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1、教 案课程名称 新生代英语基础教程1 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 新生代英语基础教程1 教学计划教 学单 元Unit 1 “Nice to meet you.”单 元主 题l Occupations and places课 时安 排8教学内容l Show Time“Nice to meet you.”l ReadingHave we met before?l Chat TimeYou look familiar.l WritingFilling in a forml GrammarPersonal pronouns and possessive adjectiv

2、esl My StoryIntroductions教学目标教学活动建议Warm-upTo get students to talk about the main topic of this unit in a comfortable and relaxed mannerl Have students look at the picture and ask them to fill in the blanks with words given.Vocabulary BuilderA and BTo teach students new vocabulary related to occupati

3、ons and placesl Have students listen and repeat the words. l Ask students which words they know and which they arent sure about. Make sure to emphasize the correct pronunciation of “Ireland”). l Once students are comfortable with each word, let them try to complete the exercises by themselves. After

4、 they have finished, go through each answer. Discuss any questions that students had problems with.CTo improve students listening and comprehension skillsl Tell students they will hear a conversation between two people who have just met. Tell students that Jim is the name of the male speaker and Tra

5、cy is the name of the female speaker.l Then listen to the conversation and have students complete the conversation. Go through each answer and check for errors.l Brainstorm with students some topics for small talk, for example, hometown, job, name, etc.DTo improve students speaking and comprehension

6、 skillsl Involve students in the performance to guess words. Do this game in pair. One student performs an occupation according to a given word or picture and the other guesses which occupation it is. Have three pairs compete with each other and give two pictures in each round. The pair using shorte

7、st time wins. Check whether they have all learnt the word by having the class vie to answer or call individuals.l Ask questions like “What job is this?” Inspire students to answer with a complete sentence beginning with “I think it is” Correct their answers if they make mistakes of “be” verbs. Expla

8、in to them that “-er” is a suffix of words to denote anyone taking a particular job.l Finally, have them finish the exercise D. Check their answers.Show TimeATo teach students speaking skills through the use of picturesl First, have students look through all pictures and sentences below. Ask basic q

9、uestions such as, “Who are these people?” “Where are they?” “What are they doing?” “Why are they doing that?” “How are they doing it?” l Next, describe each character to help students get familiar with the content. For example, Hector has a shaved head. Mateo has dark skin. Naomi is an Asian. The te

10、acher has red hair.l Next, have students match the pictures to the sentences which describe them.l Divide students into groups of four and have each group make up a dialogue based on each picture. Give an example of the first picture.B, C and DTo improve students listening comprehension through the

11、use of videol Let students pay special attention to the information about where the four people are from, then play the video. Have students complete Exercise B. Check their answers and encourage them to revise their dialogue according to this part.l And before doing Exercise C, you may want to let

12、students guess what the missing words might be. Watch the video again and finish the exercise with the words from the boxes. Check their answers and have students read the dialogue. Or you may choose four students to model the dialogue. Continue to revise students dialogues according to this part.l

13、For exercise D, let students reorder the statements and read out the dialogue in pairs after checking their answer.ReadingA, B and CTo improve students reading comprehensionl First, have students look at the picture before reading the text, ask them to guess what story it would be. You can ask diffe

14、rent students to share their guesses about the story. l Then, have students read the text quietly to themselves. After that, you can play the recording to them. l Finally, have students try to role-play the conversation in the story.l Look through statements in Exercise B and guess the correct order

15、. Listen to the recording again. Reorder the sentences and retell the story.l Finish exercise C. Teach students how to look for key words in the article. Check their answers.D and ETo improve students critically thinking ability and encourage them to learn a lesson from the storyl For Exercise D, le

16、t students choose which opinions they agree with and tell their reasons.l For Exercise E, hold a class discussion. Encourage students to share their opinions. You may ask a few questions to lead in. for example, is the young man wrong? Should the madam hire him if he is very capable?F and GTo review

17、 the useful words and expressionsl Before doing Exercise F, have students read the words from the boxes. Correct them if they read in a wrong way. You can teach the word formation, for example, add “er” to the verb “interview”, we get a noun “interviewer”; add “ee” to the verb “interview”, we get “i

18、nterviewee”. You can also ask students to pay attention to the same word with different word classes, for example, “interview” can be both a noun and a verb.l For Exercise G, first, have students write down the vocabulary words in each box in any order they choose. Next, play the definitions of each

19、 word to students. If they hear the definition of a word, they can cross out the word. The first student to cross out a line of words (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) can call out “Bingo!”, and is the winner.Chat TimeTo improve students listening, speaking, writing and acting skills through

20、the use of conversationl First, explain to students that they will hear a conversation between two people who have just met and introduce the key words for this conversation. l Second, ask students to listen carefully and write down what they hear in the blank spaces. If necessary, pause the recordi

21、ng so that students have time to write. You may want students to read through the Language notes, learning the expression of “You look familiar.” Let them practice the dialogue in pairs.l Next, have students practice introducing themselves in pairs, monitoring them while they do so. l For Exercise C

22、, you can divide students into pairs, and ask them to act out the situation. They can take turns playing different roles. Monitor them and help when necessary.WritingTo improve students writing skills and learn to fill in formsl Teach students how to fill in the entry visa application with basic inf

23、ormation items (first name, last name, gender, birth date, marital status, job, street address, country of birth, email address and phone number, etc.).l For Exercise A, you can play a role as a visa interviewer, and let students play as interviewees. You ask students a few questions, such as “What

24、is your job?” “Why do you want to go abroad?” “What is your date of birth?” etc.l Explain that “first name” or “given name” equals to “名” in Chinese while “last name”, “family name”, or “surname” equals to “姓”.l Tell the differences between writing English and Chinese addresses. When writing an addr

