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关 键 词:
小型 挖掘机 液压 系统 设计 全套 cad 图纸

下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709851摘 要本次设计的题目是小型挖掘机液压系统设计。与其它类型的挖掘机相比,这种类型的挖掘机因有良好通过性能应用最广,对松软地面或沼泽地带还可采用加宽、加长以及浮式履带来降低接地比压。液压挖掘机的主要特点为:能无级调速且调速范围大,能得到较低的稳定转速,快速作用时,液压元件产生的运动惯性小,加速性能好,并可作高速反转,传动平稳,结构简单,可吸收冲击和振动,操纵省力,易实现自动化控制,易于实现标准化、系列化、通用化。本次设计的主要参数是斗容量 0.2m3,它属于小型液压挖掘机,主要设计挖掘机的工作装置、液压传动原理。在设计中,采用了履带式行走装置,来满足要求。上部转台是全回转式,因此它可在一个更大的范围内工作。又因采用液压传动控制而使整机性能得以改善。与机械式挖掘机相比,其挖掘力提高到 23 倍,整机质量约为 5 吨,挖掘力约为30kN,最大卸载高度约为 2.65m,最大挖掘深度 4.2m,最大挖掘半径约为 5.728m,从中可以看出整机作业能力有了很大的改进,不仅挖掘力大,且机器重量轻,传动平稳,作业效率高,结构紧凑。另外,还对挖掘机的工作装置提出基于结构推理的机构方案创新设计方法。关键词:液压挖掘机 ;挖掘机构 ;液压系统 下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709852AbstractThis design topic is the design of small excavator hydraulic system. Compared with other types of excavator, this type of excavator for good through the performance is the most widely used, soft ground or marshes can also use widened, extended and serving the crawler to reduce ground pressure.The hydraulic excavator main characteristic is: stepless speed and speed range, can get a stable low speed, fast action, hydraulic parts produce inertia small, good acceleration performance, and can be used for high speed inversion, smooth transmission, simple structure, can absorb shock and vibration, labor-saving operation, easy realization of automation control, easy to realize the standardization, seriation, generalization.This design is the main parameters of bucket capacity 0.2m3, it belongs to a small hydraulic excavator, working device of hydraulic excavator, the main design of transmission principle.In the design, using the crawler walking device, to meet the requirements. The upper table is full rotation, so it can work in a greater scope. Because of the use of hydraulic drive and control the entire machine performance can be improved. Compared with the mechanical excavator, the digging force is increased to 2 to 3 times, the quality is about 5 tons, mining capacity is about 30kN, the maximum discharge height is about 2.65m, the maximum digging depth is 4.2m, maximum digging radius is about 5.728m, can be seen from the machine operation capacity has been greatly improved, not only mining force, and light weight, smooth transmission, high efficiency, compact structure. In addition, also proposes to the excavator work installment innovative design method based on the structureinferenceorganization plan.Key word:Hydraulic excavator ;Excavation organization ;Hydraulic system 下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709853目 录1 绪论 11.1 液压挖掘机的工作特点和基本类型 .11.1.1 液压挖掘机的主要优点 .11.1.2 液压挖掘机的基本类型及主要特点 .31.2 液压挖掘机的发展概况 .41.2.1 国外液压挖掘机目前水平及发展趋势 .41.2.2 国内液压挖掘机的发展概况 .41.3 本次设计概述 .51.4 反铲装置的工作原理 .51.5 本次设计任务 .62 总体设计方案 72.1 工作装置设计方案原则 .72.2 液压系统设计方案原则(总体) .72.2.1 单斗液压挖掘机作业过程 .82.2.2 对液压系统作业动作要求 .82.2.3 对液压系统基本的要求 .83 挖掘机的工作装置设计 103.1 确定动臂、斗杆、铲斗的结构形式 .103.1.1 确定动臂的结构形式 .103.1.2 确定斗杆的结构形式 .113.1.3 确定铲斗的结构形式和斗齿安装结构 .113.1.4 铲斗与铲斗液压缸的连接方式 .133.2 确定动臂、斗杆、铲斗油缸的铰点布置 .143.2.1 动臂油缸的布置 .14下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709854 毕业设计(论文)专用纸3.2.2 斗杆油缸的布置 .163.2.3 铲斗油缸的布置 .163.3 动臂、斗杆、铲斗机构参数的选择 .173.3.1 反铲装置总体方案的选择 .173.3.2 机构自身几何参数 .183.3.3 斗形参数的选择 .213.3.4 动臂机构参数的选择 .243.3.5 斗杆机构参数的选择 .293.3.6 连杆、摇臂参数的选择 .304 挖掘机液压系统设计 314.1 确定液压系统类型 .314.2 液压系统的计算和液压元件的选择 .324.2.1 系统主参数的确定 .324.2.2 挖掘机液压缸作用力的确定 .324.3 液压系统初步计算 .384.3.1 工作装置传动计算 .394.3.2 行走机构传动计算 .414.3.3 回转机构传动计算 .424.3.4 液压泵参数选择和发动机功率计算 .434.3.5 主油管管径和油箱容量 .435 工作装置的强度计算 455.1 斗杆的计算 .455.2 动臂的计算 .53参考文献 54致 谢 55下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709855下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709856下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 1197098571 绪论液压挖掘机是在机械传动挖掘机的基础上发展起来的。