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JTK 1.2 提升 绞车 滚筒 设计 10 CAD
XX设计(XX)中期检查表指导教师: 职 称: 所在院(系): 教研室(系、研究所): 题 目JTK-1.2型提升绞车剖分滚筒设计学生姓名 专业班级 学 号 一、进度情况说明1.选题为JTK1.2提升绞车剖分滚筒设计,设计与所学的专业课程紧密联系,符合专业培养目标。这次设计工作中需要对所学的知识进行综合的加以应用,能熟悉的应用有关的参考资料,并且能培养查找专业的资料。可以对我们大学四年所学知识进行一次全面的练习。2这次设计所选的题目难易程度适中,并且第一次接触滚筒剖分设计,能培养同学的自主创新的能力。3题目的工作量:要求完成3.5张以上的A0图纸,2.53万的说明书一份。4这次设计的选题不但能紧密的结合生产和实践,属于所学习的范围之类,对学生以后不管是科研还是从事实际的工作对有很大的帮助。二、阶段性成果:1.完成开题报告2.设计说明书已经基本完成,剩余部分调整的工作3.初步绘制草图4.英语著作翻译已经完成5.毕业实习报告已经完成三、存在主要问题及解决方法对JTK提升绞车滚筒不够了解,初次剖分未考虑滚筒支轮的铸造结构,后改正选用为焊接结构支轮。四、指导教师对学生在毕业设计(论文)中的纪律及毕业设计(论文)任务的完成进展等方面的评语指导教师: (签名) 年 月 日 设计(XX)开题报告题目名称JTK-1.2型提升绞车剖分滚筒设计学生姓名 专业班级 学号0503010113一、选题的目的和意义:毕业设计是我们大学生活最后的一项重要学习任务,是对四年所学知识的总结和灵活运用,而且是在一段相对集中的时间段内对自己的一个知识检测,完善自己在本科学习阶段的知识汇总与继续学习弥补,是我们结束本科学习,走上工作岗位或进一步深造的必由之路,对于我意义重大。通过本次毕业设计,能使我们把先修的基础和专业基础课程中所获得的理论知识在实际的设计工作中综合地加以应用,通过毕业设计之后能够熟练应用有关参考资料、计算图表、手册,熟悉有关的国家标准和部颁标准,为以后成为优秀的工程技术人员打下良好的基础(1) 巩固、扩大和深化我们以前所学的基础课、专业课知识,进一步查缺补漏,使知识构造进一步完善。(2) 通过对JTK-1.2型提升绞车剖分滚筒结构和工作原理的演练认识,培养我们综合分析、理论联系实际的能力,培养自己在以后学术上认真严肃的态度。(3) 培养我们调查研究,正确熟练运用国家标准、手册、图册等资料和工具的能力,达到能够自己独立的查询资料,分析参考论文能力。(4) 锻炼自己的设计计算、数据处理、编写技术资料、绘图等独立工作能力。二、国内外研究现状简述:电动滚筒是一种将电动机和减速器共同置于滚动体内部的新型驱动装置。它主要应用于固定式和移动式带式输送机,代替传统的电动机、减速器在驱动滚筒之外的分离式驱动装置。 电动滚筒具有结构紧凑、传动效率高、噪声低、使用寿命长、运转平稳、工作可靠、密封性好、占据空间小、安装维修方便等优点,并适合在各种恶劣环境条件下工作,所以目前国内外已将电动滚筒广泛应用于采矿、冶金、煤炭、交通、能源、烟草、化工、建材、邮电、航空、农林等各个生产建设领域。1988年12月左右,我国第一台电动机外装式电动滚筒先后在自贡市运输机械总厂和东风机械厂研制成功。以变速传动轴承作为新型减速器的低速微型电动滚筒1991年在天津叉车厂总厂试制成功。到目前为止,除我国之外世界上已有较知名气生产电动滚筒的厂家有数十家。其中欧洲如德国有Bsuer、Baumuele、WAT、Interroll、Demag等公司。法国有Drymer、Boyer、Redex、Nervus等公司。英国有Thorite、Richard等公司。美国有Sparks公司,日本有住友商事株式会社等公司三、毕业设计(论文)所采用的研究方法和手段:1在学校图书馆、数据库、因特网中查阅相关资料,手册,专业期刊.2通过老师和工程师的指导,在校工厂参观认识.3认真学习从因特网和图书馆下载的相关论文和书籍4参考相关资料,进行数据的理论计算和分析四、主要参考文献与资料获得情况1 濮良贵, 纪名刚.机械设计.北京:高等教育出版社,2001.2机械设计师手册编写组.机械设计师手册.北京:机械工业出版社,1989. 3 汪 恺.机械工业基础标准应用手册.北京:机械工业出版社,2001. 4 顾崇衔.机械制造工艺学.陕西:陕西科学技术出版社,1999. 5 徐 灏.机械设计师手册.北京:机械工业出版社,2000.6 邹 平.机械设计实用机构与装置图册.北京:机械工业出版社,2007.7 卢耀祖,郑志强.机械结构设计.上海:同济大学出版社,2004.8 梁德本,叶玉驹.机械制图手册.北京:煤炭工业出版社,1983.9 赵 彤.现代实用气动技术.北京:机械工业出版社,2003.五、毕业设计(论文)进度安排(按周说明):第 8 周 撰写开题报告,整理已有文献资料。 第 9-11周 利用收集到的资料,设计计算。第 12 周 根据老师征求意见进行修改设计计算。第13-15周 根据计算,绘图。 第 16 周 根据老师意见修改绘图、报告。 第 17 周 整理,装订,准备答辩。 五、指导教师审批意见(对选题的可行性、研究方法、进度安排作出评价,对是否开题作出决定): 指导教师: (签名)年 月 日The hydraulic pressure support development with first gazes Key word hydraulic pressure support; Control; Intellectualization1 hydraulic pressure supports developmentThe hydraulic pressure support is take the high-pressured liquid as a power, by certain hydraulic pressure part (cylinder, pipe accessory) one kind of strut and the control roof mining coal working surface equipment which becomes with some steel work combinations. Has the intensity high, the travelling speed quick, support the performance good, safe is reliable and so on the characteristic. Since the 20th century 50s, the hydraulic pressure support has gradually become the mining coal working surface core equipment, in the world mainly produced the coal country to invest the massive manpower physical resource and the financial resource carries on the research development to it. At present, support tends to take the hydraulic pressure support as the main body maturely, in the world has produced makes several hundred kind of frames and the up to ten thousand kind of models hydraulic pressure support, meets each kind of coal bed mining support need. On the century 60s, our country once has also developed 10 kind of hydraulic pressure supports, because all sorts of reasons have not obtained the promoted application, the hydraulic pressure support is in the development, the experimental stage; The 70s successively from England, Germany, Poland, former Soviet Union and so on mainly produce the coal country to introduce several 10 sets of hydraulic pressure supports. After the unceasing exploration, the use, the digestion and the summary, make each kind of type the support, it is the beginning which the domestically produced hydraulic pressure support develops; The 80s hydraulic pressure support research and development is in the innovation to enhance the stage, develops 30 kind of new frames one after another, makes the ZZ series, the XY series, the ZD series and so on the