



Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us课时分层训练(二十四)Lesson 24根据汉语提示完成句子1I want to _ (约个时间) to meet you.2There are_ (如此多的) books in the library! 3We should always help_ (互相)4I dont know how_ (照料) the plants.5Is there a _ (聊天程序) on your computer? . 单项填空 ()1.The news was so _ that all the people present at the meeting were _ at it.A. amazing; amazing Bamazed; amazedCamazing; amazedDamazed; amazing()2.Lets _ a time to go shopping together.A. get up Bmake upCgive up Dset up()3.2018黔南州_ do your parents come to visit you in the US., Tim?Once a year.A. How often BHow longCHow soon DHow far()4.2017乌鲁木齐_ teenagers are becoming the “Headsdown Tribe(低头族)”. Its _ bad.A. Too many; much tooBToo much; much tooCMuch too; too muchDToo many; too much()5.2017宿迁The girl students are discussing _ the walls in the classroom.A. what to paint colourBto paint what colourCwhich colour to paintDto paint which colour()6.I dont know when he _If he _, I will tell you.A. arrives; arrivesBwill arrive; arrivesCarrives; will arriveDwill arrive; will arrive. 完形填空With the development of computer technology, the Internet has become _1_ and more important in our daily life.It _2_ a very important role in peoples life.Some people even say that they cannot live _3_ the Internet because it is a very useful tool to them._4_ should we use the Internet correctly?On one hand, we should make good _5_ of the Internet.We can study on the Internet and search for some information on it.We can _6_ watch movies, go shopping, chat with our friends and so on.We shouldnt spend too much time on it._7_ we shouldnt believe anything on the Internet because we cant imagine who the person we chat with is.We cant give out anything about our personal information on the Internet.On _8_ hand, many children are interested in computer games and waste a lot of time.Its _9_ for improving their grades.In a word, the Internet is useful to peoples life, but it also has disadvantages.If you can use it in the right way, your life will become better and better because _10_ the Internet.()1.A. many BmoreCmost Dmuch()2.A. plays BstudiesChas Duses()3.A. with BofCwithout Din()4.A. What BWhyCHow DWhere()5.A. study BadvantagesChelp Duse()6.A. too Bas wellCalso Deither()7.A. But BThoughCSo DAnd()8.A. other Bthe otherCothers Danother()9.A. good BbadCeasy Dnice()10.A. of BforCin Dwith 详解详析课内基础自测1set up a time2.so many3.each other4to look after/to take care of5.chat program课后巩固提升.1.Camazing意为 “令人惊奇的”,用于修饰物或物作主语;amazed 意为“感到惊奇的”,用于修饰人或人作主语,be amazed at意为“对感到惊奇”。由句意可知选C。2Dset up a time意为“约个时间”,为固定短语。3A考查疑问短语辨析。句意:“蒂姆,你父母多久来美国看你一次?”“一年一次。”how often意为“多久一次”,对频率提问;how long意为“多长时间;多长”,对时间段或物体长度提问;how soon意为“多久”,对“in时间段”提问;how far意为“多远”,对距离提问。根据句意可知选A。4Atoo many意为“太多”,修饰可数名词复数形式;too much意为“太多”,修饰不可数名词;much too意为“太”,修饰形容词或副词。故选A。5C考查“特殊疑问词动词不定式”。句意:女生正在讨论教室的墙应该涂哪种颜色。“特殊疑问词动词不定式”这一结构在句中作宾语,“哪种颜色”用疑问词


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