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湖北省孝感市孝南区肖港初级中学2016-2017学年七年级英语12月月考试题第I卷 客观题听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)1. A. Yes, she does. B. No, they dont. C. Yes, we do.2. A. Shes my cousin. B. Tony. C. Youre right.3. A. $10. B. Thank you. C. White. 4. A. Rice and eggs. B. He likes basketball. C. Yes, he does.5. A. No, she isnt. B. Im OK. C. No, it isnt.二、你将听到五段对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)6. Q: Who has a baseball?A. Frank. B. Peter. C. Helen.7. Q: What is not easy for Alice?A. Basketball. B. Ping-pong. C. Baseball.8. Q: How much are those black trousers?A. $14. B. $16. C. $18.9. Q: Who likes apples?A. Bill. B. Dale C. John. 10. Q: What does Jack eat for lunch?A. Bread and chicken. B. Bread and salad. C. Salad and chicken.三、你将听到两段长对话,听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。11. What does the woman want to buy?A. A T-shirt. B. A skirt. C. A sweater.12. How much is it?A. $10. B. $15. C. $20.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。13. What does David like for breakfast?A. Eggs. B. Tomatoes. C. Bread.14. What fruit does David like after lunch?A. oranges. B. Bananas. C. apples.15. What does Kate want to eat for dinner?A. Chicken. B. Rice. C. Hamburgers.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)16. Eric is Peters _.A. uncle B. brother C. cousin17. Eric always watches TV _.A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening18. Eric has _ basketball(s).A. one B. two C. three19. Eric has three _.A. volleyballs B. ping-pong balls C. baseballs20. Eric plays sports at school with his _.A. classmates B. friends C. brothers笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. I have _ volleyball. It is under _ desk. A. a; a B. an; the C. a; the D. an, a22. Mike is 13 and Im 13, too. _ are in the same school.A. Their B. Our C. We D. They23. Annas sister _ an English dictionary.A. dont has B. dont have C. doesnt has D. doesnt have24. How much _ the socks? _$ 20. A. is; ItsB. are; Theyre C. are; Its D. is; Theyre25. I like the white socks, _ my parents doesnt like them.A. so B. and C. but D. then26. Look! Some _ are in the box.A. bed B. book C. rooms D. keys27. The T-shirt is too long for me. I want a _ one.A. big B. short C. tidy D. blue28. There _ an orange and two apples on the table. A.are B.has C.is D.have29. What _ does Alice like?Oh, she likes carrots.A. color B. food C. number D. sport30. The trousers _ nice. I want to buy themA. see B. watch C. meet D. look31.Sally.Ineedmydictionary.Canyou_? A.bringmeitB.takemeit C.bringittomeD.takeittome32.Letsplaychess._.IwanttowatchTV. A.Thatsoundsgreat. B.Yes.Itsdifficult.C.No,itsboring. D. You are right.33.Hesings_andheisa_singer(歌手). A.good;good B.well;well C.well;good D. good; well.34.Thankyoufor_usalot. A.helpB.helpsC.helping D. to help35. Can I help you? _. I need a pair of shorts for my son.A. Yes, please B. No, I dont C. Youre welcome D. Here you are 六、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I am Grace. I am a mother of two 36 , Cindy and Alice. Cindy is a healthy girl but Alice is not. Cindy always eats 37 . In the morning, Cindy likes milk and eggs for 38 . She eats rice and carrots for lunch 39 school. For dinner, she likes tomatoes. She likes sports. She 40 sports every morning. 41 Alice? She doesnt have good eating 42 . She is really 43 . She likes meat (肉). She eats 44 for three meals (餐). She loves sports, but she doesnt play 45 she only watches TV on the sofa! 36. A. sons B. daughters C. fathers D. cousins 37. A. goodB. thenC. niceD. well 38. A. lunch B. dinner C. breakfast D. birthday 39. A. at B. ofC. toD. with40. A. goes B. findsC. plays D. gets 41. A. Where is B. Who is C. What isD. What about 42. A. habits B. questions C. friends D. rooms 43. A. tidy B. fatC. nice D. right 44. A. tomatoes B. pears C. chickenD. bread 45. A. it B. thatC. those D. them七、阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分)根据下列材料,选择最佳选项。