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第13课 八下 Units 78课前预热中考词汇拓展重点易错单词1. meter 米2. desert 沙漠3. population 人口4. tourist 观光者5. achieve 达到;完成;实现6. thick 厚的7. ocean 大海8. birth 出生;诞生9. adult 成人(的)10. endangered 濒危的11. excitement 激动;兴奋12. illness 疾病13. wild 野生的14. government 政府15. huge 巨大的16. treasure 珠宝;财富17. island 岛18. hurry 匆忙;赶快19. tool 工具20. towards 朝;向;对着21. forever 永远22. abroad 在国外23. fan 迷24. modern 现代的25. belong 属于26. record 录制词汇拓展1. deep(adj.) deeper (比较级)较深的;更深的 deepest (最高级)最深的 deeply (adv.)深深地;深刻地2. Asia(n.) Asian (adj. & n.)亚洲(人)的;亚洲人3. tour(n.) tourist (n.)旅行者;观光者4. protect(v.) protection (n.)保护;保卫5. wide(adj.) widely (adv.)广泛地;普遍地6. achieve(v.) achievement (n.)成就;成绩7. include(v.) including (prep.)包括;包含8. succeed(v.) successful (adj.)成功的 successfully (adv.)成功地 success (n.)成功9. nature(n.) natural (adj.)自然的10. weigh(v.) weight (n.)重量;体重11. keep(v.) keeper (n.)饲养员;保管人12. wake(v.) awake (adj.)醒着的13. France(n.) French (n.)法语14. south(n.) southern (adj.)南方的15. laugh(v.) laughter (n.)笑;笑声16. beauty(n.) beautiful (adj.)漂亮的 beautifully (adv.)漂亮地17. introduce(v.) introduction (n.)介绍18. ill(adj.) illness (n.)疾病;病中考词组短语词 组1. .square kilometers in size面积有平方公里大2. feel free (to do sth.)随便(做某事)3. as far as I know就我所知4. take in吸入5. in the face of面对(问题、困难等)6. even though=even if即使7. up to达到(某数量、程度等)8. walk into走路时撞着9. fall over绊倒10. or so大约11. full of. 满是的12. hurry up赶快13. ever since自从14. trust one another互相信任15. the first woman to succeed第一个成功的妇女16. give up trying to achieve ones dream放弃设法实现某人的梦想17. much older年长得多18. weigh many times more than. 比重好多倍19. cut down forests砍倒森林20. the importance of saving animals拯救动物的重要性21. put sth. down把某物放下22. not long after that那之后不久23. run towards. 向跑去24. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待地想做某事25. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事26. study abroad到国外学习27. belong to属于28. be kind to each other互相友好29. see sb. sing live看到某人现场演唱30. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人31. look good on sb. 穿在某人身上漂亮中考句型回顾书面表达素材1. 认识世界和征服世界Its 8,844.43 meters high. Its the highest mountain. 它有8 844.43米高。它是所有山中最高的。It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces ofnature . 它也显示了人类有时能比自然的力量更强大。2. 认识动物和保护动物Pandas have become so popular that they are now a symbol of China.熊猫变得如此受欢迎以至于它们现在是中国的一个象征。The babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long. 这些幼崽经常死于疾病,活的时间不长。The Chinese government is trying hard to help save the pandas. 中国政府正努力帮助挽救熊猫。 At birth , a baby panda is about 15 cm long. 刚出生时,一只熊猫幼崽大约有15厘米长。3. 文学与音乐Ive already finished reading it!我已经把它看完了!It was really good, so I couldnt put it down .它非常好看,所以我对它爱不释手。Country is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.乡村音乐是一种来自美州南部的传统音乐。Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history.Garth是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。语法精萃I have just drunk some tea. 我刚才已经喝了些茶。(现在完成时)I joined the book club last month and I have read five books already . 我上个月加入了阅读俱乐部,我已经阅读了五本书了。(现在完成时)Tony bought a pop music CD yesterday but he hasnt listened to it yet .Tony昨天买了一张流行音乐CD,不过他到现在还没听过。(现在完成时)课堂突破中考重点单词与短语一、population的用法【例句展示】1. More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.超过四分之三的人口是中国人。2. What is the population of Wenzhou?温州的人口有多少?【精讲辨析】1. population指人口总数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,但当population前有分数、百分数等修饰时,谓语动词用复数。2. population还可以被large/small修饰,表示“人口众多或稀少”,但不被many/few修饰。询问人口多少常用句型:What is the population of.?,意为“人口有多少”。注:many/few可修饰people。How many people? 意为“多少人”。What is the population of Hangzhou? 相当于How many people are there in Hangzhou?。【活学活用】用适当的词填空。The population of Shanghai is_ than that of Shaoxing.二、success的用法【例句展示】The party was a great success.这次聚会非常成功。【精讲辨析】success是名词,形容词是successful,副词是successfully,动词是succeed,反义词是failure。【活学活用】用success的适当形式填空。1. Failure is the mother of_.2. Bill is a_ businessman.3. He tried and at last he_.4. He swam across the river_.