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1、期末综合练习试卷一、单项选择 (20分) ( ) 1. Youd better read another book, because_ page of the book is torn and cover looks very old.A. a. the B. the. a C. /. the D. the. the( )2. Mary is a brilliant, hardworking student, will be successful whatever career she chooses.A. who she B. that she C. she who D. one who(

2、)3. Sometimes children have trouble_ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.A. of separating B. for separating C. to separate D. separating( )4. The young woman, upon, denied having stolen the old womans handbag on the trolley bus.A. being questioned. B. questionedC. havin

3、g been questioned D. questioning( )5. listen carefully and youll find everything we are going to learn in this class is easily_.A. understanding B. to understandC. for you to understand D. to be understood( )6. The meeting is put off till next week,_.A. what is it exactly what we want B. it is exact

4、ly what we wantC. though it is exactly what we want D. which is exactly what we want( )7. If you are a man, you may point out that most scientists are male; if you are a woman, you may say that_ are most prisoners.A. also B. even C. the same D. so( )8. Thousands of people observed the ship The harbo

5、r.A. to leave B. left C. leaving D. had left( )9. An academy is an exciting place, _in which new talents are being discovered almost daily.A. one B. there C. that D. and( )10. Richard has made great progress in English recently._, and_.A. So has he. so have you B. So has he. so you haveC. So he has.

6、 so you have D. So he has. so have you( )11. he has worked in the company as a general manager l03 Wall Street.A. After four years. on B. Before four years. alongC. Four years later. at D. Since four years ago. at( )12. When I gave the book to Tom, he said that Pat was the right personA. to return B

7、. for returning itC. to return it to D. for returning it to( )13. Not until_ again_ to think of the way he experimented.A. did he fail. did he begin B. he failed. he beganC. did he fail. he began D. he failed. did he begin( )14. _the many difficulties, they managed to cross the desert?A. In spite of

8、 B. With C. Unless D. Though( )15. I dont feel like_ now.But the faster we get the assignment_, the sooner we can go out and relax.A. studying. doing B. to study. done C. to study. do D. studying. done( )16. The boy managed to the bottle.A. loose B. loosen C. relax D. smooth( )17. He was sound _ whe

9、n somebody came in and stole his TV set. It was strange that he did not - up.A. sleeping. waked B. sleeping. woken C. asleep. awake D. asleep. wake( )18. He began to_ a discussion as soon as he came back.A. take B. join to C. devote to D. plunge into( )19. He is always doing what he can to _the suff

10、erings of others.A. replace B. remain C. release D. relieve( )20. Reading is a pleasant way to spend ones_.A. energy B. leisure C. empty D. business二、完形填空 (20分)Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each b1ank with the word

11、or phrase that best fits the context.(A)Many studies have shown that it is better to wear your seat belt when you are traveling in a car. Seat belts greatly reduce the 21 of death or injury in an accident. This 22 is widely recognized and many governments have passed laws 23 seat belt use. However,

12、many people still do not wear seat belts. 24 have found several reasons for this. Some people feel 25 with the seat belt. They are afraid of being 26 in the car in an accident. Others do not think that the seat belt can 27 them. They believe that people have the 28 over their fate. Fate will 29 whet

13、her they will have an accident and whether they will be injured or die. They think that wearing a seat belt or not will make no 30 .( )21. A. effect B. risk C. number D. amount( )22. A. factor B. truth C. fact D. result( )23. A. making B. supplying C. equipping D. requiring( )24. A. Officers B. Poli

14、ce C. Researchers D. officia1s( )25. A. unusual B. unguarded C. unsteady D. uncomfortable( )26. A. trapped B. attacked C. punched D. weakened( )27. A. defend B. protect C. prevent D. benefit( )28. A. power B. ability C. energy D. means( )29. A. find B. choose C. decide D. show( )30. A. decision B. a

15、lternative C. analysis D. difference(B )Who is there among us who hasnt dreamed of having his or her own small (maybe, several years later, even big) business, and having wonderful freedom, both from 31 and from the time clock; the freedom to make up our own 32 for our work, and our own plans-arrang

