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全国“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教案评选外研版高一年级英语 Module3 My First Ride on a Train教案设计一、 教师个人介绍省份:黑龙江省 学校:大庆市第三十九中学 姓名:杨利波电话电子邮箱:通讯地址:黑龙江省大庆市第三十九中学高一学年组二、教案背景本教案是根据外研版必修Module3的阅读内容所编写的。旨在通过本课教学让学生了解交通工具与旅游相关的基本知识,引导学生掌握文中出现的生词和语言点,进一步提高学生的阅读水平,通过课文的主人公Alice Thompson 和她的朋友对第一次坐火车时对食物、风景和火车上人们相处情景的描述让学生了解交通工具和旅行时的所见所闻,进一步扩展了学生对未知世界的认识和了解。三、教学课题 知识储备方面:1、了解与出行有关的交通工具和旅游中的见闻,正确的使用交通工具有关的一系列单词和短语;2、能够读懂有关交通工具和旅游的文章,轻松掌握文章的主体和细节的描述;能力提高方面:1、根据提供的材料、单词和短语培养学生对交通工具和旅游相关文章的表述能力;2、通过这一单元的学习和学生在互联网搜集更多与本课内容相关的内容加深学生对未知世界的了解,增强他们的求知欲。四、教材分析课文内容:本课时是阅读课,有非常重要的作用。让学生通过对课文的阅读提高阅读能力,如抓住细节信息和综合概括总结的能力等从而获得用英语提取信息分析问题和解决问题的能力。具体内容分析如下:在Introduction部分提供了与旅游相关的交通工具的图片,要求学生认知并能灵活运用;在Pre-reading部分提供了三副图片让学生知道旅游之前应做的准备。通过问答形式让学生对一个陌生的国家澳大利亚的人文、地理和环境有所了解,为Reading部分做充分准备;Reading部分描述了Alice Thompson 和她的朋友对澳大利亚的食物、风景和火车上与人们相处的情形;Comprehending部分给出了两个练习题,课文细节配对题和角色互换讨论题,主要是帮助学生加深对课文内容的理解。教学重点:通过对外研版必修Module3中的Introduction & reading and vocabulary 的学习,提高学生用英语交流各种交通工具的语言综合运用能力,帮助学生更好的理解整篇文章,并且帮助学生提高他们的阅读能力。教学难点: 1、教师引导学生在课堂上通过多媒体展示图片,积极用英语交流各种交通工具并且大胆的用英语描述他们在第一次旅行过程中的所见所闻和感受。2、教师通过详细讲解,处理文章中出现的一些语言点,并让学生灵活运用。3、教师通过学生对课文的精读和泛读,让学生整体把握文章,培养学生对旅行的认识和兴趣。旅行不仅仅给人们带来欢乐,而且让学生学会入乡随俗的观念,尊重异地的风土人情和文化风俗。教具准备:互联网下载的相关图片、多媒体、黑板和录音机。教学目标:1、知识技能:培养和训练学生读和说的能力;了解有关交通工具的相关词汇,如:bicycle,bus,ferry,helicopter,motorbike,plane,taxi,train,tram 学习相关的短语和句型,如:get on,get off,get into,get out(of),take off,look like,listen to,at midnight,be short for,notany more,allow sb. to do sth.What a ride!Ghan is short for Afghanistan.We ate great meals cooked by experts!We saw abandoned farmsFor many years,trained camels carried food and other supplies2、过程方法:通过小组合作的方式培养学生语言交际的能力; 训练学生的阅读技能。3、情感与价值:通过小组合作的方式培养学生的合作意识;建议学生注意日常生活中的事物,学会用英语自由的交流;要求学生对异地的文化风俗习惯给予相应的尊重。五、教学方法本课的内容涉及到与我们的生活是息息相关的交通工具,特别是有学生们感兴趣的旅行方面的知识,为了活跃课堂气氛、调动学生的积极性,在教学的过程中我使用了大量的图片进行教学,还通过让学生们讲述自己的经历进行课堂的互动,使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中轻松掌握课文要领。六、教学过程Step 1 Lead- in1、Show the students some pictures and let them guess what they are.【百度搜索】【百度搜索】/show/1/21/3644446k3aaa8f62.html/photo2/html/2010416/18700.html/detail/?1637175/show/1/62/78b8d3ccfefa2758.html/s/%E7%94%B5%E8%BD%A6/xgtupian/1/2/detail/?1648389/show/1/21/0ee4857f16f3da0e.html/show/1/21/4480512kdd6dc4f9.html/show/1/21/f946e230d11c9e41.htmlSuggested answers:bicycle,taxi ,motorbike,ferry,tram ,train,plane,bus, helicopter 2、Ask the students to answer some questions about these means of transport and make sure they know when,where,how to make use of them. Teach them if they have trouble . The questions you may use: Which of the vehicles above travel on roads? Which of them above travel on rails? Which of them above travel on water? Which of them above travel in air? Which of them can you use to travel a long distance? Suggest answers: Bicycle,taxi ,motorbikes and buses travel on roads. Trams and trains travel on rails. Ferries travel on water. Planes and helicopters travel in air. You can use a train or a plane to travel a long distance.3、Match the verbs with the means of transport. Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.get on get off get into get out(of) take off ride drive land Suggested answers:get on bicycle/motorbike/ferry/tram/train/plane/busget off bicycle/motorbike/ferry/tram/train/plane/busget into taxi/helicoptergetout(of) taxi/helicoptertake off plane/ helicopterride bicycle/motorbikedrive taxi/train/busland plane/ helicopter4、Describe the first time you travelled a long distance . Pay attention to: 5W &1H (who , when, where, what, why & how)【设计意图】这部分主要起到了导入新知识的作用,通过图片的应用让学生自然的接受本节课的内容和词汇。互联网的使用提高学生的学习兴趣,达到本课学习的目的。Step 2 Pre-reading1、Background knowledge of Australia . 【百度搜索】/zimengzhuxuan/album/item/ff478f234a2780e84723e869.html#/2009/0522/3691_2.html/blog.php?do=showone&type=blog&itemid=548759According to these pictures,ask the students to answer some questions: Do you know how many people live there? Do you know the name of the capital city? Where do you think most of people live,in the central part of the country or on the coast? What do you think the central part of the country is like? What Australian animals do you know about?Suggested answers: About 20 million Canberra On the east/southeast coast Desert Koala bear,possum,duck-billed platypus and kangaroo.2、VocabularyShow the following words on the screen.Abandoned camels cassette clouds colourful desert diamonds distance experts famous farms fields food government law meal midnight passengers products recently sand scenery shine shoot soil supply weather First,ask the students to read some new words, pay attention to their pronunciation.Second,match some of the words with these definitions. An area of land where it is always dry Valuable stones People who travel on a train,bus or plane You find this on beaches White or grey things made of water in the sky Where plants growSuggested answers:desert diamonds passengers sand clouds farms/fields/soil【设计意图】通过让学生了解互联网上下载的澳大利亚的图片和让学生回答提出的问题,导入新课和新词汇的学习,达到让学生熟练运用的目的。Step 3 While-reading1、ScanningRead My First Ride on a Train. Whats the passage about?Suggested answers:travelling to the central part of Australia2、Careful readingAsk the students to read the passage again carefully and answer the questions. Did Alice travel on the train along time ago? Was her destination on the coast of Australia? Was the scenery the same during the whole journey? Did she study while she was on the train? Did the Australia use horses to travel to the central part of the country? Do they still use camels to deliver goods?Suggested answers: No,she traveled on the train recently. No,it was Alice Springs in the centre of Australia. No,at first there were fields,then it was desert. Yes,she studies Chinese. Yes,at first, but the horses didnt like the hot weather. No,they use the train now.【设计意图】 在阅读课文的过程中,采用查读和精读的方法,向学生提出问题,培养他们在阅读过程中自主解决问题的能力。Step 4 Language points1、allow vt.&vi.allow sb to do sthallow doing sthe.g His parents dont allow smoking. Allow me to congratulate you on success.2、more than one 许多More than one student likes the film.3、on the coast 在岸上,沿岸4、in the 1920s/in the 1920s 在20世纪20年代5、be short for 的缩写形式 e.g P.R.C is short for the Peoples Republic of China. Be short of 缺少【设计意图】 对语言点的讲解采用深入浅出的方法,通过举例加强学生对词汇和短语的熟练运用。Step 5 Homework1、Ask the students to recite some new words about means of transportation.2、According to the reading ,ask the students to write a short reading review 【设计意图】 作业设计的目的是加强学生的词汇储备,加深学生对文章的理解。Module3 My First Ride on a


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