different specification, and widely uses in the state-owned large and middle scale coal mines, obtains the good economic efficiency; 90s special hydraulic pressure support development obtains the rapid development, the mechanized shop net support, the water granulated substance fills the support, the reason support, the force support, puts goes against the coal support and so on to be published one after another; This century along with the computer technology, the automated technology popularization and the application, the hydraulic pressure support control obtains unprecedentedness to progress, gradually to the procedure control, the numerical control, the remote control and the automated control makes great strides forward.2 domestic and foreign hydraulic pressure supports differenceThe domestically produced support in the manufacture technology, the material quality performance, the processing craft, the control system and in the sealing property compares with the overseas advanced countries has the very big disparity.2.1 processings manufactures aspectAccording to the related synthesis picks the engineers and technicians to reflect that, the domestically produced hydraulic pressure support craft technology, the service life, the operational performance, use the material quality so far not yet to achieve in 1979 introduced 100 sets of supports the technical levels. If structural material: Germany uses the ST52 material it yield strength is 500 MPa, but our country uses 16 Mn material yield strength is only 350 MPa; Valve class: Overseas always uses the copper alloy valve shell and the high strength stainless steel valve core, our country is the 45# steel adds surface heat processing; In processing craft: The overseas cylinder endophragm is duplicate plates, the domestic product for does not plate, causes the column premature to appear the spot in the use process, scratches and so on the seal leaks the fluid phenomenon, affects support the effect. The domestically produced hydraulic pressure support and the overseas production hydraulic pressure support compares the average to reduce 2 3 a service life.2.2 control systems aspectThe domestically produced hydraulic pressure support control system research and development is at backwardness condition, seriously restricted the support to move supposes the speed the enhancement and the synthesis picks the economic efficiency the display. In the world several mainly produce the coal great nation throughout to enhance the support control system achievement the synthesis to pick the economic efficiency the important method, the 20th century 60s use manually straight control the operating system; The 70s use the forerunner control system, along with it England first proposed the development electrohydraulic control system, the eightys tends to maturely; The 90s ladders company develops the entire working surface electrohydraulic control system, follows closely after that Wister to cut down the advantage Asia - shell Switzerland special company to develop more advanced P - M3, P - the M4 electrohydraulic control system. Presently country and so on US, Germany, England, Australia basically all is the programmable electrohydraulic control, but our country still used the hand control system.2.3 hydraulic pressure parts aspectThe hydraulic pressure part research and development speed lags by far to the hydraulic pressure support need to develop. The hydraulic pressure support reliability mainly relies on the hydraulic pressure part reliability, the hydraulic pressure support in the coal mine production applies whether succeeds, the key lies in the hydraulic pressure part the technical performance whether does meet the requirements. Overseas at present uses the great current capacity safety valve, the fluid much controls the cone-way valve, the cut-off valve, initially supports the strength maintenance valve and the column quickly returns at once the fluid valve. To the hydraulic pressure part structural style, the geometry size, the choice of material, the heat treatment method and the surface treatment and so on various aspects have conducted the thorough research and the development. Develops one batch of sealing