 能够在情境中结合本课重点句型描述或介绍自己对事物喜好的变化。,I didnt like _ before.,maths,noodles,cats,winter,Why?,I thought it

2、was too cold.,think - thought 认为;觉得,I didnt like before. I thought it was,winter cold,summer hot,Look and Say(请照样子说句子)。,例:,winter,cold,spring windy,It was too cold. I couldnt _.,What can he do?,He can .,go cycling,Before, I couldnt go cycling .,Now ,I can go cycling .,go cycling,go fishing,go hiking

3、,What can he do?,He can .,ice-skate,ate,/sg/,Before ,I couldnt ice-skate .,Now, I can ice-skate .,ice-skate,He can .,What can he do?,play badminton,bad,Before, I couldnt play badminton .,Now ,I can play badminton .,play badminton,listen and follow(听录音跟读。),Look and Say(用下列单词说句子)。,play basketball,play

4、 ping-pong,play football,play the piano,play the erhu,play the pipa,Before, I couldnt _. Now, I can _.,Group work,Look and say(看一看,说一说),Before, Allen couldnt _. Now ,he can _. Before, Diana couldnt _. Now, she can_. Before, Joe couldnt _. Now, he can _.,ride his bike,go cycling,play badminton,ice-sk

5、ate,go ice-skating,play badminton,go cycling,didnt,before,thought,ice-skate,couldnt,play badminton,now,I didnt like 1_before.I thought it was too 2 _,Before I couldnt 3_.Now,I can 4_. Sometimes I play5_in the gym.,Lets write(标序号写单词),winter,cold,go cycling,go cycling,basketball,practice,选择填空和写出下列所给单词

6、的过去式。 1.I didnt_winter before, now I_ it. A. liked;like B like; like C like; liked 2.I couldnt_badminton before. A.play B played C playing 3.Before I_cycling, now I dont do it. A. went B. go C. going,4.cant(过去式) _5dont(过去式) _ 6think(过去式)_ 7now(对应词)_,couldnt,didnt,thought,before,Summary:,B Lets learn,本课知识点总结,I thought it was too cold, and Icouldnt go cycling.,ice- skate,go cycling,play badminton,Homework,1.抄写并熟记新词。 2.跟你的朋友或家人说一说你的变化。,安全教育:不应在教室中追逐、打闹,做剧烈的运动和游戏,防止磕、碰受伤。,Everybody is changing all the time. Please keep a good state of mind and hea


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