



1、土木工程专业英语自我介绍篇一:东南大学土木复试英文自我介绍 Self-introduction Respected Professors, Good morning! Its my honor to meet you here. Now please allow me to give a brief self-introduction. My name is *,a 22 years old boy coming from *, *Province. 4 years ago, I entered school of civil Engineering of southeast universi

2、ty with hope .And now, I am trying my best to obtain an opportunity for further study in this beautiful University. Generally speaking, I am a student with diligence andgreat deligence and perseverance.In the past three and a half years, I havelearnt some basic knowledge of civil engineering.To enha

3、nce practical ability,I have alao taken every chance to participate in various activities, such as Student Research Training Program,Structure Innovation Competition.All of these have not only broaden my horizons but also stimulate interest. My passion in civi engineering is the reason why I choose

4、to receive the postgraduate educaton. As to my characters, I am optimistic and confident. I always believe No matter what difficulties we encounter,we should be confident in ourselves . Thus,As long as I make a decision, I will try my best to accomplish the task.I dont give up easily and will always

5、 try to find out a way out of difficulties. Well, in my spare time, I like playing basketball, for this game could not only refresh my body, but also enable me to realize the significance of team spirit.And if I feel under too much pressure,I would like to go hiking with my friends to relax myself.

6、If I could become a graduate student in southeast university ,I would cherish the chance and make the best of the coming 3 years .No pains,no gains.I believe 3 years of study here will lay a solid foundation for a bright future .And of course,friends and teacherswill also be a invaluable wealth in m

7、y life. That is all for my self-introduction, Thank you very much for your time and attention. 篇二:土木工程、工程管理专业考研复试英文版自我介绍 Personal introduction Good afternoon, dear professors, I am very glad to be here for this interview. My name is XXX , I come from Nanjing Jiang Su Province.Im an optimistic person

8、, outward, easy-going and rich in curiosity. Ive finished my undergraduate education at Civil Engineering college , Southeast University. When I was a young boy, I have always possessed a deep fascination with design and construction. Therefore, without doubt, four years ago when I needed to choose

9、my major at college, I decided to study Engineering Project Management and aimed to become a civil engineer in the future. Motivated to build a solid foundation for this goal, Im striving for obtaining a key to your prestigious university. I had a eich and solid undergraduate life, I used to be the

10、chairman of the students union and secretary of committee youth league. I have taken great efforts in studying specialized course during my undergraduate years at Southeast University. Due to my talent, diligence and enthusiasm, I outperformed most of my classmates. I got an average credit of 3.8 po

11、ints in my whole 4 years, ranked in No.6 in my major. In addition to the high scores, through courses like Engineering Economics, Project appraisal, Engineering Project Management, and Architecture and Urban Planning , I recently have passed the test for Jiangsu Cost Member, the qualification of whi

12、ch I will be awarded soon. The reason why I join the Graduate Candidate Test is that I am very interested in my major and I will concentrate on the study and research in this field.So firstly , I will choose a certain approach in my study area with your guidance ;Then, I will draw a pragmatic Resear

13、ch plan and time schedule. I hope I can form a systematical view of my major; Thirdly , I will make myself be familiar with the latest development of this area by reading books and journals. And I would like to do some practical work with the help of my supervisor. And through this, I can get someth

14、ing that cannot be acquired from the textbooks. I am a diligent and capable man ,which I think is very important in Project Management research. I believe I will have a good performance in my postgraduate life. Thats all about me. Thanks for your attention. 篇三:土木工程求职自我介绍范文 土木工程求职自我介绍范文 范文一: 作为一位土木工程

15、专业的大学生,我并没有辜负四年的大学生活,具体学会的技能如下: 1、懂图纸、资料,仪器,CAD等。能吃苦耐劳,有进取心。负责施工现场的总体布署、总平面布置。 2、协调劳务层的施工进度、质量、安全。执行总的施工方案。 3、对劳务层进行考核、评价。 4、监督劳务层按规范施工,确保安全生产,文明施工。全面合理、有效实施方案,保持施工现场安全有效。 5、提出保证施工、安全、质量的措施并组织实施。 6、督促施工材料、设备按时进场,并处于合格状态,确保工程顺利进行。 7、参加工程竣工交验,负责工程完好保护。 8、按时准确记录施工日志。 9、合理调配生产要素,严密组织施工确保工程进度和质量。 10、组织隐蔽

16、工程验收,参加分部分项工程的质量评定。 11、参加图纸会审和工程进度计划的编制用感恩的心做人,用爱心做事业。计算机能力:中级语言能力:英语(一般);普通话(良好)精确操作仪器、CAD,工地协调管理,工前技术交底、质量轴线标高等。能熟悉并制作图纸、资料、施工方案、合同。 范文二: 作为一名土木工程(路桥)专业的应届毕业生,我热爱土木工程专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。在几年的学习生活中,系统学习了专业知识,通过实习积累了丰富的工作经验。 大学期间,本人始终积极向上、奋发进取,在各方面都取得长足的发展,全面提高了自己的综合素质。曾担任过校学生会主席和团委书记等职。在工作上我能做到勤勤恳恳,认真负

17、责,精心组织,力求做到最好。 多次被评为校级优秀学生干部、校级优秀团干,学习成绩优秀,连续三年获得一等奖学金,并被评为校级优秀毕业生。 大学生活培养了我坚韧不屈的性格,增强了我面对困难的承受能力,解决困难的应变能力,也潜移默化中培养了自己乐观、进取的精神状态。在思想上我积极要求上进、热爱集体,时刻保持自己思想的进步,注意与时俱进,并时刻不忘自己的综合素质。土木建筑行业虽然是个辛苦的职业,但它却是我向往的职业,健康、活泼、爱笑的我,怀着最赤诚的热心去对待工作中的每一件事情。我将在今后的工作中更加虚心学习,精益求精,为做一位合格的土木工程技术人员而努力。 一直以来我积极参加各种专业实践的机会,基本

18、掌握了房屋建筑施工和设计的一些基本知识并积累了不少现场的经验。利用课余时间我通过自学,精通AutoCAD、Photoshop制图、Firework软件,熟练运用理正等地质勘察软件,熟练运用办公软件。熟悉Windows7操作系统和Office、Internet互联网的基本操作。 一系列的组织工作让我积累了宝贵的社会工作经验,使我学会了思考,学会了做人,学会了如何与人共事,锻炼了组织能力和沟通、协调能力,培养了吃苦耐劳、乐于奉献、关心集体、务实求进的思想。 沉甸甸的过去,正是为了单位未来的发展而蕴积。我的将来,正准备为贵公司辉煌 的将来而贡献、拼搏!如蒙不弃,请贵公司来电查询,给予我一个接触贵公司的机


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