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School bell rings 本文作者: Chen Yuanyuan 期号:471 阅读数:1088 Students in Yuyao, Zhejiang are happy to be back at school. IC 新学期开始啦,你准备好了吗? 词数 230 建议阅读时间 6 分钟 WELCOME back to school! Does it feel good to see your classmates again? However, when you have to say goodbye to simple summer life and face new school issues, how can you prepare? Qiao Yu from Xian is worried about his English. The 13-year-old didnt do well in the last English final exam. So he began to remember at least 10 new English words each day. “Set a goal (目标) for yourself and work toward it,” said a determined (有决心的) Qiao. While Qiao was thinking about how to improve his schoolwork, Chen Zhuoyi from Ningbo was finding it hard to give up her smartphone. “It has become part of me during the vacation, how can I live without it?” said the 13-year-old. But her school doesnt allow (允许) mobiles. Chen has asked her mother to keep her smartphone during weekdays and return it to her at weekends. “Out of sight, out of mind (眼不见,心不烦),” she said. “Its time to focus on books.” For Tan Wenjing, 13, from Guangxi, getting back to school means less time on her hobby making eraser seals (印章). Tan spent more than one hour every day on the seals during summer vacation. Now when school begins, she has to cut her seal time greatly. “Ill miss my seals,” said Tan. “But Im not giving it up. Ill get back to it every day after I finish my homework.” By Chen Yuanyuan, 21st Century Teens staff 中考词汇 worried adj. 焦虑的,担忧的 用法:be worried about sb/sth 对某人或某事感到焦虑、担心。worry v. (使)担心。 I told my mother I wasnt worried about my exam. But in fact I was. Whats the symbol of Chinese food? 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:426 评论 打印 收藏 XINHUA 话题:近日我国烹饪业精英齐聚北京共商中餐申遗大计。目前进入视线的项目有北京烤鸭、年夜饭、饺子、月饼、豆 腐、火锅等。你认为哪些美食能够代表中餐申遗? 主持:北京市上地实验学校 主持人:李泱 Li Yang, 14: I suggest tofu as a typical (典型的) Chinese food. Tofu has been eaten in China for more than 2,000 years. It is a traditional food in China. And now it is also an important food in countries like Japan, South Korea and even the US. Tofu is rich in protein (蛋白质). So, it is not only delicious but healthy as well. So I think tofu is a very good choice (选择). Liu Jinyu, 14: In my opinion, noodles are the symbol (象征) of Chinese traditional food. About 4,000 years ago, Chinese people already knew how to make noodles. It comes from crops (庄稼) and becomes a bowl of hot noodle soup. This simple food gives us energy. And now there are many kinds of noodles like planed noodles (刀削面), noodles with gravy(打卤面)and stretched noodles (拉面). They are all delicious. So noodles can be the symbol of Chinese traditional food. Wang Xiangyu, 14: It must be dumplings. People in different places eat different food in China. But most of us eat dumplings and like to enjoy them together with family. The food stands for reunion (团圆) and happiness. It also gives us a sense of belonging (归属感). Its really warm. I think its the best choice to put dumplings on the list of World Intangible Cultural Heritage. Qiu Duolan, 14: Roast duck(烤鸭) is of course a good choice. About 1,600 years ago, this dish first came out on the Chinese table. Today, roast duck is not only a symbol of Beijing but also China. Roast duck is the last thing that tourists (游客) want to miss during their trip in Beijing. It is popular between both the old and young. In my opinion, as a symbol of China, roast duck is a good choice! 你也想参与讨论吗?或者你想推荐更多的讨论话题吗?请发邮件到 。你也可以登陆腾讯微博 搜索“21 世纪学生英文报初中版”并发表你的意见。 Humor fills the start of my Australian adventure 本文作者: Alex He 期号:471 阅读数:451 评论 打印 收藏 词数 190 建议阅读时间 6 分钟 课件及教案见网站 测试见 7 版 澳大利亚人的幽默别具一格。 