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1、2021年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空5篇(一)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Full Moon, Full FeelingsChinese people (1) been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. They carry peoples (2) to the families who

2、 they love and miss.There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. (3) most people think that the story of Change is the most touching. Change was Hou Yis beautiful wife. After Hou Yi (4) the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forev

3、er, and Hou Yi planned to drink it with Change, but a bad man called Pang Meng, tried (5) the medicine when Hou Yi was not at home. Change refused to give (6) and drank it all. (7) a result, she became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was (8) sad that he called out her name to the moon eve

4、ry night. One night, he found that the moon was very (9) and round, so he could see his wife there. He quickly laid (10) her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Change could come back!After this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with

5、their families.(1)A. have B. has C. had(2)A. hope B. ideas C. wishes(3)A. Whenever B. However C. Whatever(4)A. shot down B. shot at C. shot to(5)A. to steal B. stealing C. steal(6)A. him to it B. it him C. it to him(7)A. As B. With C. In(8)A. very B. so C. too(9)A. brightly B. bright C. brighter(10)

6、A. out B. away C. about完形填空:心怀感恩People once went hungry. A rich man who made bread and cakes sent for twenty of the (1)_ children in the town, and told them to take a loaf(条)of bread from a basket every day till the hard days passed. The hungry children came together (2)_, and argued for the bread,

7、because each wished to have the largest one. Finally they (3)_ without even thanking the good gentleman. But Gretchen, a poorlydressed little girl, did not argue or (4)_ with the rest, but remained standing quietly far away from them. (5)_ the badmannered girls left, she took the smallest bread, whi

8、ch alone was left in the basket, kissed the gentlemans hand, and went home. The next day the children were as badmannered as before, and poor, shy Gretchen (6)_ a loaf hardly the size of the one she got the first day. When she came home, her mother cut the loaf open. Many new shining pieces of (7)_

9、fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and worried, and said, “Take the money back to the good gentleman (8)_ once, for it must have got into the dough(生面团) by mistake. Be quick, Gretchen! Be quick!”But when the little girl gave the rich man her mothers (9)_, he said, “No, no, my child, it wa

10、s no mistake. I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to give you. Always be as satisfied, quiet, and (10)_ as you now are. Go home now, and tell your mother that the money is your own.”(1)A. kindest B. smartest C. poorest D. thinnest(2)A. luckily B. proudly C. silently D. excitedly(3)A.

11、turned off B. went away C. got on D. learned from(4)A. fight B. play C. talk D. jump(5)A. If B. When C. Because D. Unless(6)A. brought B. tasted C. received D. noticed(7)A. silver B. bread C. gold D. glass(8)A. for B. on C. to D. at(9)A. mistake B. message C. wallet D. praise(10)A. thankful B. frien

12、dly C. Lively D. lovely完形填空:青少年机器人大赛Two robots tried to block(阻止) a robot and force it into the corner. However, the robot turned left and drifted(漂移) (1)_ to get away from them. It rushed into the mission area!At that moment, the cheerful host even joked, “I believe these boys are doing pretty well

13、 in their Xbox games!” (2)_ is happening and who are these boys?They are 14 students from Northeast Yucai Foreign Language School, Liaoning. This (3)_ scene happened in the Olympic Park in Sydney, Australia. This year, the first Robotics Competition was held by an international group. The US nonprof

14、it group first held the International Robotics Competition among teenagers. These students won 5 championships and the Industrial Design Award. In this years (4)_, students had to control a robot and order it to send things like fuel to an airship. But other teams robots could stop it. The team name

15、d their robot Blue Hurricane. “It can move very easily and quickly, and thats the key (5)_ its success. Our robot is welldesigned.It is smaller, (6)_, faster and stronger than most of the other robots in the competition,”team leader Liu Yuanning said. Still, they met with difficulties. The biggest (

16、7)_, Liu said, was speaking English. “Although we did well in operating the robots, some of us could (8)_ understand what the judges talked about.” However, they didnt (9)_ speaking for themselves. During the game, they were (10)_ 20 points in a mission. They thought they deserved more than 20 point

17、s. They asked the judges for bonus points. And the judges agreed. As a result, the extra points helped them win. (1)A. happily B. comfortably C. beautifully D. carefully(2)A. Which B. When C. What D. Who(3)A. excited B. exciting C. surprised D. surprising(4)A. information B. situation C. competition

18、 D. conversation(5)A. for B. in C. with D. to(6)A. heavier B. thinner C. fatter D. lighter(7)A. secret B. challenge C. project D. business(8)A. sometimes B. always C. hardly D. usually(9)A. give up B. look up C. take up D. put up(10)A. beat B. won C. awarded D. got阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案