它的工作过程是以铲斗的切削刃切削土壤,铲斗装满后提升、回转至卸土位置,卸空后的铲斗再回到挖掘位置并开始下一次的作业。因此,液压挖掘机是一种周期作业的土方机械。液压挖掘机与机械传动挖掘机一样,在工业与民用建筑、交通运输、水利施工、露天采矿及现代化军事工程中都有着广泛的应用,是各种土石方施工中不可缺少的一种重要机械设备。在建筑工程中,可用来挖掘苦坑、排水沟,拆除旧有建筑物,平整场地等。更换工作装置后,可进行装卸、安装、打桩和拔除树根等作业。在水利施工中,可用来开挖水库、运河、水电站堤坝的基坑、排水或灌溉的沟渠,疏浚和挖深原有河道等。在铁路、公路建设中,用来挖掘土方、建筑路基、平整地面和开挖路旁排水沟等。在石油、电力、通信业的基础建设及市政建设中,用来挖掘电缆沟和管道等。在露天采矿场上,可用来剥离矿石或煤,也可用来进行堆弃、装载和钻孔等作业。在军事工程中,或用来筑路、挖壕沟和掩体、建造各种军事建筑物。所以,液压挖掘机作为工程机械的一个重要品种,对于减轻工人繁重的体力劳动,提高施工机械化水平,加快施工进度,促进各项建设事业的发展,都 起着很大的作用。据建筑施工部门统计,一台斗容量1.0m 3的液压挖掘机挖掘级土壤时,每班生产率大约相当于300400个工人一天的工作量。因此,大力发展液压挖掘机,对于提高劳动生产率和加速国民经济的发展具有重要意义。1.1 液压挖掘机的工作特点和基本类型1.1.1 液压挖掘机的主要优点液压挖掘机在动力装置之间采用容积式液压静压传动,即靠液体的压力能进行工作。液压传动与机械传动相比有许多优点。能无级调速且调速范围大,例如液压马达的最高转速与最低转速之比可达10001。下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709858能得到较低的稳定转速,例如柱塞式液压马达的稳定转速可低达 1r/min。快速作用时,液压元件产生的运动惯性小,加速性能好,并可作调整反转。例如电动机在启动时的惯性力矩比其平稳运转时的驱动力矩大50%,而液压马达则不大于5%,加速中等功率电动机需1s到数秒,而加速液压马达只需0.1s。传动平稳,结构简单,可吸收冲击和振动,操纵省力,易实现自动化控制。易于实现标准化、系列化、通用化。 基于液压传动的上述优点,液压挖掘机与机械传动挖掘机相比,具有下列主要特点:大大改善了挖掘机的技术性能,挖掘力大、牵引力大,机器重量,传动平稳,作用效率高,结构紧凑。液压挖掘机与同级机械传动挖掘机相比,挖掘力约高30%,例如1.0m 液压挖掘机铲斗挖掘力120150kN,而同级机械传动挖掘机只有100kN左3右。挖掘机在工作时的主要动作包括行走、转台回转和工作装置的作业动作,其中动作最频繁的是回转和工作装置的循环往复运动。这种往复运动一般速度不高,而所需作用力却很大,要求在短时间内通过变速或换向来完成各种复杂动作。机械传动挖掘机完成上述运动需通过磨擦离合器、减速器、制动器、逆转机构、提升和推压机构等配合来完成。因此,机械传动挖掘力不仅结构复杂,而且还要产生很大的惯性力和冲击载荷。而液压挖掘机则不需要庞大和复杂的中间传动,大大简化了结构,也减少了易损件。由于结构简化,液压挖掘机的质量大约比相同斗容量的机械传动挖掘机轻30%,不仅节省了钢材,而且降低了接地比压。液压挖掘机上的各种液压元件可相对独立布置,使整机结构紧凑、外形美观,同时也易于改进或变型。液压挖掘机的液压系统有防止过载的能力,所以使用安全可靠,操纵简便。由于可采用液压先导控制,无论驱动功率多大,操纵均很灵活、省力,司机的工作条件得到改善。更换工作装置时,由于不牵连转台上部的其他机构,因此更换工作装置容易,而机械式挖掘机则受到提升机构和推压机构的牵连和限制。由于液压传动易于实现自动控制,因此现代液压挖掘机普遍采用了以微处理 器为核心的电子控制单元(ECU),使发动机、液压泵、控制阀和执行元件在最佳匹配状态下工作,以实现节能和提高作业效率,同时还可实现整机状态参数的电子监下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709859控和故障诊断。 液压元件易于实现标准化、系列化和通用化,便于组织大规模专业化生产,进一步提高质量和降低成本。1.1.2 液压挖掘机的基本类型及主要特点液压挖掘机种类繁多,可以从不同角度对其类型进行划分。根据液压挖掘机主要机构传动类型划分。根据液压挖掘机主要机构是否全部采用液压传动,分为全液压传动和非全液压(或称半液压)传动两种。若挖掘、回转、行走等几个主要机构的动作均为液压传动,则为全液压挖掘机。若液压挖掘机中的某一个机构采用机械传动,则称其为非全液压(或半液压)挖掘机。一般说来,这种区别主要表现在行走机构上。对液压挖掘机来说,工作装置及回转机构必须是液压传动,只有行走机构有的为液压传动,有的为机械传动。根据行走机构的类型划分根据行走机构的不同,液压挖掘机可分为履带式、轮胎式、汽车式、悬挂式及拖式。履带式液压挖掘机应用最广,在任何路面行走均有良好的通过性,对土壤有足够的附着力,接地比压小,作业时不需设支腿,适用范围较大。在土质松软或沼泽地带作业的液压挖掘机,还可通过加宽履带来降低接地比压。为防止对路面的碾压破坏、有些液压挖掘机还采用了橡胶履带。通常,履带行走的液压挖掘机多为全液压传动。轮胎式液压挖掘机具有行走速度快,机动性好,可在多种路面通行的特点。近年来,轮胎式挖掘机的生产量日渐增长。悬挂式液压挖掘机是将工作装置安装在轮胎式或履带式拖拉机上,可以达到一机多用的目的。这种挖掘机拆装方便,成本低廉。汽车式液压挖掘机一般采用标准的汽车底盘,速度快,机动性好。拖式液压挖掘机没有行走传动机构,行走时由拖拉机牵引,根据工作装置划分根据工作装置结构不同,可分为铰接式和伸缩臂式挖掘机。铰接式工作装置应下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 1197098510用较为普遍。这种挖掘机的工作装置靠各构件绕铰点转动来完成作业动作。伸缩臂式挖掘机的动臂由主臂及伸缩臂组成,伸缩臂可在主臂臂内伸缩,还可以变幅。伸缩臂前端装有铲斗,适于进行平整和清理作业,尤其是修整沟坡。1.2 液压挖掘机的发展概况挖掘机械的最早雏形,主要用于河道。港口的疏浚工作,第一台有确切记载的挖掘机械是 1796 年英国人发明的蒸汽“挖泥铲” 。而能够模拟人的掘土工作,在陆地上使用的蒸汽机驱动的“动力铲”于 1835 年在美国诞生,主要用于修筑铁路的繁重工作,被认为是现代挖掘机的先驱,距今已有 170 多年历史。1950 年,德国研制出世界上第一台全液压挖掘机。由于科学技术的飞速发展,各种新技术、新材料不断在挖掘机上得到应用,尤其是电子技术和信息技术的应用使得液压挖掘机在作业效率、可靠性、安全性和操作舒适性以节能、环保等方面有了长足的进步。目前液压挖掘机已经在全世界范围内得到广泛应用,成为土石方施工不可缺少的重要机械设备。1.2.1 国外液压挖掘机目前水平及发展趋势工业发达国家的液压挖掘机生产较早,产品线齐全,技术成熟。美国、德国和日本是液压挖掘机的主要生产国,具有较高市场占有率。