property well, the sensitivity high, enters the row of fluid ability to be big, the anti- impact load strong each kind of hydraulic pressure part, adapts the hydraulic pressure support operating performance request. But our country kind of hydraulic pressure part research and development lags regarding this, at present still continued to use the century for 80s the product, has not formed the hydraulic pressure part universalization, the seriation, the standardization3 hydraulic pressure supports prospects for development forecastIn view of the fact that the science and technology high speed development, new technical, the new craft, the new method, the new material unceasing application and the computer technology unprecedented expansion, the hydraulic pressure support future development will have the extremely attractive prospect.3.1 designs ideas renewal, the hydraulic pressure support develops a revolutionMust consider the environment in the hydraulic pressure support design the attribute. Because the hydraulic pressure support working condition is bad, the person, machine the environment reciprocity question appears importantly. The green design is the choice of material, the product structure, the technique, the outward appearance modelling and the color matches according to the certain rule, adopts artistic the method to perform ingeniously to fuse, fully manifests the man-machine environment system the harmonious unification. The unwieldy hydraulic pressure support image safe, reliable, is been easy to service, lowly to consume energy, the high efficiency, the modelling artistic substitutes. This kind of green design, it not only Filters the environment and the resources both must meet the economical development needs, and must meet the human survival development needs, is the humanity sustainable developmental strategy in support design manifesting. For example: The hydraulic pressure support uses the multi- goals fuzzy design in the design process, requests to support the strength in a big way, moves a speed quickly, weight light, the timber wood are few and so on, each goal determined a function, namely many designs objective function, then the combination optimizes, determination preferred plan.3.2 will adopt the pure water hydraulic pressure technology, the hydraulic pressure support becomes the green machineryThe pure water hydraulic pressure technology is the hydraulic pressure domain development front. It not only has good anti- burns the nature, the radiation, moreover the price also cheaply, does not have the pollution, since the long-time hydraulic pressure support in Surface under has worked, because the use actuating medium is the emulsion, and has many chemical additives (emulsifier, guards against rust medicinal preparation, antiseptic, partner mixture and so on), the micro environmental pollution is extremely serious to the surface below, therefore, the hydraulic pressure support use pure water hydraulic pressure technology, to reduces the coal mine the production cost, protects the environment is beneficial, and may greatly improve the mine pit the work and the security condition. Unceasingly progresses along with the society, the people had a higher request to the dependent survival environment, hoped has a security, the environmental protection, the highly civilized green environment. The time request summoned the hydraulic pressure transmission (to origin in 1605 discovered the Pascals law) this ancient brand-new technology resurfaced, and received the world the attention. At present, the western nation concentrates the strength to study this technology, and makes the unprecedented progress. For example: The lubrication attrition question, reasonably selects rubs the vice- material, has the engineering plastics, the structure ceramics, the high polymer material, guards against rust anticorrosion coating and so on. The structure ceramics have the resistance to wear, the anti- cavitation performance is good, the good chemical stability, characteristic and so on lower friction factor, prepares is favoured. Replaces the partial metals material in the hydraulic pressure part with the structure ceramics, big improvement its