19、。People all over the world celebrate the new year. However, not all countries celebrate in the same way, and in some countries, the new year doesnt begin on the(1)day every year. In many countries, the New Year begins on 1st January, but people start celebrating on 31st December, New Years Eve. In N

20、ew York many people go to celebrate in Times Square.(2)theyre waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 oclock, everyone(3)down from 10: 10, 9, 8 As soon as its 12 oclock, everyone shouts very(4), “Happy New Year!”New Years Day is often a fam

21、ily day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a(5).On New Years Day, many people make resolutions for the new year. They(6)a list of things, such as “I will help out more with housework. I will work(7)at school than others. ” or “I wont sp

22、end so much time playing video games. ” When they have made(8)list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to(9)their resolutions.So it doesnt matter how they celebrate,(10)people in countries all over the world, its a time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new.(1)A. fa

23、miliar B. same C. importantD. normal(2)A. If B. Even thoughC. While D. Before(3)A. comesB. turns C. looks D. counts(4)A.loudlyB. quietly C. sadly D. safely(5)A. walk B. secret C. job D. treatment(6)A. puton B. write down C. take away D. look after(7)A. quicklyB. hard C. harderD. hardly(8)A. itsB. hi

24、s C. her D. their(9)A. follow B. make C. doD. give(10)A. byB. for C. with D. from完形填空:美国女孩Emily Rudnick研制的辣味混合调料Not every student has the courage to start a small business. (1)_ when Emily Rudnick got a school business task, she took the idea and carried it out beyond the teachers expectations. Rudn

25、ick is an eighthgrader at Aspen Academy in Denver, the US. She made her own blend of chili(辣椒) and spices called Rudspice with the (2)_ of her father, David. In midMarch, the spicy blend went into Savory Spice shops in the US. Rudnick learned to cook at an early age. She got her spice idea while (3)

26、_ on a barbecue(烧烤). She mixed a lot of spices and put them on food. “The food was better. I decided we should make a spice to make all food (4)_, ” Rudnick told Denver Westward. Rudnick made at least six different spice blends at (5)_ home. To get the best one, she tested them on food like popcorn

27、and eggs. (6)_ the beginning, she gave the blends to her friends and family as holiday gifts. They came back and asked for more. And her school asked students (7)_ a business plan. Rudnick thought it was a (8)_ idea to turn her school project into a business. Rudnick always uses Savory Spice ingredi

28、ents(原料). So she decided to talk to its (9)_ Mike and Janet Johnston to learn about the spice business. Savory Spice helped her start an activity to (10)_ funds(资金) and turned the idea into business. (1)A. So B. And C. But D. Because(2)A. use B. help C. courage D. fight(3)A. cooking B. pointing C. b

29、uying D. taking(4)A. good B. bad C. better D. worse(5)A. her B. she C. herself D. hers(6)A. At B. On C. By D. For(7)A. made B. make C. to make D. making(8)A. awful B. fantastic C. terrible D. difficult(9)A. owners B. customers C. classmates D. partners(10)A. rise B. borrow C. raise D. discover答案解析【参

30、考答案】【主旨大意】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了中国的传统节日中秋节的民间传说嫦娥奔月。(1)A 句意:中国人庆祝中秋节,享受美食月饼有几个世纪了。由后句一般现在时态可知前句用现在时,故选A。(2)C 句意:他们把人们的愿望带给家人, 由句意,可知答案为C。(3)B 句意:然而多数人认为嫦娥的故事是最感人的。承接前句,后句话锋一转强调了嫦娥的故事最感人,因此,选项为B。(4)A 句意:后羿射下了九个太阳。shoot down射下;shoot at 射击;shoot to射击。根据句意,故选A。(5)A 句意:当后羿不在家的时候,一个叫蓬蒙的坏人试着去偷药。try to do sth.想方设法做某事

31、;try doing尝试做某事,根据句意,故选A。(6)C 句意:嫦娥拒绝把药给他。动词give后接两个代词作宾语时,常用give it to sb.结构,因此,选C。(7)A 句意:结果,她变得轻飘飘的飞到了月球上。短语 as a result 意为“结果”。故选A。(8)B 句意:后羿悲痛欲绝,每晚仰望着月亮呼唤爱妻的名字。根据句式结构:so+ 形容词+ that, 可知答案为B。(9)B 句意:他发现这月亮又亮又圆。句中very修饰形容词作表语,故选B。(10)A 句意:他很快地把她爱吃的水果和甜点摆到花园里。lay out 摆出,故选A。【参考答案】【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲

32、述了一个富人每天向镇上的穷孩子发面包的故事。在其他孩子都争抢大面包时,一个名叫Gretchen的小女孩却不参与其中。有一天她把面包带回家后,发现面包里藏着亮闪闪的银子。这篇文章告诉我们不论处于什么环境,我们都要有教养,心怀感恩。(1)C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:一个富人制作面包和蛋糕,并把它们送给镇上的二十个_孩子kindest 最善良的;smartest 最聪明的;poorest最穷的;thinnest 最瘦的。由第二段第一句中的“The hungry children”以及第三段第一句中的“a poorlydressed little girl”可知此处指“最穷的”。故选C。(2