20 世纪后期开始,国际上液压挖掘机的生产从产品规格上看,在稳定和完善主力机型的基础上向大型化、微型化方向发展;从产品性能上看,向高效节能化、自动化、信息化、智能化的方向发展。1.2.2 国内液压挖掘机的发展概况我国从 1967 年开始研制液压挖掘机。早期开发成功的产品主要有上海建筑机械厂的WY100、贵阳矿山机器厂的 W460、合肥矿山机器厂的 WY60 等。到 20 世纪 70 年代末 80 年代初,长江挖掘机厂和杭州重型机械研制成功了 WY160 和 WY250 等液压挖掘机产品。从 1994 年开始,美国的卡特彼勒公司、日本的神户制钢所、日本的小松制作所、日本的日立建机株式会社、韩国大宇重工、韩国现代重工业以及德国利勃海尔、德国雪孚、德国阿特拉斯、瑞典沃尔沃等公司先后在中国建立了中外合资、外商独资挖掘机生产企业,生产具有世界先进水平的多种型号和规格的液压挖掘机产品。近年来我国经济增长迅速,液压挖掘机市场需求不断扩大,形成了巨大的挖掘机市场空间,但该行业主要由合资企业和外资企业所垄断。国内一些工程 毕 业 设 计(论 文)题 目 小型挖掘机液压系统设计 姓 名 学 号 所在学院 专业班级 指导教师 日 期 1毕业设计(论文)任务书学 院 机械工程学院 指导教师 职 称学生姓名 专业班级 学 号设计题目 小型挖掘机液压系统设计设计内容目标和要求目前,武汉市正在进行大规模的城市改造,在市政建设过程当中需要用到大量的挖掘机,在调查研究、消化资料的基础上,设计一台小型液压挖掘机。要求完成:1、完成总体方案设计,绘制挖掘机的外观图及装配图;2、完成驱动系统设计;3、完成机械系统结构设计计算,绘制各部件的装配图及主要零件图;4、完成控制系统的设计,并绘制控制系统原理图;5、完成设计说明书,要求不少于 40 页;6、完成与设计相关的外文资料的翻译,要求不少于 3000 字符。指导教师签名:年 月 日基层教学单位审核学 院审 核此表由指导教师填写学院审核31毕业设计(论文)专用纸Modern construction machinery industry of technical progressLarge-size mechanical mining excavator is used widely in international and domestic engineering construction and mining performance, and its property defines the efficiency much.Now because the international market is opened step step, how to promote the quality of excavator is the key that a factory reinforces its competing force.In our country,the designing elevation and production quality on excavator can not keep up with international advanced technology applying on excavator.Now the advanced technology has already applied advanced designing method on excavator designing,such as electronic simulating theory,dynamic design, reliability design and so on.But in our country ,the most excavator design has still applied the traditional design method ,the modern design method has not began to be actually applied .The prime display is that the capability of self-design is not enough and the basic work has not done perfectly especially the excavator kinetics .The construct of excavator is very complex and the multiple movers often work simultaneously.at the same time its working environment is very bad and the eternal load varies randomly.As a result ,when designing the new product of excavator ,in order to ensure the performance safety,the designer not only has the basic theory analysis on static load computing ,but also do necessary work about the kinetics of mechanism to qualify the dynamic reliability in the period of designing .Trough the kinetic analysis ,the load property of all the elements in excavator can be decided so as to design reliable product .From the 1980s of the 20th century to the beginning of this century. Chinese and foreign engineering machinery technology products come from a maturity period of modernization along with a new technological revolution, Mechanical engineering products integrated technology to a new level. Electronic technology, micro-computer, 毕业2设计(论文)专用纸sensors, electro-hydraulic servo control system integration and transformation of the traditional mechanical engineering products, Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing and computer-aided management of construction machinery and equipment manufacturing, IT network technology equipment, construction machinery sales and information transfer systems, thus enabling people to see a brand new construction machinery industry. New construction machinery products in the efficiency and operational quality, environmental protection, performance and automation are many areas due to the past. and toward the further robotic and intelligent direction. 