三、risk的用法【例句展示】1. He would risk his life for his friend. 他愿为朋友出生入死。2. He saved my life at the risk of his own. 他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。3. Are those patients now at risk?那些病人现在是否处于危险之中呢?4. He told me that he would go at all risks. 他跟我说不管有什么危险他都要去。5. I wouldnt run the risk of being late for work. 我不会冒上班迟到的风险的。【精讲辨析】1. risk作动词,意为“冒危险”,常用短语:risk ones life,意为“冒生命危险”。2. risk作名词,意为“冒险;风险”。相关短语:at the risk of.冒之险,不顾;at risk在危险中;at all risks(=at any risk)无论冒什么危险,无论如何;run/take the risk of doing sth. 冒险做某事;take risks冒险。【活学活用】根据汉语意思翻译句子。他习惯于冒险。He is used to_.四、due的用法【例句展示】1. When is the train due? 火车预计什么时候到?2. Her baby is due next month. 她的宝宝预计在下个月出生。3. The guests are due to arrive very soon. 客人们很快就会到。4. The bill is due. 这张票据已到期。5. A great deal of money is due to you.要付给你一大笔钱。6. He didnt come to school due to his illness. 他因生病没有来学校。7. Her success was due to her hard work. 她的成功是因为她努力工作。【精讲辨析】1. due作形容词,意为“预期的;预定的”,其后可接to do不定式。2. due作形容词时,还可意为“到期的;应付(给)的”,通常与介词to连用,due to sb. 意为“应付给或应给予某人”。3. due to为固定短语,意为“由于;因为”,后跟代词或名词(短语)。【活学活用】用due的相关短语填空。The accident was_ careless driving.中考重点句型一、They are about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds.它们约10英尺长,重约1 000磅。【例句展示】1. The Great Wall is about seven meters high and five meters wide.长城大约高7米,宽5米。2. The eight-year-old boy won the prize. Its amazing.这个八岁男孩赢得了这个奖项。太令人惊奇了。【归纳提高】1. 英语中表长、宽、高、深度、重量的句型:sth./sb.+be+数词+单位+长/宽/高/深/重。对其数量进行提问则用:How+long/wide/tall/high/deep/heavy+be.?。2. 长、宽、高还可用复合形容词,即:“数字+量词+long/wide/high.”,但量词必须是单数形式,且中间须加连字符,这种复合形容词常作前置定语。【活学活用】根据汉语意思翻译句子。1. 西安的城墙宽12米。The city wall of Xian is_.2. 杭州湾跨海大桥,一座36千米长的桥,是世界第二长桥。The Hangzhou Bay Bridge, a_ bridge, is the second longest bridge in the world.二、Have you read Treasure Island yet?你已读过金银岛了吗?【例句展示】1. I have finished my homework.我已经做完作业了。2. I have lived in Shanghai since I was ten years old.我从十岁起就住在上海。3. He has kept my bike for five days.他借了我的自行车有五天了。4. I have read the book three times.这本书我看了三遍。【归纳提高】现在完成时的基本结构:have/has+done。常与ever, never, already, yet, before, so far, for+时间段, since+时间点等连用。注:当与for, since连用时,短暂性动词须换成延续性动词或表状态的形容词或介词短语。如:comebe in;leavebe away;openbe open;closebe closed;begin/startbe on;borrowkeep;buyhave等。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Miss Zhang, the most beautiful teacher,_(receive) many flowers and letters these days.2. Id like to introduce my best friend to you, Peter.Thank you, Lucy. But we_ (meet) already.3. Do you know the Englishman?Yes. I_ (know) him for two years.4. I_ (hear) from Jim since he moved to Shanghai.5. I began watching here an hour ago, but now nothing_ (happen) yet.6. Our teacher is very nice. We_ (be) friends since three years ago.三、This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.这头大象比这只大熊猫重许多倍。【例句展示】1. This hall is five times bigger than our classroom.这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍(是我们教室的六倍)。2. Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。【归纳提高】many times more than意为“比多许多倍”。常见的倍数表达法:1. “A+倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+than+B”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。2. “A+倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。【活学活用】根据汉语提示完成句子。1. The car runs_(快两倍) than the truck.2. This big stone is_(三倍) as heavy asthat one.中考词语辨析一、rise与raise【例句展示】1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。2. They are going to raise money for the poor girl.他们准备为那可怜的女孩筹钱。3. We must raise the living standard of people.我们必须提高人民的生活水平。【辨异突破】1. rise意为“(某物)举起;上升”,指主语自身移向较高的位置,为不及物动词,过去式为rose,过去分词为risen。2. raise意为“提高;举起;筹集;养育”,是及物动词,过去式和过去分词为规则变化,均为raised。其后必须要有宾语,说明主语所做的动作是作用于其他事物上的。如:raise money筹款。【活学活用】用rise或raise的适当形式填空。1. The population of the city has_ to five million.2. She_ her eyes from her work.3. He has a family to_.二、already, yet与still【例句展示】1. I have already had my lunch with Jim.我和吉姆已经吃过午餐了。2. He hasnt finished his work yet.他还没完成他的工作。3. Has his dad found a job yet?