performance. In brief, the new material success develops and applies, precisely processes technical the unceasing progress, as well as each kind of new structure hydraulic pressure part making, all will become the hydraulic pressure support to use the pure water hydraulic pressure technology to enter the strict non- pollution domain, will provide the extremely attractive application prospects for development.3.3 high tech applications, the hydraulic pressure support tends to the intellectualizationThe advanced science and technology application is mutually seeps each kind of technology, mutually unifies in the foundation mutually assists, mutually promotes and the enhancement, fully uses each kind of related technical the superiority, enhances strong points and avoid weaknesses, after causes the combination the overall function to be bigger than the composition whole sum of each part of function comprehensive interdisciplinary studies. The many kinds of technologies unceasingly seep to the mechanical parent substance - hydraulic pressure support, including technical and so on machine, electricity, fluid, light, magnetism servosystem. Specifically said that, is the strength, the speed which outputs by the hydraulic pressure support are a goal, constituted from has output to the input closed-loop system, was involves sensing the technology, the computer control technology, the signal processing technology, the mechanical drive technology, the hydraulic transmission technology and so on. Because fast operating speed, formidable memory function and keen logical judgement function, thus has realized the man-machine dialogue, causes it operation maintenance conveniently, the entire machine function to be strong. The hydraulic pressure support application function unceasingly expands, unceasingly strengthens to the mine pit coal bed geology condition compatibility, production benefit to equipment dependent degree increasingly big, the operational reliability is more important. The breakdown diagnosis technology (including signal examination, breakdown judgement, failure detection, content and so on fault analysis) along with the high tech development theory (for example wavelet technology, nerve network, artificial intelligence and so on) will enter the hydraulic pressure support the early diagnosis, the prevention and the reduced accident occurrence, service blindness and the maintenance time, will lengthen the support service life, will enhance the production efficiency.4 concluding remarkIn summary, the hydraulic pressure support at present develops the main tendency is: Two columns shields type, enhances the hydraulic pressure support intensity, the design factor, moves a speed, the improvement individual part structure (overall top-beam, width center distance and so on), hydraulic pressure pipe accessory seriation, standardization, universalization, high working resistance, redundant reliability, with micro electron technology realization machine electrohydraulic integration digital gathering, operating mode monitor, breakdown diagnosis and automatic control.液压支架的发展与前瞻关键词 液压支架; 控制; 智能化1液压支架发展概述液压支架是以高压液体为动力,由若干个液压元件(油缸、阀件)与一些金属构件组合而成的一种支撑和控制顶板的采煤工作面设备。具有强度高、移动速度快、支护性能好、安全可靠等特性。自20世纪50年代以来,液压支架已逐步成为采煤工作面核心设备,世界上主要产煤国家投入了大量的人力物力和财力对其进行研究开发。目前,以液压支架为主体的支护趋于成熟,世界上已生产制造出数百种架型和上万种型号的液压支架,以适应各类煤层开采支护需要。上世纪60年代,我国也曾开发了10余种液压支架,由于种种原因未得到推广应用,液压支架处于研制、实验阶段;70年代先后从英国、德国、波兰、前苏联等主要产煤国家引进数10余套液压支架。经不断的探索、使用、消化和总结,制造出各种类型的支架,它是国产液压支架发展的起点; 80年代液压支架研发处于创新提高阶段,相继开发出30余种新架型,制造出ZZ系列、XY系列、ZD系列等不同规格,并广泛用于国有大中型煤矿,取得良好的经济效益; 90年代特种液压支架的研制获得迅速发展,机械化铺网支架、水砂充填支架、端头支架、强力支架、放顶煤支架等相继问世;本世纪随着计算机技术、自动化技术的普及与应用,液压支架的控制获得突破性进展,逐步向程序控制、数字控制、遥控和自动化控制迈进。2国内外液压支架差异国产支架在制造技术、材质性能、加工工艺、控制系统及密封性能上与国外先进国家相比有很大差距。2.1 加工制造方面据有关综采工程技术人员反映,国产液压支架的工艺技术、服务年限、使用性能、所用材质到目前为止尚未达到。1979年引进100套支架的技术水平。如结构材料:德国采用ST52材料其屈服极限为500 MPa,而我国使用16 Mn材料屈服极限仅为350 MPa;阀类:国外一直使用铜合金阀壳和高强度不锈钢阀芯,我国则是45#钢加表面热处理;在加工工艺上:国外油缸内壁是复镀,国产则为不镀,导致立柱在使用过程中过早出现斑点,划伤等密封漏液现象,影响支护效果。国产液压支架与国外生产的液压支架相比平均缩短23 a服务年限。2.2控制系统方面国产液压支架控制系统的研发处于落后状态,严重制约了支架的移设速度的提高和综采经济效益的发挥。世界上几个主要产煤大国始终把支架控制系统作为提高综采经济效益的重要手段, 20世纪60年代采用手动直控操作系统;70年代采用先导控制系统,随之英国首先提出研制电液控制系统, 80年代趋于成熟; 90年代道梯公司研制出全工作面电液控制系统,紧
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