1、 operating principles of Innovation : groundbreaking new law with the high-frequency vibration With scientific and technological research in the development, engineering machinery operating theory is constantly innovating. Operating mechanical engineering principles, including the cutting of earth, broken ground on the screen geotextile material, mixed with heating, right mixture of paving, leveling and compaction, etc. These operations Jimmy initially bionics and Newtonian mechanics-based, Modern science and the development of engineering machinery operating principle of laying the foundation for innovation. For example, mechanical vibration and pulse jet, the photoelectric effect and thermal physics, the application of mechanical engineering to save resources and improve the quality of construction improve production efficiency, reliability and driving comfort and a degree of automation to create conditions. Excavators, bulldozers, loaders, and other earthmoving machinery cutting groundbreaking project, we had no struggle milling, high-frequency vibration, Liquid gas jet method and porous ground breaking law. Groundbreaking use of the new operating principle of transformation to a bucket, can loosen the soil excavation for the high-intensity rock, Under normal circumstances can reduce the unit cost of earthwork 3毕业设计(论文)专用纸and improve production efficiency, and the soil near the building when substitute bored-blasting method.Vibratory Roller is a mechanical vibration and have reached a “sluggish vibration to“ operational effectiveness of the most powerful note. High-frequency vibration compaction technology is the application of modern dynamics in the mechanical engineering important research results, In vibratory roller simultaneously with the application of vibration isolation theory. 90s of the 20th century, there have been a level of vibration (vibration) and vertical vibration directional vibration compaction method, and an AM-vibration and different from the harmonic vibration of chaotic vibration vibratory compaction operating principle, and the formation of the corresponding series of vibratory roller. Impact Roller broke the existing traditional cylindrical roller structure, Use 3-5 edge with the pressure roller polygon dragged by a tractor, 2-3 times per second in order to impact on the ground. This has dramatic impact on the seismic wave propagation characteristics, the depth of compaction several times with the RCC and incremental, 5m in the depths of the degree of compaction of up 90%-92%. Impact Roller is static shock, vibration and rub it smashes the comprehensive role for large fill, Collapse dry sand and soil filling the compaction. Asphalt paver Weiping equipment is operating principles of mechanical engineering innovation typical example. Fung plate diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or electric heating and 60 Hz frequency of vibration, and using infrared, ultrasonic or laser leveling, is a multidisciplinary high-tech applications. This leveling the technology can be applied to the ground plane, as amlodipine or fine leveling the slope. Transfer frequency mechanical vibration is also commonly used for drilling, stone crushing and sieving and Shen pulling piling works. The stone drying can use diesel, fuel oil and coal combustion of various fuels on the asphalt from the barrel, heating and asphalt mixture, stirring and insulation process is the full use of thermal theory of physics. 