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1、非谓语动词简述,非谓语动词使用条件,一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下, 还有别的动词出现时。,She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat. She got off the bus, but left her handbag on her seat.,非谓语的分类:to do, doing, done 非谓语的不同形式: to do 不定式 to be doing to have done doing 现在分词 having done 过去分词:done having being done,非谓语动词的句

2、法功能,可充当成分: 主语, 宾语, 宾语补足语, 表语, 定语, 状语.,一、不定式,1.不定式作主语,To lose your heart means failure. It took me only five minutes to finish the job. To do two things at a time is to do neither,2.不定式作宾语,You neednt bother to come yourself. They are considering what to do next. Some who were famous in their own time

3、s would find it difficult to achieve success today.,afford、promise、refuse、expect、hope、learn、offer、wish、want、fail、plan、agree、forget、like、prefer、decide、manage、try、arrange、determine、desire,I dont want _ like I m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager s plan is unfair. to sound B. to be sounded C. sou

4、nding D. to have sounded 2. I think youll grow _ him when you know him better. AlikingBto be like Cto likeDto be liking,1. A 2. C,3. I dont know whether you happen , but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September . Ato be heard Bto be hearing Cto hear Dto have heard,3. D,注意: 1. 介词but ,except, be

5、sides ,other than +to do时,介词前有行为动词do 或其某种形式时,不定式要省去to。 例 We did nothing but/except wait then. They did nothing but complain. We had nothing to do other than wait. 2. 某些特殊结构 can not but do 只好做 ; can do nothing but do had better do sth have no choice but to do cant choose but do cant help but do would

6、 rather do A than do B,3.不定式作表语,What she wants to do most now is (to) travel abroad. The most important thing is to take measures to prevent the pollution. 主语的内容或性质,He is to marry Rose.,表按计划要做的事情.,注意 不定式符号to作表语时的省略。当主语部分有行为动词do, 作表语的不定式to可省略。 例: What I want to do now is find some books to read.,4.不定

7、式作定语,I need a pen to write with. Charles Lindbergh is the first man to fly the Atlantic alone. The meeting to be held tomorrow is very important. the way to understand others the ability to read and write English,注意: “有”字结构have sth to do 如: I have some clothes to wash. I have some clothes to be wash

8、ed. 2. the first + (sb/sth) +to do second third 3.give me a knife to cut with pen to house to 工具 地点,write with,live in,5.不定式作宾语补足语,We often hear her sing the song at home. My teacher asked me to go there on time. She was considered to have stolen the money.,1)see、watch、notice、observe look at make、le

9、t、have hear, listen to feel,吾看三室两厅一感觉,被动语态中加to,+ sb do,如: I heard him sing a song just now. He was heard to sing a song just now. We made him clean the classroom. He is made to clean the classroom.,2) 五看,一室,两厅,一感觉 find ,catch, keep, leave 如: I found him crying in the street. He was caught stealing.

10、I am sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.,+ sb +doing,3)主要动词+to do tell sb to do persuade sb to do forbid sb to do encourage sb to do convince sb to do require sb to do force sb to do beg sb to do want sb to do advise sb to do order sb to do remind sb to do get sb to do cause sb to d

11、o warn sb to do teach sb to do invite sb to do,4) 做主补的结构 sb is required to do to be doing to have done said believed known considered found reported 如:He is said to have gone abroad. Heat is considered to be a form of energy.,5) find + it + n/ adj +to do think feel make consider expect 如:We make it

12、a rule to get up early. She finds it easy to learn English.,My advisor encouraged_ a summer course to improve my writing skills. A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take,6. 不定式作目的状语,Tim sat near the fire to get warm. The athletes practiced hard to win the match.,相当于用in order (no

13、t) to,so as (not) to引导的目的状语.,1. Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music. A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard 2All these gifts must be mailed immediately _ in time for Christmas. Ain order to have received Bin order to receive Cso

14、as to be received Dso as to be receiving,1. D 2.C,3. _ more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789. ATo find out BFinding out CFind out DHaving found out 4. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _ a look at the sports stars. A. had B. having C. to have

15、D. have,7.不定式作结果状语,常用enough to do,sufficient (足够的) to do,only to do, tooto do, so + 形容词/副词 + as to do, such + 名词 as to do引导 Would you be so kind as to step this way, please? I tried the door, only to find it locked inside. He is brave enough to go out alone at night Im not such a fool as to believe

16、that.,1. The news reporters hurried to the airport , only_ the film stars had left. Ato tell Bto be told Ctelling Dtold 2. He hurried to the station only _ that the train had left. to find B. finding C. found D. to have found,8. 不定式作原因状语,常放在表示心理感觉的形容词后 I am happy to see you. She was sad to hear the

17、bad news.,You were silly not _ your car. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked,B,9.不定式的完成式.,表示不定式中谓语动词发生的动作先于主句的谓语动词发出的动作。 The novel was said to have been published. seem、appear、be said、be supposed、be believed、be thought、be known、be reported等动词常用于上面句型。,此外,glad、happy、satisfied、sorry、s

