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一. 开题报告主题: 探究、分析布鲁斯音乐(Blues)的发展与流行课题题目: 对布鲁斯音乐(Blues)的梳理与鉴赏导师: 邢大领课题组成员: 王颖、路欣、杨静怡、赵祖宁、孙慧芳、杨思毅、陈翊新、张健、袁启航组长:王颖班级:一年级(5)班选题背景: 随着世界文明的进步与融合,音乐作为一种无国界的文化元素逐渐渗透入我们青少年的日常学习生活中。其中,布鲁斯音乐(Blues)逐渐风靡起来。是什么样的音乐如此有魅力?它又为什么如此让人着迷?围绕这两大问题,我们展开了调查研究和讨论分析。课题的目的及意义: 布鲁斯音乐是美国黑人文化的代表,赏析布鲁斯可以让更多的年轻人了解黑人文化,学会欣赏不同风格的艺术;同时,也铺开对近现代音乐的了解,丰富所知所思。研究可行性分析: 布鲁斯音乐(Blues)对后来美国乃至西方的流行音乐产生了深远的影响,有许多现在耳熟能详的音乐形式都是它的分支,此研究有丰富的材料和现实的意义,比较可行。活动计划: 1任务分工 查找布鲁斯音乐发展历程:杨思毅、陈翊新 查找相关曲目:赵祖宁、孙慧芳 对歌曲进行赏析:张健、袁启航 寻访专业人士和导师:全组成员 总结论文:王颖、路欣、杨静怡 成果展示:全组成员 2阶段步骤 (时间:2009.01.202009.02.28) 阶段主要任务阶段目标第一周 开题,和导师交流完成开题报告第二周 分工进行资料准备组内完成分工,资料集齐第三周 汇总、整理全部资料有机分析、组合资料,检查有无缺漏、错误第四周 总结活动,研定论文拟出论文雏形,决定成果展示方式第五周与导师交流,成果展示论文定稿,成果展示前言Blues 广泛流行于学生中间的现在,了解一下blues的形成过程,blues悠久的历史,对于了解西方文化有着重要的辅助作用。同时,深入探究blues流行于校园的原因,也可以更好地了解现在学生的心理。当然,听一听经典的英文金曲,对于中学生的英语水平的提高也是一种无形的促进Blues的发展历程上世纪20年代。Blues以它个性的歌词,和谐的节奏以及忧郁的旋律逐渐兴起,并发展出多种风格例如:乡村blues,古典blues以及电声blues等。Blues音乐发展到今天,已经逐渐被纳入主流音乐的行列,它的许多元素被更多的运用到摇滚乐及流行音乐中 Blues音乐代表歌曲及歌手l Blues in the Closet - Toots Thielemans & Shirley Horn Trio l The E And D Blues - Ella Fitzgerald + Duke Ellington l Extended Blues - Oscar Peterson l Tranes Blues - John Coltrane l Tomorrows Blues Today - Little Sonny l Coal Yard And Ice House Blues - Jeannie & Jimmy Cheatham l The Real Blues - Ray Brown Trio l Born To Be Blue - Mel Torm Born to be blueSome folks were meant to live in clover But they are such a chosen few, chosen few And clover being green Is something Ive never seen Cause I was born to be blue When theres a yellow moon above me They say theres moonbeams I should view But moonbeams being gold Are something I cant behold Cause I was born to be blue When I met you The world was bright and sunny When you left the curtain fell Id like to laugh But nothing strikes me funny Now my worlds a faded pastel, oh well I guess Im luckier than some folks Ive known the thrill of lovin youAnd that alone is more than I was created for Cause I was born to be blue When I met you The world was bright and sunny When you left the curtain fell Id like to laugh But nothing strikes me funny Now my worlds a faded pastel, oh well I guess Im luckier than some folks Ive known the thrill of lovin youAnd that alone is more than I was created for Cause I was born to be blueBorn to be blue 赏析Mel Torm 的这首born to be blue,音调低沉舒缓,听起来像是从灵魂深处传来的声音,很有blues音乐的风格特征带有淡淡的忧郁情怀,淡淡的颓废色彩,抒发着自己对人生的感伤与无奈。Born to be blue 顾名思义,“生来就很忧郁”,可见作者在这首歌曲中抒发了自己对生活产生的苦闷情绪,无法排解这种感情基调正是blues音乐需要的,所能充分表达的情感。 Born to be blue的歌词简单,旋律简约,多数是留白的纯音乐,有利于调动听众的想象力,从而与歌手产生共鸣这正是音乐的最高境界。潮流前线的新式blues歌手neyo这个原名Shaffer Chimere Smith,有“R&B神童”之称的美国创作型男歌手于1982年10月18日出生在阿肯色州的一个音乐世家,作为一名出色的词曲创作人,Ne-Yo这个名字已经响彻整个美国R&B音乐圈。他曾经为Mary J. Blige、Jamie Foxx、Ruben Suddard、Faith Evans和B2K等人创作过不少好歌。2004年他与Mario合作的单曲Let Me Love You大获成功,在当年曾连续9周垄断Billboard Hot 100单曲榜。 Mad -Neyoshes staring at me Im seeing wondering what shes thinking nobodys talking just talking to turn extreme and now theres someone yelling over her she yelling over me all that ? coz med rather than listening and whats even worse and we dont even remember why were fighting someone of us is mad for nothing no matter for nothing crying for nothing but we wont let it go for nothing (no matter for) nothing we should be nothing to the * all we got baby I know sometimes just gonna rain but baby can we make a now coz I cant sleep through a pain cant sleep through a pain and I dont wanna go to beman I true, and I dont want you go to bed man I need, no I dont wanna go to bed man I true, and I dont want you go to bed man I need, oh no no no and I guess me upset girl when youre concerning accusing asking questions that youve already known were fighting this world baby even though both of us are losing ? the love supposed to do? what happened to working it out were falling to this place where you went backing down in line backing down so what the hell wed do now? so for nothing fighting for nothing crying for nothing we wont let it go for nothing no matter for nothing we should be nothing to the * all we got baby I know sometimes just gotta rain (just gotta rain) but baby can we make a now coz I cant sleep through a pain cant sleep through a pain and I dont wanna go to bed man I true, and I dont want you go to bed man I need, no I dont wanna go to bed man I true, and I dont want you go to bed man I need, oh no no no oh baby this love thinking of recovering and just how good its gonna be we can force, we can fight long as everythings all right between us before we go to sleep baby were gonna be yeah be. baby I know sometimes just gonna rain but baby can we make a now coz I cant sleep through a pain cant sleep through a pain an


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