IT has been two weeks since I arrived in Sydney, Australia. Ive found many Australians very humorous. Yesterday I went shopping with Bernard, the dad in my homestay family. Bernard bought a washing machine in a supermarket. It was so heavy that we had to carry it with a shopping cart (超市推车). When I returned the cart to the next customer (顾客 ), the man said: “Young man, do you want to sell the cart? 20 dollars! Tomorrow you can get the money here.” “It is not my cart,” I said, feeling a bit at loss. Then the man laughed. “It was just a joke,” he said. Australian English is also interesting, and it can be different from what I have learned in China. Do you know what “pulling your socks up” means? Hello! My name is Alex He. I am a 15-year-old student at St Pauls Grammar School in Sydney. My life in Australia is interesting and meaningful. I would like to share my stories with you all. When Mrs Goodacre, my English teacher, first said this to the class, we had no idea what it meant. Later we found out that it means that you have to study harder. Australian culture is different from ours, so I am still trying to fit in (适应). By Alex He Teens 校园 小记者招募令 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:83 评论 打印 收藏 HI,everyone, Im Zhao Jiaxin. Im from Shanxi. As a Teens reporter, Id like to share my experience (经验) with you. I began to like English when I entered junior middle school. At that time, I was good at speaking, but poor at writing. So I applied (申请) to become a reporter. At first, I didnt do very well. Sometimes the newspaper couldnt publish (发表) my writings. But I didnt give up. With the help of editors, I started to learn more grammar points (语法点) and learnt a lot of beautiful sentences. My dear friends, lets join this group and show ourselves on the stage! By Zhao Jiaxin, 14, Taiyuan Foreign Language School, Shanxi 想体验当记者的感觉吗? 想锻炼英文写作能力吗? 想在 Teens 上看到自己写的 文章和拍的照片吗? 想与你崇拜的偶像“亲密接 触”吗? 想认识更多的朋友吗? 那么,现在就加入 Teens 的小记者团队吧!这里将为你提供一个舞台和无数个机会让你实现这些梦想。Teens 将因 为你的参与而更加精彩!申请邮件请发至 。 Run your own race in life 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:293 评论 打印 收藏 词数 220 建 议阅读时 间 6 分 钟 课件 及教案见 网站 测 试见 7 版 I WAS cycling (骑自行 车) one day and noticed a person in front of me, about 250 meters ahead. I could tell he was cycling a little slower than me and I decided to catch up with him. I had about 1 kilometer to go on the road before turning off. So I started cycling faster and faster. After a few minutes I was only about 100 meters behind him, so I really picked up the pace and pushed myself. Finally, I caught up with him and passed him by. I felt so good. “I win,” I thought. “Even though he didnt even know we were racing (比赛).” However, after I passed him, I realized that I had been so focused on (集中注意力于) competing against him that I had missed my turn. I had gone nearly six blocks (街区) past it and had to turn around and go back. Isnt it just like life? We often focus on competing with others, trying to show that we are better than them. We spend our time and energy chasing after them and we miss out on our own paths in life. The problem with unhealthy competition is that its a never-ending cycle. There will always be somebody ahead of you. So stay focused and live a healthy life. Run your own race and wish others well. Reading skill MCT 学会运用关联词:文章中有些复合句较长且结构复杂,不易理解。我们可根据关联词、引导词的逻辑关系迅速分清主 干,从而明确句意。在段落中或段落之间也有一些关联词,如 but, however, although, even though, as, because, so 等等,在这些词的帮助下,我们可明确句与句,段落与段落之间的内在联系,从而能尽快把握住段落中 心或文章中心。 比如这篇文章第四段开头用了 however 这个连词,通过这个词我们能迅速了解接下来的这个段落是文章故事的一个 转折。那究竟这是怎么样的转折呢?通过阅读,我们知道作者因为专心于赶超前面的路人而错过了自己要转弯的路口。 Sentence bank 释义:我看得出来,他骑得比我慢一些,我决定赶上他。 