18、urprised、disappointed后也接完成时,但要 注意与一般时的区别。 Im sorry to keep you waiting for a minute. 对不起,请稍等。(说话时还未等) Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。(说话时已等了很久),1. I dont know whether you happen , but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September . Ato be heard Bto be hearing Cto hear Dto have heard 2

19、. - Is Bob still performing? - Im afraid not. He is said_ the stage already as he has become an official . to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. to be left,1.D 2.A,1. A computer does only what thinking people _. A. have it do B. have it done C. have done it D. having it done 2. Weve misse

20、d the last bus. Im afraid we have no choice but _ a taxi. A. to take B. taking C. take D. taken,1 A 2.A,10. 不定式后动词的省略,动词love, mean, want, hate, like, wish, expect, hope,try, intend, plan, refuse, prefer, seem 及be glad (pleased, delighted, happy) to 等后面接不定式时,为避免重复,常省略与上文相同的动词,只保留to不定式符号。,1.- Would yo

21、u like to go to the Great Theatre with me tonight. - _. A. Yes, I would like to go to the Great Theater with you tonight . B. Id love to, but I have an exam tomorrow. C. No, I wouldnt D. Thats all right 2.- Does your brother intend to study German? - Yes, he intends _. A. / B. to C. so D. that,句式 wo

22、uld have done , should have done, ought to have done, neednt have done , used to be 等省略形式为 would have , should have , ought to have, neednt have , used to be, 要保留不定式后的be或have。 例 -Are you a sailor ? - No, but I used to be (a sailor ).,11.评注状语: to be honest to tell the truth to be frank,不定式的主动表被动结构 1)

23、adj+ to do (easy, difficult, heavy, hard interesting, light) 如: The problem is easy to solve . The man is difficult to get on with. The box is heavy to carry. wh- + to do 如: I dont know what to do next. to let, to blame, to seek 如 The house is to let. The reason is not far to seek.,3)He gives me som

24、e books to read. Theres nothing to do. Theres nothing to be done. Theres nothing to see. Theres nothing to be seen.,现在没事干。,现在没什么办法了。,没东西值得看。,看不见什么东西。,二、动名词,充当成分: 主语 宾语 表语 定语,1. 动名词作主语,Seeing is believing. Playing chess is fun. Its no use waiting here.,2. 动名词作表语,The nurses job is looking after the pa

25、tients. 请对比下面的句子: The nurse is looking after the patients.,3. 动名词作宾语,下列动词后只能接动名词: suggest, finish, avoid, stop, cant help, mind, enjoy, require, practise , miss, escape, pardon, advise, consider, imagine, keep, appreciate, permit 如:Do you mind my opening the windows?,注意: 动名词复合结构 My coming back home

26、late made my mother angry. I cant imagine George sailing across the ocean in a boat,下列动词短语接动名词: leave off, put off, give up, look forward to, feel like, have trouble / difficulty (in) doing devote to, get used to, pay attention to, be fond of, be worth;burst out crying; keep on wring; I am used to w

27、atching TV in the evening.,非谓语区别: try to do mean to do regret to do try doing mean doing regret doing go on to forget to do remember to do go on doing forget doing remember doing stop to do cant help doing need doing stop doing cant help (to) do need to do,1.want doing require doing need doing 2.be

28、worth doing/ n be worthy,of being done of + n to be done,4. 动名词作定语,动名词作定语时,动名词和它所修饰的词没有逻辑上的主谓关系; 动名词作定语表示事物性质特点 a sleeping bag a sleeping car a walking stick a reading room 请对比下面: running water developed country a sleeping boy,I am used to watching TV in the evening. I am sorry for having wasted so

29、much of your time. He came into the room without being seen. He denied having been beaten by his father.,5. 动名词的时态和语态,doing- - being done having done-having been done,1. The man insisted_ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby. A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding 2. Its neces

30、sary to be prepared for a job interview. _ the answers ready will be of great help. A. To have had B. Having had C. Have D. Having,高考点击,1. C 2.A,3. I really cant understand _ her like that. you treat B. you to treat C. why treat D. you treating 4. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he c

31、ouldnt risk _ the good opportunity. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost,3.D 4. B,三、分词,现在分词与过去分词. 充当成分: 宾语补足语,表语, 定语, 状语.,(一)现在分词,1. 现在分词作状语,现在分词可在句中作时间、原因、伴随、条件、结果等状语。,时间状语(分词作状语前面可加when, while等) Hearing the good news, he jumped with great joy. 原因状语 Seeing nobody at home, he decided to lea

32、ve them a note 伴随状语 The girls came in, following their parents. 结果状语 The poor old man died, leaving nothing to his children.,注意:现在分词作状语的几个特性。 时间性。与谓语动词同时发生,用一般时,如发生在谓语动作之前时则用完成式having done。 语态性。与句子的主语之间的关系,是主谓关系或动宾关系。遵循的规则“主动进行,被动完成”。 人称一致性。分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。,He glanced over at her, _ that though she w