16、ing our own 33 of work? That way of work would be both painless and fun. Or, so we imagine.Well, in fact it isnt quite as 34 as that. Yes, it is true that being the boss has its 35 and that you can arrange your working hours freely if you own your own small business. But in those early years of star

17、ting your own business, you shouldnt think of a 36 day, not to mention flying off for a months vacation. It is not unusual for a new business owner to work seventy or eighty hours a 37 , and if there is a day 38 that day might need to be devoted to accounting.But this 39 picture doesnt destroy the b

18、eautiful hopes. The possibilty of getting something wonderful in returnboth material and mentalcontinues to 40 that large number of people who start up small businesses each year in the United States.( )31. A. a colleague B. a fellow C. a clerk D. a boss( )32. A. habits B. hobbies C. rules D. intere

19、sts( )33. A. years B. hours C. months D. minutes( )34. A. simple B. complicated C. quick D. slow( )35. A. comforts B. achievements C. contributions D. satisfactions( )36. A. wonderful B. free C. busy D. tired( )37. A. year B. month C. week. D. day( )38. A. leave B. relaxation C. off D. away( )39. A.

20、 negative B. positive C. informative D. competitive( )40. A. walk B. run C. fly D. drive三、阅读理解(45分) (A)Old Americans are separated into two classes. I do believe on t he whole the retiree of tomorrow will be wealthier and healthier than the same group of 30 years age, says Robert Friedland, director

21、 of the national Academy on Ageing. But thats only part of the picture. There is also a large group whose household income hasnt been growing very much. For them the future is unhappy.Nature is not always kind, says Dr. Robert Butler, an expert in medical care of old people, who was founding directo

22、r of the National Institute on Ageing. The relationship between socio-economic position and life expectancy(预期寿命) has been known for a long time. Race is also connected., And education is a powerful too1 in lengthening life.The reality is that poor people are sicker as they age because they live in

23、dirty neighborhoods and have dirty jobs, they are left unprotected from environmental pollution, and the pressure of being poor wears down peoples health, according to Karen Davis, president of the Commonwealth Fund, which studies health issues. Cigarette smoking has a great effect because it is mor

24、e common in lower socio-economic groups, says Elizabeth Whelan, president of the American Council on Science and Health. If you 1ive in a state of hopelessness and helplessness and dont think about the future, you are more likely to take up life-threatening habits. Race and income have large effects

25、 on death, a team of researchers reported in the New Eng1and Journal of Medicine in 1996, after researching on 24 million whites and 2. 1 million blacks.With the exception of black women, the highest income group had the lowest death rates .and the lowest income group had the highest death rates reg

26、ardless of race. For black women there was no consistent pattern across income groups.( )41. Retirement can be either heaven or hell. means.A. if an American is out of work, he or she will feel happyB. if an American retires from his post, he will lead a miserable lifeC. old people in America have t

27、o choose a life-styleD. some old people in America lead a hard life( )42. According to Dr. Robert Butlers opinion,_ plays the most important role in peoples life expectancy.A. nature B. race C. education D. color( )43. Poor people often get ill as they grow old. The reason is that_.A. they live in t

28、he countryside B. they work with their handsC. their families are too large D. they become weaker( )44. What Elizabeth Whelan says means that _.A. smoking makes people poor and hopeless B. smoking is very popular with poor peopleC. poor people should give up smoking D. rich people in America never s

29、moke(B )Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want to say it well, but he wants it to he something which has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understandhe wants to teach them, and he wants them to learn from him.What visl

30、1al artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out hut difficult to explain, because painters translate their experience into shapes and colors, not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shape and colors, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionally interesting fo

31、r them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist.Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion and repose(静止); their choic

32、es indicate that these aspects of the wor1d are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights. Contemporary artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern l that there is nothing more in it. Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the

33、character of their subjects. If one painter chooses to paint a gangrenous (坏疽的) leg and another a lake in mooriligh1, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing somethingall of which means that, co

34、nsciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.( )45. An artist hopes that the public will_.A. understand him and learn from him B. notice only shapes and colors in his workC. teach him something D. believe what he says in his work( )46. It is hard to explain what a painter is saying, because_