他的爸爸找到工作了吗?4. Its so late, but they are still in the office.天色很晚了,但他们还在办公室里。【辨异突破】三者都是副词,但也有区别。1. already意为“已经”,指某事发生比预期还早(可用于肯定句或疑问句),可置于句中或句尾,常与完成时态连用。2. yet意为“尚未”,是指预期某事发生,但尚未发生(多用于否定句或疑问句),置于句尾。3. still意为“尚且;仍然”,指仍维持原状,置于句中。【活学活用】A)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However, he_(arrive) yet.B)用适当的词填空。2. Though he failed this time, I_ believe that he will succeed.3. We have_ known each other for ten years.三、huge, large与big【例句展示】1. a huge animal一只巨大的动物2. China is a large country. 中国是个大国。3. This box is big. 这个箱子很大。4. He is a big man. 他是个大人物。【辨异突破】1. huge意为“巨大的”,强调尺寸、体积而非重量。2. large意为“大的”,多指面积之大。有“广阔”和“众多”的含义。3. big意为“大的”,指具体事物,多指体积、重量之大,还可表示“巨大的;伟大的;重要的”等意思。【活学活用】用huge, large或big的适当形式填空。1. Some robots have_ arms. They usually work in factories.2. My room is_ than yours.3. Hainan Island is the second_ island in China.中考写作突破阅读与好书分享篇【话题解读】命题者就“全民阅读”这一主题设题,包括阅读的必要性、阅读的益处及好书推荐和分享等。此类试题常以要点提示的方式来考查,文章常用一般现在时态。【常见表达】1. Its the most interesting book I have ever read.2. It is so interesting that I cant put it down.3. Every time she is in the library. Sally looks at the many books she has not read yet and she cant wait to read them.4. This story reminds us that you can never learn whats possible unless you try to make it happen.5. Western children became interested in reading this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.【典型例题】(金华中考)假如你应邀参加一个国际读书会,并将分享自己读过的一本好书。请根据下列表格中的要点,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你要分享的书。Key points(要点)Words and expressions for reference(参考词汇)What the name isThe Old Man and the Sea.Who wrote itErnest Hemingway, America.What it is aboutfisherman,fight against fish and nature.Why I like itmeaningful, never give up,well-known sentence: “Man is not made for defeat(失败).”, .interesting, helpful, well-knownsentence; .注意:(1)可选择使用所给的书名及内容,也可另选书籍;(2)短文内容可适当增加;(3)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;(4)词数:80100;(5)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。【范文展示】The book Id like to share with you is The Old Man and the Sea, written by an American writer Ernest Hemingway. This book tells about a fisherman who is lucky enough to catch a huge fish at sea, but finds it hard to take it home. On the way back, he has to fight against the fish, and the sea as well.What I like most about the book is that the fisherman never gives up when meeting with difficulties. I still remember the well-known sentence from the book: Man is not made for defeat. This tells us that nothing seems terrible as long as we have a strong will and a brave heart.【亮点点评】1. 短文开门见山点出书名,接着精辟地概括了书的主要内容,最后揭示故事的寓意,即我为什么喜欢这本书,立意深刻。2. 定语从句This book tells about a fisherman who is lucky enough.;主语从句What I like most about the book is that.让阅卷老师眼前一亮。3. written by., .as well, as long as这些短语增加了文章的风采。当堂检测一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Lucy lives in the_(southwest) part of China.2. English, Chinese and_(France) are important working languages of the UN.3. Its reported that the heaviest man in the world now(weigh) about 550 kilos.4. The streets in Guangan now are_(wide) and cleaner than before.5. Have you_(see) the film The Old Man and the Sea yet?6. We enjoyed the_(beautiful) of nature.7. It is important_(protect) our environment.8. All of us are_(deep) moved by the old couples love story.9. After the sudden earthquake, most of us were(wake) all the night.10. I found I was three pounds heavier than before when I_(weigh) yesterday.二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 line south forever succeed introduce 1. People like to travel to_ China in winter.2. Look, the students are waiting in_ to buytickets.3. I will remember this pleasant trip_.4. Have you_ yourself to others yet?5. Last weeks talent show was a great_.三、根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Last week, we learned pandas in class. Pandas are a kind of 1 (野生的) animals. They can live for 20 to 30 years.


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