短语:catch up with 是个动词短语,其后常接 sb 或 sth,意为“赶上某人或某物”。 You should work harder to catch up with your classmates. 释义:几分钟后,我就离他只有 100 米左右了,所以我加快了速度奋起直追。 用法:pace 的意思是“步伐、步速”,pick up the pace 意思是“加快脚步、加快速度”。句中 push 表示“推动,促 使”,push oneself 意为“ 鞭策自己,发愤图强 ”。 Were late for the party. Pick up your pace! You will never get anything if you do not push yourself. Share your thoughts 总会有人在某个方面比你强,一味惦记着超过别人,只会让自己疲惫不堪,甚至迷失人生方向。集中精力,排除干扰, 走好自己应该走的路,才是明智之举。 Write to win 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:94 评论 打印 收藏 想写出优美地道的英语作文吗?想向中考满分作文再靠近一步吗?Teens 全新打造的写作擂台为你提供实现梦想 的舞台! 每个月,你只需要关注我们的栏目,积极投稿参与我们的命题征文,就有机会被选上并刊登在报纸上啦! 我们期待着你的加入! 9 月主题 你身边的每个人对你来说都具有特殊的意义。请以“My special _”为题用英语写一篇短文,描述你家庭的某个 成员或你的朋友、老师、同学等。 写作要点: 1. 你要介绍的这个特殊的人是谁? 2. 你和他(她)之间发生了怎样的故事? 3. 为什么他(她)对你来说有着特别的意义? 写作要求: 1. 切合题意,内容完整,表达清楚,可适当发挥; 2. 词数:80 左右。 请于 2014 年 9 月 22 日前发邮件至: ,别忘了写上邮件主题写作擂台以及你的学校、班级、姓名和联系电话。投稿时间越早, 被刊登的机会越大哦! 本月征文的优秀作品将刊登在 9 月 29 日的报纸上。 Whos who? 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:118 评论 打印 收藏 Look at this picture. At the top are the names of six children. The text on the right describes (描述) where they are standing. Can you put the names in the correct boxes? Have a go! 1. Kai is next to Amal. 2. Amadi is on the left of Kim. 3. Jo is on the opposite end from Avery. 4. Avery is next to Amadi. 5. Kai is next to Kim. For more fun activities to help you learn English visit /learnenglish Answers: From left to right: Avery, Amadi, Kim, Kai, Amal, Jo Pay off 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:1012 评论 打印 收藏 英语语音下载 下载该音频 如无法下载,请发 EMAIL 至:club(at) CHINESE singer and actor Li Yifeng has been the talk of the town. His performance (表演) on the TV show Swords of Legends古剑奇谭earned himself thousands of fans overnight. But the 27-year-old has been waiting for this day for a long time. Li became a singer seven years ago. But he didnt receive much response (反响). After living in those hard times, Li found his way out. In 2010, he started to focus more on acting. From supporting roles (配角) to heroes, Li kept improving his acting skills in lots of dramas. Now, seven years hard work has finally paid off. Pay off 原意是还清。这里指“付出的努力得到回报”。说到李 易峰,人们往往用“一夜爆红”来形容。但是对于一位出道七年 的艺人来说,他的成功并不是偶然。出道之时,李易峰很快遇 到低潮期,唱片销量不佳。可是他并未放弃,逐渐将重心偏向 演戏之后,终于守得云开见月明。七年的积累让他厚积薄发, 成为了当今炙手可热的明星。 Naruto and friends get fresh look 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:220 评论 打印 收藏 AP 火影忍者: 漩涡鸣人以全新的形象出现在剧场版中。 NARUTO, the comic full of ninjutsu (忍术) and warm- blooded (热血的 ) stories, is 15 years old. When will we see the end of the story? Nobody knows. But now, a new Naruto Movie, The Last, is coming out this year. According to the original cartoonist (原创漫画家 ) Kishimoto Masashi, he will create a new look for the main characters (主角) in the movie. In Masashis words, Naruto will “have a shorter haircut and look more mature (成熟的) in the movie”. New time new rules 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:428 评论 打印 收藏 Young Naruto (left) matures for the new film The Last. MCT The new code of conduct for students calls for voluntary work. XINHUA 中小学生守则“变脸”引争议。 PARENTS and teachers often tell us: “Be good”. But what does it mean to be good? The meaning changes with time. As a result, the Code of Conduct for Primary and High School Students (中小学生守则) changes. The old code was made in 2004. Now, the Ministry of Education has put a new draft (草案) code on its website. “It changes old rules to those that meet our times,” said Wang Dinghua, a ministry official. Big phrases like “have deep love for your motherland, the people and the Communist Party of China (中国共产党)” are not there anymore. Instead, the new code tells students to respect the national