35、.A. most painters do not express themselves wellB. a painter uses unusual words and phrasesC. a painter uses shapes and colors instead of wordsD. many painters do not say anything( )47. An artists choice of shapes and colors indicates that he believes them to be_.A. meaningful in themselves B. merel

36、y beautifulC. a reflection of his experiences D. worth looking at( )48. Compared with a painter of unpleasant subjects, a painter who draws a lake in moonlight is_.A. conveying more meaning B. pointing out different thingsC. more skilled D. communicating less(C)Meat and vegetables are measured in gr

37、ams and kilograms. Milk and other liquid foods are measured in litres or millilitres. These units only measure quantity; they do not measure the value of the food to the body. The unit which measures the quality or value of food is the calorie. A calorie is the amount of heat given off by food when

38、it burns. This measurement tells how much energy a certain food has when it is completely used by the body.Our bodies use varying amount of calories. The more exercise we take, the more calories we burn. If we eat food which contains more calories than we use up, then it is possible that we would in

39、crease in weight. In order to avoid becoming overweight it is advisable to eat a balanced diet and not eat too many foods that have a high calorie rating. The table below gives you some idea of the number of calories in food.A. MeatsB. FruitsSlice of bacon50apple70hamburger300orange60slice of beef10

40、0pear80Sausage180banana80meat pie500plum20Sausage roll350tomato20C. Sweets and PastriesD. VegetablesSmall19060g beans15Large22560g carrots18slice apple pie30060g potato60doughnut20060g onion25scoop of ice cream8560g cucumber10bag of potato crisps14560g cabbage15( )49. Which is the best title of this

41、 passage? A. How to Measure the Quality of Food B. Calories in Foods C. The Units of Measurement D. How to Keep Fit( )50. To keep the calorie intake down, it is better to eat more_. A. chocolate B. meat pie C. fruit D. apple pie( )51. Which world in the passage means heavier than normal ? A. Advisab

42、le. B. Overweight. C. Balanced. D. Measurement.( )52. When do you need the most calories from your diet? A. When we sleep. B. In working in the fields.C. While watching a play. D. After having sports.(D)United Nations SecretaryGerneral Kofi Annan was re-appointed recently as the worlds top diplomat

43、for a second five-year term starting January January 1,2002.The l89-member UN General Assembly made the re-appointment after adopting a resolution of the Security Council on recommending Annan to the top UN post. The re-appointment of Annan has been a forgone conclusion since he announced in March t

44、hat he would run again and no candidate opposed him. Speaking at the meeting, Annan said that it had been his privilege to serve as secretary-general at a time of sweeping change and great challenges”. He said that during his current term as secretary-general of the UNited Nations in the past four a

45、nd a half years, he had sought to equip this indispensable institution so that it can adjust to change, rise to new challenges, and serve its member states and their people more effectively, while remaining tri1e to the principles of the UN Charter.In his speech, Annan also expressed the hope that f

46、ive years from now the peoples of the world will feel that the United Nations organization is closer to them, working better to fulfill their needs, and putting their individual weir at the center of everything it does. Annan is the seventh secretary-general of the United Nations. The first secretar

47、y-general to be elected from the ranks of United Nations staff, he began his current term on January l, l997.( )53. From the passage, we know Annan was appointed UN Secretary-General in_.A. 1996 B. l997 C. 200l D. 2002( )54. Who can make appointment of UN Secretary-General?A. UN Security Council. B.

48、 The United Nations.C. UN General Assembly. D. The top diplomat.( )55. In his next five-year term, the UN will always keep _in their mind, whatever they do.A. peoples individual welfare B. adjustment to changeC. the better equipment of the UN D. working efficiency(E)Directions: Match the articles wi

49、th the main ideas/ topics. Write the correct letter in the brackets below each article.A. Writing a draft is unnecessary.B. Some kind of planning is essential.C. You have to decide how detailed your notes should be.D. Dont waste time thinking about more ideas when in an examination.E. Organize your ideas into paragraphs when youve got enough of them.F. Write down briefly whatever comes to your mind before starting writing.( )56. A proper planning reveals whether you really have enough to say o


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