33、as tiny, she seemed very well put together. noting B. noted C. to note D. having noted 2. _ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks. Not completingB. Not completed C. Not completing D. Not having completed,3The manager, _ it clear to us that he didnt agree with us, left the meet

34、ing room. Awho has made Bhaving made Cmade Dmaking 4The storm left , _a lot of damage to this area . Acaused Bto have caused Cto cause Dhaving caused,5_from other continents for millions of years ,Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. ABeing separated BHa

35、ving separated CHaving been separated DTo be separated,2. 现在分词作定语,1. The picture_ on the wall is painted by my nephew. A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung,2Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes. A. to for

36、m B. form C. forming D. having formed 3. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt,(二)过去分词,1. 过去分词作状语,过去分词作状语,相当于一个状语从句,用来说明原因、时间、条件等。,(1)过去分词作原因状语 Tired by the trip, he soon felt asleep. Lost in thought ,

37、he almost ran into a car. (2)作时间状语 Seen from the hill, the city looks like a garden. (3)作条件状语 Given more time, I would have worked out the problem. (4)伴随状语 The teacher came in, followed by some students.,分词短语作状语时,通常与主句中的主语在逻辑上一致,但有时它也可以有自己独立的逻辑上的主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构。如: Her grandfather being ill, she had

38、to stay at home looking after him.,1_ with the size of the whole earth , the biggest ocean does not seem big at all . ACompare BWhen comparing CComparing DWhen compared 2. _ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. L

39、osing,2. 过去分词作定语,1. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M. A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known 2. The disc, digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. A. recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having recorded,3. The priz

40、e of the game show is $30,000 and an all expenses _ vacation to China. A. payingB. paid C. to be paid D. being paid 4. The repairs cost a lot ,but its money well _. Ato spend Bspent Cbeing spent DSpending,3. 分词作宾补,1) 跟分词作宾补的动词有:catch, have, get, keep, hear, find, feel, leave, make, want, start, noti

41、ce, observe, watch, set等 2) 在复合宾语中,用现在分词作宾补,说明宾语是动作的发出者,形成逻辑上的主谓关系;用过去分词作宾补,表示宾语是动作的承受者,构成逻辑上的动宾关系。,There was so much noise that the speaker couldnt make himself heard. When he awoke, he found himself being looked after by an old woman.,如:,1. Dont leave the water_ while you brush your teeth. A. run

42、B. running C. being run D. to run 2. Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents . worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry,3. You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had it _ often enough. A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained,

43、非谓语动词的其他考点:,1. 主语一致,1. Having been attacked by terrorists, _. A. doctors came to their rescue B. the tall building collapsed C. an emergency measure was taken D. warnings were given to tourists,2While watching television, _. Athe doorbell rang Bthe doorbell rings Cwe heard the doorbell ring Dwe hear

44、d the doorbell rings,2. with的复合结构,with + 名词+,doing to do done,1. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _. A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on 2_ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctors help to end her life. AHaving given

45、up hope of cure BWith no hope for cure CThere being hope for cure DIn the hope of cure,独立主格结构,功能独立主格结构主要用于描绘性文字中,其作用相当于一个状语从句,常用来表示时间、原因、条件、行为方式或伴随情况等。,1) 表示时间The meeting being over, all of us went home. 开完会后我们都回家了。Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea. 她干完了活,坐下来喝茶。2) 表示条件The condition being

46、favourable, he may succeed. 若条件有利,他或许能成功。3) 表示原因There being no taxis, we had to walk. 没有出租车,我们只好步行。He wrapped her up with great care, the night being dark and frosty. 夜又黑又冷,所以他把她裹得严严实实的。4) 表示伴随情况Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all. 几乎所有的金属都是良导体,而银则是最好的导体。(=Almost all

47、metals are good conductors, and silver is the best of all.),例如:,常见的独立主格结构:,1. 名词/主格代词+现在分词。名词/主格代词与现在分词之间主谓关系。如: The girl staring at him (= As the girl stared at him), he didn”t know what to say. 姑娘两眼望着他,他不知道说什么好。 Time permitting (= If time permits), we will go for an outing tomorrow. 如果时间允许的话,我们明天去

48、郊游。 2. 名词/主格代词+过去分词。名词/主格代词与过去分词之间的动宾关系。如: The problems solved (= As the problems were solved), the quality has been improved. 随着问题的解决,质量已经提高了。 Her glasses broken (= Because her glasses were broken), she couldnt see the words on the blackboard. 由于眼镜摔坏了,她看不见黑板上的字。,3. 名词/主格代词+不定式。名词/主格代词与不定式之间是主谓关系,且强调的是一次具体性的动作。如: He is going to make a model plane, some old part


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