flag (国旗) and national emblem (国徽). It also tells students to “learn about Chinas history”. Also, the new code asks students to “lead a low-carbon (低碳的) life”, “take part in voluntary (志愿者 的) work”, and “control the time you spend online”. The most discussed change, however, is on brave actions. The old code told students to act bravely when they see people do bad things. But the new code asks students to learn how to protect themselves and ask for help. Many people are worried.Is it encouraging children to be cowards (胆小鬼)? Xiong Bingqi, deputy director of 21st Century Research Institute, doesnt agree. “Its a virtue (美德) to act bravely, but it should not be a code of conduct for the young,” he said. Nine rules of the new code The new draft code has nine rules. In each rule, it says clearly what students should do. Here are the nine basic rules: 1. Love the nation. 2. Be keen to learn. 3. Love larbor work. 4. Have manners. 5. Be honest and keep your word. 6. Obey laws. 7. Be aware of safety. 8. Keep healthy. 9. Protect the Earth. Teens 点金 本文作者: 21st 期号:471 阅读数:106 评论 打印 收藏 中考词汇 instead adv. 代替;然而 用法:多用于句末,用在句首时,常用逗号和后面的句子分开。区别:instead of 是介词短语,后常接名词、代词和 动词-ing 形式。 Lily isnt here. Ask Lucy instead. She didnt answer me. Instead, she asked me another question. 考点看台 Is it encouraging children to be 点拨:encourage 作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语;encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事。 真题演练 My teachers often encourage me _ more friends but I find it difficult. Your teachers idea is right. The more friends you make, _ you will be. (2014 四川达州) A. to make; the more happy B. to make; happier C. making; the happier D. to make; the happier 进阶词汇 deep adj. 深厚的 control v. 控制 brave adj. 勇敢的 protect v. 保护 Key: D In brief 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:174 评论 打印 收藏 Hello Kitty flies into space 凯蒂猫搭乘卫星“遨游”太空 ALL over this planet (星球 ), Hello Kitty is known for being cute. Now, its winning over outer space (外 太空), too! In June, Japan sent a 4-cm tall Hello Kitty up into space in a small satellite (卫星). Scientists then spent two months making the satellite stay in the right place, so they could take good photos. Now they made it. In the picture, Hello Kitty stands next to the window, and outside the window is our beautiful blue Earth. Japan hopes that this project can make more people interested in space. Where is the Paris romance? 巴黎还是你心中的“浪漫之都”吗? IN many Chinese peoples eyes, Paris means romance (浪漫). Visitors hope to see a clean, rich and friendly European city with well-dressed (衣着光鲜的) people. But many feel disappointed, Bloomberg news agency reported. Instead, Chinese visitors see the dark side of Paris busy streets, rude (粗鲁 的) waiters and thieves. “Some of them end up in tears, deciding never to come back,” said Jean- Francois Zhou, president of the Chinese association of travel agencies in France. Sitting down for a lonely lunch 过半美国人选择独自吃饭 SOME people hate eating alone (单独地), but sadly, new research finds that now Americans are doing it a lot. Market researcher NPD Group found that Americans eat 57 percent (百分之) of their meals alone. Families find it more difficult to find time to eat together. Its also because there is a bigger number of one-person households (一户人家), says the researcher. However, half of American families still choose to eat dinner with each other five times a week. 21ST Snapshot 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:115 评论 打印 收藏 Source: GrubHub analysis of restaurant orders, June 20, 2013, to June 19, 2014 USA TODAY Tastiest shake is chocolate Milkshake is the US top cold takeout (外卖食品). What are the most-ordered flavors (口味) during the past year? Fathers lead kids road to growth 本文作者: 21ST 期号:471 阅读数:309 评论 打印 收藏 USA TODAY HUNAN TV 成长路上的欢笑与泪水都离不开爸爸的陪伴。 