33、)D【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意为:饥饿的孩子们_跑过来,并且为了面包争吵,因为每个人都想拿到最大的那个。luckily 幸运地;proudly 骄傲地;silently 沉默地;excitedly兴奋地。根据语境可知,饥饿的孩子看到有面包吃肯定很兴奋,故选D。(3)B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意为:最后他们没有感谢好心的绅士就_。turned off关闭;went away走开;got on上车;learned from向学习。结合下文可知是说孩子们没有说谢谢就走了。故选B。(4)A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:衣衫褴褛的小女孩Gretchen不争吵,也不与其他人_,只是安静地远远站

34、着。fight打架;play 玩耍;talk交谈;jump 跳。根据空格前的“argue”并结合语境可知,小女孩不与别人争吵或打架。故选A。(5)B【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意为:没礼貌的女孩子们离开_,她才拿走最小的那块面包If 如果;When 当时;Because 因为;Unless 除非。根据语境可知,此处指“当的时候”。故选B。(6)C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:第二天,孩子们依然像以前一样没有礼貌,贫穷而害羞的Gretchen_ 一条还不如她第一天得到的那条面包大的面包。brought带来;tasted尝起来;received收到;noticed注意到。根据下一句话“当她到家

35、时,妈妈切开面包”,应该是收到一条面包,故选C。(7)A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:很多新的、闪闪的_块从里面掉出来了。silver 银子;bread 面包;gold 金子;glass 玻璃。根据最后一段第二句中“silver pieces”可知是银子。故选A。(8)D【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意为:她的妈妈既惊讶又着急,之后对她说:“_把钱还给这位绅士,因为银子一定是不小心掉进了生面团里”分析语境可知妈妈让女孩立刻把银子还回去,at once立刻,为固定搭配。故选D。(9)B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:但是当小女孩向富人说出她妈妈的_时,他说thanks 感谢;message信

36、息;wallet 钱包;praise 赞扬。由句意可知,是小女孩表明了她妈妈说话的意思要旨,message符合语境。故选B。(10)A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:总是满足、安静、并且_, 正如你现在这样。thankful感恩的;friendly 友好的;lively有生气的;lovely可爱的。由第三段最后一句话可知,小女孩每次拿完面包后都会亲吻绅士的手对他表示感谢,所以小女孩是心存感恩的,故选A。【参考答案】【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了中国队伍夺得世界青少年机器人大赛五项“第一”。参赛者是来自东北育才外国语学校的14名学生,他们在澳大利亚悉尼举行的国际机器人大赛中取得了优


38、ng令人兴奋的;surprised惊奇的;surprising令人惊奇的。由空后scene可知此处修饰物,结合句意可知此处指令人兴奋的场景。故选B。(4)C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:在今年的_中,学生们需要控制机器人information信息;situation状况;competition竞赛;conversation对话。根据上段中“the first Robotics Competition”可知是比赛,故选C。(5)D【解析】考查介词的用法。句意为:那就是成功的关键。“the key to.”的关键,固定搭配,故选D。(6)D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:与在比赛中的大多数

39、其他机器人相比,它更小、_、更快、更强。heavier更重;thinner更薄;fatter更胖;lighter更轻。由句中的smaller及faster and stronger,可知是更轻,故选D。(7)B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:他们还是遇到了很多的困难,刘说:“最大的_是说英语。”secret秘密;challenge挑战;project项目;business商业。根据上句:他们遇到困难了,可知此处是挑战,故选B。(8)C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意为:虽然我们在操作机器人方面做得很好,但我们中的一些人_能理解裁判们谈论的内容。sometimes有时候;always总是;har

40、dly几乎不;usually通常。根据Although we did well in及上句speaking English可知他们几乎不能理解裁判们谈论的内容。故选C。(9)A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意为:然而,他们并没有放弃发表自己的意见。“give up doing sth.”放弃做某事,为固定搭配。故选A。(10)C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:在比赛中他们被_了20分。beat击败;won赢得;awarded奖励;got获得。根据“20 points”可知是被奖励。故选C。【参考答案】(1)-(10) B C D A A B C D A B【参考答案】【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了美国女孩Emily Rudnick研制的辣味混合调料进入美国零售商店的过程。鼓励人们要有勇气做事。(1)C【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意为:_当Emily Rudnick收到学校的商业作业时,她想到了这个主意,并付诸实践且超出了老师的预期。So因此,表结果;And和,表并列;But但是,表转折;Because因为,表原因


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