25、ess in Chinese, it goes from broader conception to smaller ones, in the order of Country, Province, City, Street and Number. But in English, it is the other way around.l Guide students to fill in the visa application form. Help them if they have any problems.l For Exercise B, let students fill in th

26、e form according to their own conditions. Tell them to capitalize the first letter of surname and first name.GrammarTo teach students how to use Personal pronouns and possessive adjectivesl Explain to students that we use possessive adjectives to show someone owns something. Start by asking students

27、 if they know what a “noun” is (for example, a person, place or thing). Ask students to give examples of nouns. Now, tell students that we use the possessive adjective in front of nouns that a subject owns. l Another fun way to demonstrate this is to walk around the class removing objects from stude

28、nts desks. You can then ask the class “Whose _ is it?” making sure that they use the possessive adjective to answer. l After students have become comfortable using the possessive adjective, have them complete the exercises, and then go through the answers once they are finished.l Review personal nou

29、ns and explain subjects, objects and possessives. Give some examples: I have an English book. My parents bought me the book last week. I like my book very much.l Finish Exercise B and check answers.My StoryTo improve students listening comprehension and speaking ability through the use of videol Tel

30、l students that they will see a video in which real people talk about their names and places they come from. Make sure students know what a “nickname” is by giving examples (you may use your nickname or a famous persons nickname as an example). l Now, watch the video and have students complete the t

31、rue or false statements. In some cases, you may need to pause the video to help students. Now, have students tell you the answers, correcting any mistakes.l Watch the video again and have students write the missing words in the blanks, pausing the video if necessary. Check students answers, correcti

32、ng any mistakes. Read out Exercise B.l For the discussion section, start by going through the model answers in the book, and have students repeat after you. Finally, have students discuss the questions in pairs and/or in groups. Allow students to walk freely, interview classmates and record their an

33、swers. Report their findings to the class. Encourage students to make a self-introduction to the class or write a short story about themselves.课后学习设计作业u Finish all the exercises in Unit 1.u Read the text in this unit again and try to summarise its content.u Fill in a form for a friend to apply for a

34、 museum membership.课后总结与反思补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER 参考译文吉姆:麻烦您,服务员!请过来一下,好吗?特蕾西:好的,先生。您想吃些什么?吉姆:我想要一个汉堡包和一杯可乐,谢谢。特蕾西:好的,没问题。吉姆:嘿,你看起来很眼熟。你在这个餐厅工作多久了?特蕾西:我在这里才工作了一周。我刚从日本搬到这里。吉姆:噢,真的吗?很高兴见到你。我是吉姆。我来自爱尔兰。我是附近学校的学生。特蕾西:很高兴见到你,吉姆。我是特蕾西。哦,我得走了。回头见!吉姆:再见!SHOW TIME 语言解析1. Shes married to Mr. Smith. 她和史密斯先生结

35、婚了。be married to sb. 与某人结婚e.g. She has been married to her husband for 10 years. 她和她丈夫结婚10年了。2. I look forward to being your instructor this semester.我期待着这个学期成为你们的老师。look forward to doing sth. 表示“期待做某事”,to 是介词,后面接动词的-ing形式。e.g. I look forward to seeing you again.我盼望再次见到你。The little girl is looking f

36、orward to visiting the zoo. 小女孩盼望着去参观动物园。3. Mateo, at your service. 玛特奥,很愿意为您效劳。at your service 愿意为您效劳e.g. Ifyouneedanyhelp,Ill beatyourservice.如果你需要帮助,我愿意为您效劳We are very glad to be at your service. 我们很高兴为您效劳。 参考译文玛特奥:哦,很抱歉,我迟到了,桑切斯先生。赫克托:请叫我赫克托。玛特奥:好的,赫克托先生。赫克托:好吧,随便吧。玛特奥:大家都去哪里了?赫克托:我想老师要来了,她晚了。玛特


38、呢?赫克托:我?我没有工作,目前还没有。但我有父母。我爸爸来自墨西哥,我妈妈来自土耳其。我一直住在格兰岱尔。玛特奥是我最好的朋友。玛特奥:是的,赫克托就像我的兄弟一样像我弟弟。史密斯太太:你也来自格兰岱尔吗?玛特奥:不,我是从波多黎各来的,但我小时候,就搬到这儿来了。史密斯太太:嗯,很高兴见到你们。欢迎来上课,很期待本学期做你们的老师。READING 语言解析1. Last Monday, I was in a hurry. 上星期一,我很着急。in a hurry 匆忙e.g. He put on his clothes in a hurry.他急急忙忙地穿上了衣服。Im in a hurr

39、y, so come to the point. 我赶时间,直截了当说出来吧。2. I wanted to get to work quickly because I was interviewing people for an engineer job in my company. 我得赶着去上班,因为我要在公司面试前来应聘工程师职位的应聘者。1) want to do sth. 想要做某事e.g. I want to buy a new bike.我想买一辆新自行车。2) interview n. & v. 面试,采访e.g. I took part in a job interview

40、yesterday. 我昨天参加了一个求职面谈。3. The first interview was at 9 oclock. 第一场面试在上午9点钟。介词at用在表示“小时”的数字前面,表示时间。e.g. We usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.我们通常早上六点半起床。The supermarket closed at 10 oclock last night.昨天晚上超市十点钟关门。4. I waited for the train. 我在等火车。wait for 等待,等候e.g. We are waiting for the bus. 我们正在等公共汽车。Who are you waiting for? 你在等谁?5. The station was busy, lots of people were standing on the platform. 很多人站在站台上。on the platform 在站台上e.g. On the platform, there were thousands of people.站台上有数以千计的人。6. When the train arrived, I was the first i


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