



1000 名富翁依靠的 13 条致富秘 诀 For over a week Ive been listening to The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley while commuting in my car. He interviewed 1000 millionaires since 1980 and taken very meticulous surveys of their responses. Not only have I gained dozens of GEMS about what it takes to becoming a Millionaire from this program, but I learned to think different. I learned to think the way millionaires think, or so I hope! One of the interesting survey questions is what all of those millionaires contributes their success to. So without further ado, here is a list of their top 13, from most important to least (but still really important). With my commentary. Success Factors 1. Being honest with all people. The great thing about this factor is that it is accessible to anyone and you can start right away. Just be honest. It sounds simple, but it requires a bit of courage at some points. So do it- its the top success factor. 2. Having a supportive spouse. While being attracted to someone is really important, perhaps even necessary, its not the criteria by which one should go spouse-shopping. I would personally say, and the millionaires would agree, that having a kind, supportive spouse, who has similar goals, and is responsible is more important. 3. Getting along with people. I cant thing of having any job, business, or career that has zero involvement with people and has monetary value. You can see how this would be in the top 3, right? 4. Loving career or business. The passion and love for your career will make work not work anymore. Sure it might be really hard at times. When you combine the passion with your discipline you will be propelled to new heights. 5. Being physically fit. I stress this in many posts- exercise. If you arent taking care of your health, than your mind and body are not working optimally. 6. Having strong leadership qualities. When it comes down to it you will want to delegate as much as you can and concentrate on more important issues. There is only one of you. having this skill is a top priority. 7. Making wise investments.You can make high 6 figure incomes, but if the money doesnt grow, or if you put it into losing investments than you arent optimizing your assets. Youre basically spinning your wheels and wasting your time. You want to reach a point where you could live off of the interest of your investments! 8. Seeing business opportunities. The truth is if youre in a niche market that is over saturated youre going to have too much competition to make a real difference. Sure you might rise to the top, but thats like the chance of you becoming a rock star- slim. If money is what youre after, not the dream of being number 1 in that field, than find an unoccupied niche. 9. Being willing to take financial risk given the right return. One of the ways that I look at this is the financial risk of working for yourself instead of a big company. Yes, youre risking you X-figure a year job, but the return that you could possibly get is way greater than this. Combined with #8 (seeing opportunities), and doing market research, the risk is much less than you think. 10. Having good mentors. Learning amazing qualities from highly successful people is easier than learning the road on your own. Once your mentality is in the right place, actions are performed, and success follows. 11. Investing in my own business. You have much more control over your own business than you do in the stock market. You can expand, make higher end products, or do whatever it takes to increase your own income. 12. Living below your means. If your expenses are raising as fast as your income youre never going to save a good amount- no matter what youre income. When you live before your means and your income raises, do not increase your expenses. This gap will keep getting bigger and bigger and so will your net worth. 13. Having excellent investment advisers. The truth is unless youre an investment expert you dont know the best place to put your money. The best people to execute your investments are financial advisers, but according to real millionaires the best people to give financial advice are knowledgeable CPAs and Lawyers. All thats left now is the hack your life by implementing these 13 success secrets and youre on your way! 一周以来,当我在开车时,我一直在收听由托马斯.斯坦利主持的“富翁智慧” 。 自从 1980 年以来,他采访了 1000 位百万富翁并对他们的应答作了仔细的调 查。 从这个节目中,我不仅收获了许多关于如何成为一个百万富翁的秘诀,我 更学到了要以不同的方式去思考。我希望我学会了富翁们思考的方法。 这些调查的问题中很有意思的一个问题是询问那些富翁,他们将他们的成 功归功于什么?那么,废话少说,下面就是这 13 条秘诀按重要性从大到小(仍 然是很重要的方面)的列表,我分别对它们作了评论。 成功的要素: 1. 对所有的人都要真诚。 这一点的妙处在于可以使你接近任何人,你可 以立刻开始执行这一条秘诀。 2. 拥有一个支持你的伴侣。 虽然吸引你是很重要的一点,甚至可以说是 必须的一点,但这并不是选择伴侣的标准。我个人认为一个善良,支持你,和 你有着相似人生目标,有责任感的伴侣是更重要的。这一点,那些富翁们也会 赞同。 3. 会与人相处。 我认为没有一个赚钱的工作,生意,事业是与人没有关 系的。这样,你知道为什么这一条要素在三甲之列吧? 4. 热爱你的事业或生意。 对你事业的激情和爱将是你的工作不仅仅只是 工作。当然有时要做到这点很难,但当你将激情与规矩结合起来时,你将上升 到新的高度。 5. 有一个健康的身体。 我强调工作期间的锻炼,如果你不注意你的健康, 那么你的精神与身体是无法理想地工作的。 6. 有很强的领导力。 要做到这点,你应该有许多有能力代表你做事的人, 越多越好,这主要集中体现在在较大的项目上。你自己只有一个人。学会这个 技巧是至关重要的。 7. 做精明的投资。 你可以赚到 6 位数的收入,但是如果你不使你的钱增 长,或是将其投入失败的投资,那么你就没有优化配置你的资产,你只是在做 无用功,浪费你的时间。你想要达到一种状态,那就是你可以靠你投资的利息 生活。 8. 识别商机。 事实上,在一个过度饱和的机会市场上,为了冲出重围, 独领风骚,你要参与近很多的竞争。当然你有可能达到领先,但那种可能性就 像要成为一个摇滚歌星般渺茫。如果你追求的金钱而非做该行的“老大”,那么, 发掘一片蓝海是最好的。 9. 愿意接受那些带来相当的回报的金融风险。 我理解这一条的一种角度 是这种金融风险是为自己而非为了大公司。是的,你以你一年好几位数的年薪 为赌注,但你的回报是你可能可以获得数倍的回报。将这一点与第八条相结合 并做市场研究,风险就会比你想象的小得多。 10. 有许多良师益友。 从一些超级成功的人们那里学习优秀品质要比你 自己摸索容易。当你的思想正确了,行动到位了,成功就来了。 11. 投资自己的事业。 在自己的事业上,你有着比在股市中多得多的掌 控力。你可以扩张发展,制造更高端的


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