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1、Humor,British humor,What is British humor?,LET ME TELL YOU!,Outline,1、 features 2、funny quote 3、joke 4、representative,features,Puns双关 Nonsense无聊 Blackhumour黑色幽默 Eccentricity无厘头 Satire讽刺 Self-deprecation自嘲 Understatement轻描淡写,The English appear to be a deeply serious people. This gives an added piquan

2、cy(辛辣, 刺激) to the English sense of humor. For it comes as a surprise to foreigners to find that it exists at all.,Funny quotes in the political arena,The difference between a misfortune and a calamity is this: If Gladstone fell into the Thames, it would be a misfortune. But if someone dragged him ou

3、t again, that would be a calamity. Benjamin Disraeli.,A joke,“MayIborrowyourrecordplayertonight?”amanaskedhisneighbor.“Sure.Doyouwanttolistentosomemusic?”“No,”heanswered.“TonightIwanttohavesomepeaceandquiet.”,The London Olympic Games opening ceremony,His sense of comedy comes from you and I are like

4、ly to occur in daily life.,I like him.,Some interesting expreesion,blackness,surprised,happy,unhappy,Some funny picture!,Some funny piture!,American Humor,let me tell you,So what is Amercian Humor? What is the character of Amercian humor?,Compare to English humor, Amercian humor is more exoteric(开放的

5、) .Their humor may involve some sensitive topics such as death,sex,and terrorism.They dont care about it.,Some American humor joks,humors in answer of phone My wife and I cant come to the phone right now, but if youll leave your name and number, well get back to you as soon as were finished. joks ab

6、out changing lightbulbs Q: How many Yale students does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None-New Haven looks better in the dark.,Great comedian Charles Chapin,The resume of Charles Chapin,Birthplace:London Birthday:1889/4/16 Nationality:The UK Occupation:actor,director, producer(制片人) Gained prizes:Oscar Award for lifetime achievement(奥斯卡终身成就奖),the tenth of AFI the greatest actor in hundred years(AFI百年来最伟大的男演员第10名),The typical apparel(外观),bowler hat(圆顶礼帽),dinner jacket(小礼服),trapezoid mustache(梯形小胡子),bamboo stick(竹手杖),macrocephalic sh


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