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Unit 11 How was your school trip?第2课时分层训练Section A2 3a3b .根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1My sister picked some f_ in the garden for me.2Today is Friday. It was Thursday y_3Dont w_ about your lessons. I will help you.4Dont read in the s_, because its bad for your eyes.5L_, the boy got an “A” in the English exam.用所给单词的适当形式填空1Kate _ (be) ill yesterday.2They had a great time _(watch) the movie last night.3I _ (see) him on the way home yesterday.4She _ (buy) an interesting book in the bookshop this morning.5It rained all day. So I _ (stay) at home.6They _(have) a terrible school trip last time.7It _(take) me ten minutes _(get) to school yesterday morning.8Jenny _ (read) a lot of books last year.单项填空()1.Did Betty have breakfast this morning?_. She got up very late. AYes, she did BNo, she didntCYes, she was DNo, she wasnt()2.Did you make dinner for me?Yes, I _Ado Bam Cdid Dwas()3.Grace and her classmates _ a good time on their last school trip.Ahave Bhas Chad Dto have()4. What _ he_ yesterday? He went to the zoo. Adoes; do Bis; doingCwill; do Ddid; do ()5.You fly the kite very well.Thank you.I _ a kite when I was 7 years old.Acan flew Bcould flewCcan fly Dcould fly()6.2018辽阳Luckily, I arrived home before it _Arains Bis rainingCrained Dwill rain()7.Were the animals interesting?Yes, _Ait did Bthey didCthey were Dit was()8. When _ you _ the bike?Two years ago.Ahave; bought Bhave; hadCdid; buy Ddid; bought()9.Did they see any cows?_. They saw quite a lot.AYes, they do BYes, they didCNo, they dont DNo, they didnt()10.Bill and Bob _ last Monday.Agoes fishing Bwent to fishingCgo to fish Dwent fishing.句型转换1There were some pandas in the zoo. (改为否定句) _ _ _ pandas in the zoo. 2The school children cleaned_the_bus yesterday afternoon. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the school children _ yesterday afternoon? 3It was a fine day yesterday. (对画线部分提问)_ _ the _ yesterday?4Jack often goes for a walk. (用last year改写句子) Jack often _ for a walk last year. 5The Greens had a good time in the park last week. (改为同义句) The Greens _ _ in the park last week.完形填空Carol lives in America with her parents. Last year Carol and _1_ family went to China to help prepare(准备)for her grandfathers 60th birthday party. Carol wasnt _2_ happy. “Why couldnt we just stay at home and _3_ the summer vacation?” she thought. When they arrived, everyone _4_ she and her sister should be able to(能) speak Chinese, _5_ they couldnt. They didnt know _6_ to use chopsticks(筷子) and it was difficult for them to eat. Whats more, Carol had a hard time in the dancing class. This _7_ her unhappy.But she did have a great time with her family. They _8_ a lot of delicious food. Carol liked dumplings best and her sister liked beef noodles. They also _9_ different places and took some photos. _10_ the end, Carol knew that being a ChineseAmerican was great.()1.A.her BhisCyour Dmy()2.A.easily BagainCreally Dstill()3.A.forget BworkCstudy Denjoy()4.A.read BthoughtCfollowed Dfought()5.A.so BbecauseCand Dbut()6.A.how BwhatCwho Dwhen()7.A.rode BbroughtCmade Dfelt()8.A.like BateCsaw Denjoy()9.A.left BlistenedCmet Dvisited()10.A.At BInCBy DOf.阅读理解My name is John. Today is my birthday but Im not happy at all. I dont like my birthday every year because its on April 1st. How bad!I dont want to ask anyone to my birthday party this year because last year when I invited my classmates to my party,they said, “Oh, John!Its not true. We know today is April Fools Day(愚人节)” I felt very sad when I heard that.But when I got home today, I was surprised!There was a birthday party at my home. All my friends came. There was so much food on the table and a big birthday cake. There were eleven candles on it. They were smiling and singing,“Happy birthday to John!Happy birthday to John” After blowing out the candles, I cut the cake and had it with all the people at the party. We were very happy at the party.()1.How does John feel today at first(起初)?AHappy. BRelaxingCUnhappy. DTired. ()2.Whats the date today?AMarch 1st. BApril 1st.CMay 1st. DJune 1st. ()3.John _ last April 1st.Agot a lot of giftsBwent to a movie with his classmatesChad a good timeDinvited his friends to his party but they didnt come ()4.How old is John?A14. B11.C15. D16. ()5.Which of the following is true?AJohns friends had a birthday party for him.BJohn didnt have a birthday party.CJohns teachers came to his birthday.DOnly Johns parents had a birthday party for him.根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文Yesterday Jim and I visited a village.We went there by train.The train was 1.s_ and we saw many interesting things along the way.The air in the village was clean and the villagers 2.w_nice.Mr. Miller, a villager, has a farm and he showed us around his farm. We 3.t_lots of photos on the farm.We also 4.m_ a cow, rode a horse, fed chickens and picked many oranges.At noon, we ate lunch at Mr. Millers home. It was delicious. After lunch, we went fishing.Jim is good at fishing and he 5.t_ me how to fish.It was interesting.We had a good time there.All in all, it was an exciting day.详解详析课内基础自测.1.flowers 2.yesterday 3.worry4sun5.Luckily.1.was2.watching3.saw4bought5.stayed6.had7took; to get8.read课后巩固提升.1.B根据答语中“She got up very late.”可知应作否定回答。故选B。2C含有实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句要用助动词did来回答。3C由“on their last school trip”可知,动作发生在过去。4D根据yesterday判断用一般过去时,因此答案选D。5D6.C7C主语是复数名词animals,故答语用they代替,问句中用了be动词were,故答语也要用were。故选C。8C 9B由答语判断应用肯定回答,且用一般过去时。10Dgo fishin


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