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1、Unit1 How tall are you ?,B lets learn,苏婧晗 Hannah,bigger,smaller,The green apple is than the red one.,The red apple is than the green one.,smaller,bigger,Who is taller ? Who is older ?,13,12,1.5m,1.45m,John is taller . John is older .,Who is heavier ?,Jim is heavier .,50 kg,How heavy is Jim?,He is 52

2、 kilograms.,And he is heavier than John.,What about you ?,ki-lo-gram, kg,A:How heavy are you ? B:Im.kilograms.What about you ? A:Im.kilograms. B:You are heavier/thinner than me. A:Yes.,Pair work:,(更重 / 更瘦),thinner,heavier,Guangtouqiang is thinner than Xiongda.,Xiongda is heavier than Guangtouqiang.,

3、strong,stronger,James is stronger than Kobe.,bigger,smaller,thinner,heavier,Whats missing? (哪个消失了?),stronger,Consolidation,I am taller than you. I am stronger than you. You are funnier than me.,My hair is longer than yours. Your eyes are bigger than mine.,Tips for you! 当你要展示自己优点时,你会用怎样的语调、表情、动作呢?比如:信心十足,声音响亮,动作夸张当你赞美别人时又是怎样的语气呢?,1. PK:仿照例子展示自己与同桌的优点!,=your hair,=my eyes,Try to find how good your friends are, and youll be happy togeth


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