



1、小学四年级英语(外研版 )多媒体暑假作业二十一听力1(.3 分 5=15分)2.(3 分 5=15分)二 写一写,将序号写在题下括号内。 (2 分 510 分)b. music competitiond. half past eight1. d()2. ( e)3. (a)4. ( c)5. b() . match the following(给问句找到合适的答语 ) (2 分 5=10分) ( c) 1. whose trousers is this?a. i came back last monday.( d) 2. did you go home by bike?b.no, he did

2、n t.( e) 3. how much meat do you want?c.it s his.( a) 4. when did you come back?d.yes, i did.( b) 5. did he eat rice yesterday?e. one kilo.四 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。(2 分 8=16 分)1. i _have _ a new computer. (have)2. there are some _glasses_ on the table .(glass)3. do you have _any_ story book? (some)4. he s

3、 cleaning_ the windows and doors.(clean)5. nancy and i don t likeswimming _. (swim)6. look! miss gao has some tins of fish _. (fish)7.the children_ are near the tent.(child)8.they are in the big tree . let sthemgoand.(they)help五请用横线划出下列各个句子的错误,并把正确答案填到括号里。( 2 分 10=10 分)1. he has a new piano. i can p

4、lays it very well(. play )2. he have two big eyes.(has)3. did he have three heads?yes, he do.(did)4.dontwalking on the grass.(walk)5. how many deers can you see?(deer)六完形填空 ( 2 分 10=20 分)tomorrow _1._ childrensday. we dontgo to school. i _2. going to_ 3._ upearly and_4._my homeworkin the morningi.m

5、goingto the _5._andbuy_6._computerwihmy fatherin the afternooni.m goingthereby _7._,because the shop is far_8._ my home. in themevening,goingto i_9. computergames. _10._are you going to do tomorrow?(b) 1. a. amb. isc. are(a) 2.a. amb. isc. are(b) 3.a. getsb. getc. put(a) 4.a. dob. doesc. did(b ) 5.a. computer gameb. computer shopc. clothes shop(a) 6.a. ab. anc. the(c ) 7. a. a busb. the busc. bus(a) 8.a. fromb. forc. of(b) 9.a. playsb. playc. playing(b) 10. a. whatb. whoc. where七趣味阅读( 2 分 2=4 分)小朋友都有自己的优点, 当你与自己的好朋友们在一起的玩时候, 不要夸大自己的长处而忽视了他人的优点。同学们在一起要互相学习吆!we are


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