毕业设计(论文)专用纸4Asphalt emulsion and some are modified chemical reaction physical specific application. 2、drive innovation : universal hydraulic and electric drive Hydraulic drive in the 20th century, the 1960s applied to the roller, only 10 years on the time has been spread and popularize. Now roller travel, vibration, steering and braking systems has achieved the full hydraulic drive. Hydraulic drive greatly simplified the roller drive and control system design, hydraulic drive a smooth, convenient manipulation effort, easy to achieve variable speed and automation, in general, improve the production efficiency of roller compaction and quality. Now foreign markets have seen very little mechanical transmission of the roller.Hydrostatic drive technology in the 1970s began to use bulldozers, and will soon be extended to a number of small and medium bulldozers and loaders, the United States John Deere, Caterpillar, Germany Bohai benefit companies and Dole produced by Komatsu of Japan has production and sales pushed Temple hydraulic machines and loaders. Hydrostatic drive not to use hydraulic torque converter, which dispense with the left lane and brake parts and mechanical drive, use of a safety valve on mechanical and hydraulic systems overload protection, and the index of smaller power play biggest index, its remaining power available in the auxiliary machinery operation. German company Deutsche mark and Lee Bohai Fall of other public companies in 1954 and in 1955 took the lead in developing a hydraulic excavator , but the hydrostatic transmission in large excavator is the popularization and application of the 1970s. Since the early 1980s, excavators and subdivided, is gradually realized - powered, rotary and the hydraulic excavator of. In the international market excavators, were all eliminated various mechanical drive. Late history of the birth of the road is more mechanical hydraulic drive-based, such as paver, soil stabilizer, Pavement milling machine, hydraulic transmission smoothness 毕业设计(论文)专用纸5help improve the quality of the roads paved. Drilling in the car and drilling machines, hydraulic transmission has replaced the previous aerodynamic, Wheeled modern cranes and machinery also piling work to the whole in the direction of hydraulic development. Electricity in industrial production while the application has a long history, but in mobile machinery is seldom used. This is because, firstly, to the motor capacity of, a motor with the same power as compared to the hydraulic motor, its weight and bulk to good times, to the machinery space layout brought great difficulties. In addition, the efficiency of electrical transmission over low efficiency and consumption of a large volume of non-ferrous metals. But electric drive can be well realized variable speed, braking and electrical power streaming - Drive more convenient and easy to large tub, large excavator and large loaders, engine-generator-electric wheels will transfer power. Germany Vogele also been developed for electric power will transfer wheel. Germany Vogele also been developed electric drive an asphalt paver, the aircrafts systems are all rotary