



Section 1 Vocabulary BuildingI.根据句子意思和所给首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。 1. Chairman Mao compared (比作) the t_ to the rising sun in the morning. 2. Nowadays with the help of modern science and technology, farming is no longer e_ dependent on the weather. 3. He saw a s_ of white arrows painted on the road, each larger than the previous. 4. The t_ was so loud that the child was frightened to cry. 5. Suzie lives in a small d_ village on the edge of the desert. 6. Please drop the c_ to keep the bright light from coming through the window. I cant watch the video clearly. 7. We usually s_ down what is important in class. 8. I j_ the Communist Party on December 3, 2005. 9. My mother bought a beautiful o_ for me on my birthday.10. I told my decision to my father, but he d_ with it.II.根据句子意思,从下表所给的词汇中选出合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空(其中有三个为多为项)。 power, loose, ignore, force, settle, generally,upset, grateful, lonely, outdoors, exactly, recover, live 1. He felt very _ when he heard his parents quarreling. 2. He was very young, 9 years old, _ speaking. 3. Hitler killed a lot of Jews after he came to _ in Germany. 4. Its such a fine day! Why do we stay at home? Lets go and do some sports _. 5. I said hello to her, but she _ me completely without giving any answer. 6. Soon she _ from her illness and went to work again. 7. Most of the time Audrey is alone, but she does not feel _ at all. 8. We lived in Thailand, then Singapore, and finally we _ in Hong Kong where we have since led a peaceful life. 9. I am _ to you for saving my life in the forest.10. The murderer had one hand _ and the other was tied with another criminals. III.从下列各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 1. My teacher asked whether I _ help my partner with her English after class. A. can B. will C. would D. / 2. Lucy gets on _ with all her classmates. A. good B. better C. best D. well 3. I finished my homework quickly _ I could save more time to watch TV. A. in order to B. in order that C. so as to D. as if 4. She is looking at the picture _ on the wall. A. hanging B. hanged C. hung D. is hanged 5. Most wrestlers (摔跤手) are people of great _. A. force B. energy C. power D. strength 6. There is a growing _ among the public about the safety of taking a plane. A. concern B. worry C. need D. smell 7. Just _; it is no use worrying and walking back and forth. A. stay away B. set down C. calm down D. speak out 8. He _ tell his parents that he had failed in the interview. A. didnt dare B. didnt dare to C. dared not to D. not dared to Section 2 Grammar Learning I.把下列直接引语变为间接引语。 1. I didnt mean to hurt you, said my friend Mary. My friend Mary said _. 2. Mom asked, Will you stay at home alone this weekend? Mom asked _. 3. My father asked, What do you want to get as a present on your birthday? My father asked _. 4. What will we eat today? he asked his mother. He asked his mother _. 5. Im sure Robin can win the match tomorrow. Tom said to me. Tom said to me that _. II.把下列间接引语变为直接引语。 1. My brother asked me why I was so worried about the exam. _my brother asked me. 2. The stranger said that he had lived in that city for about three years. The stranger said, _ 3. The boss asked me whether I would ask for leave since I was not well. The boss asked, _ 4. He asked me what was the matter with me. He asked, _ 5. The little ant said that it could lift up the big stone. _said the little ant. III.同义句转换,每空一词。 1. I arrived at the railway station early in order to catch the train. I arrived at the railway station early _ _ I _ catch the train. 2. Holding a cup of tea in his hand, Henry sat in his chair and was lost in thought. Henry sat in his chair and was lost in thought _ a cup of tea _ _ _. 3. It was not until he took off his sunglasses that I recognized (认出) him. I _ _ him _ he took off his sunglasses. 4. Edward saw the injured bird by accident when he went to the garden to pick up some vegetables. Edward _ _ _ the injured bird when he went to the garden to pick up some vegetables. 5. Ive been invited to your home for dinner twice including this time. _ _ _ _ _ _ Ive been invited to your home for dinner. IV.请指出并改正下列句子中的错误。 1. I didnt tell him I liked the bike or not when he gave it to me. _ 2. She said to her mother, Ive got two pictures here; which did you think was more beautiful? _ 3. I wondered that he was late for school every day. _ 4. The farmers asked when will he come to visit them again. _ 5. He said that he didnt hear from his wife for about three months. _ 6. It was the first time she listen to Beethovens music. _ 7. Recently, series of accidents has happened on this road. _ 8. He went by many dangers in the forest. _ Section 3 Ability Enhancing I.根据句子意思和括号内的提示翻译下列句子。1. 因为患有心脏病,我无论走到哪里都必须随身带着药。(suffer from)_.2. 请你告诉孩子们,爷爷奶奶都很关心他们的学习和健康。(be concerned about)_.3. 我弟弟来信说他在大学里和新同学们相处得很融洽。(get along with)_.4. 由于腿部受伤,他不能再走下去了。(not . any longer)_.5. 对不起,我不是故意弄坏你的电子词典的。(on purpose)_.6. 她厌倦了每天毫无变化的生活。(get / be tired of)_.7. 他把所有的业余时间都用来学习,从来不参加任何体育活动。(join in)_.8. 你有必要跟老师面对面谈一下你的问题。(face to face)_. II.根据短文意思,从下表所给的词汇中选出合适的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。 calm, fell in love, recover, dislike, upset, be concerned about, outdoors, ignore, grateful, suffer from Last weekend, I was very 1 because I 2 my dog who 3 a strange illness. At the same time, I felt hateful toward people around me. My mother suggested me going 4 for a walk. So I did. It was the first time that I had 5 with nature, while at the same time I was forced to be alone and face all the things that I had 6 before. After the walk, I was 7 and realized that the people and things around me were very important to me. I should be 8 to all of them. I should love all of them, including the ones that I 9 . Anyway, the doctor said my dog would 10 soon. III.情景对话。A: Hello! Tom. Whats the matter?B: I cant move my bike any longer.A: Is it broken again?B: 1 A: Leave it here and I can take you home.B: 2 I need it to go to school tomorrow morning. A: All right, but . why not get it repaired? There is a man repairing bikes ahead.B: 3 Can you help me move the bike there?A: 4 Lets hurry, or he will have left before we get there.B: 5 Thank you very much!A: Youre welcome. A. No problem.B. Yes, Im afraid so.C. No way. D. I think thats a good idea.E. Certainly not.F. Youre right.G. Sorry, but I dont agree. 参考答案 Section1I. 1. teenagers 2. entirely 3. series 4. thunder 5. dusty 6. curtain 7. set 8. joined9. overcoat 10. disagreedII. 1. upset 2. exactly 3. power 4. outdoors 5. ignored 6. recovered 7. lonely8. settled 9. grateful 10. looseIII. 1-5 CDBAD 6-8 ACBSection2I. 1. that she hadnt meant to hurt me2. whether / if I would stay at home alone that weekend3. what I wanted to get as a present on my birthday4. what they would eat that day5. he was sure Robin could win the match the next dayII. 1. Why are you so worried about the exam?2. I have lived in this city for about three years. 3. Will you ask for leave since you are not well? 4. Whats the matter with you?5. I can lift up the big stone,III. 1. so that; could2. with; in his hand3. didnt recognize; until4. happened to see5. It is the second time thatIV. 1. 第二个I前加whether 2. did改为do;was改为is3. that改为why / whether / if4. will he改为he would 5. didnt hear改为hadnt heard 6. listen改为had listened7. series前加a8. by改成throughSection3I. 1. Suf


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