WHAT is the hottest TV show right now? One of them is the parenting program Where Are We Going, Dad? 2. The show is about five pairs of fathers and kids. They go to places far away from the city and take part in interesting tasks. Clumsy (笨手笨脚的) fathers learn to take care of their kids. The kids learn about teamwork and being independent (独立的). People like the show for many reasons. Some like the childrens funny and lovely behavior. Others feel that the love between fathers and children is touching (感人的). But they teach their children independence and responsibility (责任感). But the key message the program sends is how important a father is to a childs self-growth (自我成长). Some fathers may not be as careful as mothers. In the program, Beier forgot to buy a gift for a grandma. For the first time in the show, her father, Chinese actor Lu Yi, was strict to her. Knowing it was wrong to only think about herself, Beier gave the grandma her electronic fan (电扇) as a gift. “I will always forgive (原谅) her, but I must tell her what is right and wrong,” said Lu in an interview. “In real life, fathers are busy with their work and cant spend much time with their children,” Chinese writer Bi Shumin told China Youth Daily. “But a responsible father needs to spend time with their kid and teach him or her how to be a good person.” Zhang Yaoyi, 14, Shanghai I like Duoduo. She is careful and often looks after other children. In the show, there was a test about sharing (分享). Two children stayed in one room to have breakfast. But only one of them had food on their plate. Duoduo and Joe were a group. When she saw Joe had nothing to eat, Duoduo shared her food happily. She was the only child to do so. Chen Hanyong, 14, Anhui My favorite kid is Grace. She is not only cute but also thoughtful (懂事的). At the beginning of the show, she always asked her father to hold her in his arms. But later, when she knew that her father hurt his waist (腰), she walked on her own most of the time. Su Lulu, 16, Xiamen Yang Yangyang is my favorite kid. He is brave. When he and Grace met “the wild man” - actor Huang Lei - in the forest, he wasnt scared (害怕的) and even spoke to him. He also loves his parents. In the program, when he washed his fathers feet, he also thought about his mother. He wanted to wash her feet when they went back home. The five pairs of fathers and children in the show: Chinese actor Huang Lei, 42, and his 8-year-old daughter Duoduo Chinese actor Lu Yi, 38, and his 5-year-old daughter Beier Olympic champion Yang Wei, 34, and his 4-year-old son Yang Yangyang Hong Kong actor Francis Ng (Wu Zhenyu), 52, and his 5-year-old son Feynman Malaysian singer Gary Chaw (Cao Ge), 35, with his 3-year-old daughter Grace and 6-year-old son Joe The hidden languages of Britain 本文作者: James Whitehead 期号:471 阅读数:1258 评论 打印 收藏 英语语音下载 下载该音频 如无法下载,请发 EMAIL 至:club(at) 英国其实 不只有英 语这一种 语言。 词数 220 建 议阅读时 间 7 分 钟 DURING a summer trip to Yangshu o, Guangxi, I noticed that people there spoke a different type of Chinese. Even my Beijing friends couldnt understand them. This made me think of the languages of Britain. Britain is the birthplace of the English language. But did you know there is more than one language in Britain? There are four countries in Britain: England, Scotland (苏格兰), Wales (威尔士) and Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰). Each one has its own language. But throughout history, the English language became the most used


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