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1、Module 2 My family,模块知识盘点,模块知识盘点,Module2 My family,常用短语,模块知识盘点,1.a photo of. 一张的照片 2. a big family 一个大家庭 3. on the left/right of. 在的左/右边 4. in front of 在(范围外部的)前面 5. in the front of 在(范围内部的)前面 6. next to 在旁边,模块知识盘点,7. between.and. 在和之间 8. bus station 公共汽车站 9. bus driver 公交车司机 10. police station 警察局

2、11. a manager of a theatre 一家剧院的经理 12. at the same hospital 在同一家医院 13. for example 比如,例如,经典句型,模块知识盘点,1. Is this your family? 这是你的家人吗? 2. What a big family! 好大的一个家庭啊! 3. Are these your grandparents? 这是你的祖父母和外祖父母 吗? 4. Whos this? 这是谁?,模块知识盘点,5. The woman next to her is my dads sister, my aunt Liz. 挨着她

3、 的女士是我爸爸的妹妹,我的姑姑莉兹。 6.Those are Pauls son and daughter, my cousins, Mike and Helen. 那是保罗的儿子 和女儿,我的堂兄妹,迈克和海伦。 7. My fathers job is at a police station. 我爸爸在警察局工作。 8. Hes a hotel manager. 他是一名宾馆经理。 9. Whats your fathers job? 你爸爸是做什么工作的?,语法点睛,模块知识盘点,1. 指示代词this, that, these, those的用法。 2. 掌握人称代词的主格和形容词性

4、物主代词。,课文再现,模块知识盘点,Bettys parents are American. Her father is an actor, and her mother is the manager of a theatre. Damings parents are Chinese. His father is a policeman at a police station, and his mother is a nurse. Tonys parents are English. His mother is an English teacher at a school and his father is a hotel manager. Linglings parents are Chinese. Her mother is a nurse. She and Da


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