motor driven electricity, Only Hopper CDCC and comfort slab leveling tank still use hydraulic transmission. The other is the regional mobile operations in the smaller mining site, the use of electric drive large excavator loaders, Such use of electric drive power transmission cables without the engine installed on the machines.3、ergonomic innovations : a people-oriented and simplified operation 1980s of the 20th century, Many of the worlds largest engineering machinery manufacturing company has invested considerable human and financial resources for modern design methodology of the research and used. Ergonomics is a “people-oriented“ design, with emphasis on the machines mutual coordination and crew safety, driving comfort, convenience in the drivers operation and maintenance technologies, such drivers both improved working conditions, and increased production efficiency, and some of the engineering machinery vibration, noise, emissions and the prevention of 毕业设计(论文)专用纸6roller drop from the development of the new standard, and even those laws. Now all kinds of projects are mechanical design roller defense and falling-object protective devices to protect the personal safety of the drivers, with the cab and are designed and installed. Indoor driving sufficient human space and broad vision, and to take the necessary seals, vibration, noise and temperature control measures. Indoor chairs, pieces of the stick, gauges and the monitor according to ergonomics and design and minimize the manipulation and control of parts. To reduce driver fatigue, to choose the suspension damping chairs, and to develop a gas-liquid system hanging with the cab floor. Electronic technology, mechanical engineering applications, which greatly simplifies the drivers operational procedures and to the machines technical performance. The use of electronic control machine can automatically choose the mode of operation, such as excavators to the three operating modes - boom priority, Rotary priorities and micro-adjustment tandem wheels all vibration and vibration. Electronic monitoring can detect and remove machines system failures, such as engine oil pressure loss. Fan fracture belt drive, hydraulic oil contamination or overheating and oil filter blockage, can promptly lights or audible alarm, by the use of electronic sensor device can handle automatic detection machines quality of the work, If random vibration testing of the degree of compaction roller, automatic detection and adjustment of the asphalt mixture ratio and size distribution outlet temperature.American muffler technology company developed an electronic silencer, electronic equipment engine exhaust noise analysis of the wave structure, and produce a phase difference of 180 with the acoustic interference, This “anti-noise“ and the engine exhaust noise offset, which over the purpose of the muffler. Such a muffler - can be used to eliminate the basic engine noise and the noise indoor driving. Muffler and isolation 毕业设计(论文)专用纸through the engineering machinery driving indoor noise can be reduced to 70dB (A) below.7In addition, by concentrating on lubrication, automatic lubrication and fault alarm, greatly reducing the engineering and mechanical maintenance workload. Dreiser companies axis articulated loader lubrication cycle extended to 2000h. oil and filter replacement cycle extended to 250h; Caterpillar