



对于很多四六级考生来说,写作是非常令人头疼的一部分,每次看到题目后都不知道该如何下笔,因此在 作文往往失分很多。其实写作是六级考试中,很好拿分的一部分。平时认真备考,也是很容易提分的部分。 在此搜集整理了一些基本句型,供大家练笔参考。 五、中间段、结尾段常用引出原因句型 1. Why ? Three factors can explain this. 2. Three factors weigh heavily for. For one thing,for another, . A third contributing factor is . 3. The factors that contribute to include 4. Two major factors account for . On the one hand, . On the other hand,. 六、中间段、结尾段常用引出解决方法句型 1. How to ? The key words are as follows. To begin with, . Next, . Finally, . 2. Suchwould not if we knew the following ways to handle. First, . Second, . Third,. 3. The impacts could be minimized if we follow the suggestions as follow. One suggestion is . Another suggestion is . A further suggestion is . 七、结尾段常用引出我的个人观点句型 1. As far as I am concerned, I agree with 2. As to me ,the former/latter opinion is more acceptable. 3. For my par, I am on the side of 4. As I see it, 5. From my perspective, I 八、书信作文开头段常用句型 1. I am writing to inform you of 2. I am writing to express my views concerning 3. I am writing to complain about 4. I am very sorry to take up your precious time, but I am writing to express my views concerning 九、书信作文中间段常用提建议举行 1. I would like to suggest that /I would like to make a recommendation that 2. May is suggest that ? 3. I believe that it is more than necessary for to 十、书信作文结尾段常用句型 1. Please take good consideration of my advice. 2. I hope what I mentioned above will 十一、图表作文开头段常用引出总体 (变化)趋势句型 1. As can be seen from the line/bar/chart/table that increased/rose/grew dramatically from 2. As is revealed/illustrated/shown/reflected /displayed in the chart, there is/was an increase/a rise/an upward trend of . 3. It can be seen/concluded from the chart that dropped/declined/fell/reduced slightly to 4. The period to saw increase/drop in the number/percentage of “成千上万人疯狂下载。 。 。 。 。 。 每天前 20 名注册可获免费名师辅导 学英语记词汇练口语 真人一对


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