loader routine maintenance to shorten the time 3.45min. 100 hours use of the technical maintenance for only 6-7min. 4、Creative : industrial design with the environment Modern science and technology of high-speed development, promoting social progress, for humanity to a high degree of material civilization and spiritual civilization. Industrial design is the product of industrial product design, product also known as the art form. Mechanical Products art forms should be able to demonstrate its function in a rational and external quality of uniformity, the product should reflect the advanced technology and meet the aesthetic requirements of modernity. For mechanical engineering, said it was “a Paper goods sold,“ That is an exaggeration, but not to modeling design is certainly not desirable. Modeling the mechanical engineering design of the machine can shape their structure, function and use requirements, paying and with the psychological and physical coordination. This modeling design should include ministries of proper body fluid, color coordination, Instrumentation layout beautiful and easy to operate and intuitive sign in the trademark symbol. Now the worlds major companies have attached great importance to the products of industrial design, and a specialized research and design. A world leader left the compactor manufacturers - BMW, his third of the mechanical compaction machine modeling experts from the industrial design Louis.L.lepoix design, have a good overall result. The series dismounting replacement 毕业设计(论文)专用纸filter, transmission pieces, hoses and routine maintenance is very convenient. Adopt modern arc-shaped dip in the cab and the engine hood broadminded, fluent lines, with the flavor of the times. Driving the steering wheel height and angle adjustable, choose a 8comfortable high back seats adjustable damping. Drivers prepare for a good operating environment. Instrumentation site design, easier to observe and control, tilt hood of the driver to provide a good perspective. Hydraulic steering gear shifted to the cab, driving to reduce indoor heat and noise. Arc-shaped windscreen of the cab and four SUPPORT able to isolate noise and vibration. indoor noise below 70dB (A).Many other engineering machinery are also different degrees of emphasis on industrial design, layout components such as depression, to reduce the center of gravity of the aircraft; Supporting appropriate to expand the area to increase the machines stability; about as symmetrical layout, to meet the aesthetic; Appearance removed some of the corner, the edge, to show the fluency, and other lines. Construction Machinery paint more of its industrial design is an important part of the unit should be interesting colors, increase the safety of the working environment, and with the field construction site is pure green fields, coordination, Topping the use of the waist line and increase the level to get off the color machines can increase the concentration of visual stability.、artificial intelligence Innovation : intelligent robotic machines Mechanical engineering in the construction field instead of the manual to expand the functions of the hands and feet, traditional machinery can be resolved in good physical and physiological burden, not to mention the relief of spiritual and psychological
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