A NameClassHaveColorTom SmithFour5 soccer balls.blueKate GreenTwo3 ping-pong batsyellowSally MillerThree2 baseball batswhiteTony BrownTwo4 volleyballsred46. Whats Toms last name? A. Smith. B. Miller. C. Green. D. Brown. 47. What class is Kate in? A. Class Four.B. Class Three. C. Class Two.D. Class One. 48. What color are Sallys baseball bats? A. Blue. B. White. C. Yellow. D. Red. 49. What does Tony have? A. 5 soccer balls. B. 5 volleyballs. C. 4 soccer balls. D. 4 volleyballs. 50. What can we learn from the chart (从表格可以了解到)? A. Tom has 4 soccer balls. B. Kates ping-pong bats are white. C. Sally is in Class Four. D. Tony and Kate are classmates. BHello, Im Kate. I like different kinds of food. I like hamburgers, salad and orange juice. For breakfast, I often have some milk and hamburgers. I dont like dessert. My favorite football star, Tony Brown, eats lots of healthy food. He likes eggs and vegetables for breakfast. For lunch, he eats hamburgers, tomatoes, chicken, oranges and apple juice. For dinner, he likes meat and French fries. He doesnt have dessert. “I like football better than dessert, ” he says.51Kate eats _ for breakfast.Amilk and hamburgers BsaladCvegetablesDchicken52Kate doesnt like _.Aorange juice BsaladCbreakfast Ddessert53Tony Brown is _.Aa studentBa football star Ca basketball starDa runner54Tony Brown likes _ for dinner.Ameat and French friesBmilk and hamburgersClots of healthy foodDoranges and apple juice55Tony Brown likes _ better.Adessert BbasketballCfootball DrunningcMy name is Jeff. Im English. But now I live (住) in China. I am a student. This is my classroom. 15 small desks and 30 chairs are in the classroom. They are for classmates (同班同学) and me. A big desk is in the classroom, too. Its for my teacher. A clock is on the back (后面)wall of the classroom. Next to the clock is a map. Its a map of China. My classroom is nice and clean. I like it very much. ( )56. Who is Jeff? A. A schoolboy. B. A schoolgirl. C. A Chinese student D. American. ( )57. What is Jeff talking about? A. The family. B. The school. C. The classroom. D. The park. ( )58. Whats on the back wall of the classroom? A. A clock. B. A map. C. A map and a clock. D. A picture. ( )59. How many (多少) desks are there (有) in the classroom? A. 15. B.16. C. 30. D. 31.( )60. What does the underlined (划线) “it” mean (意思) in the passage (文章)? A. The classroom. B. The map of China. C. The big desk. D. The school 第II卷 非选择题部分八、单词拼写 (每小题1分,共8分) 根据题意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。61. Kate is always l for school. 62. Can you help me with my math? S .63. Grace likes fruit salad and I like v salad. 64. _ is the book? Its on the desk.65. That _ (听起来) good.66. Bill, can you help _ (他们) to find their keys? 67.These socks are three _(美元).68. I play ping-pong _(和) my classmates. 九、句型转换(每小题2分,共8分) 69. Do you have a map of China? (作肯定回答)_, I _.70Thisisastrawberry.(变成复数)These_. 71TomandMarylikeice-cream.(变成一般疑问句)_ TomandMary_ ice-cream?72. The black trousers are 80 yuan. (对画线部分提问) _ _ are the black trousers?十、选词填空 (每小题1分,共6分) 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。is I my habits fat likes for My name is David. Cindy is 73 good friend. She has some good eating 74 . For breakfast, she has apples and bread. For lunch, she has rice and chicken. What does she like _75_ dinner? She 76 bananas and eggs. But she doesnt like ice-cream. She doesnt want to be 77 . She always plays baseball at school. She 78 really a nice girl.73. _ 74. _ 75 _ 76. _ 77. _ 78_十一、任务型阅读(每小题分,共8分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Im Kate, and my sister is Gina. I am tidy, but Gina is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My keys are in my schoolbag. I have a clock. It is on the desk. (1)Ginas books are everywhereon her bed, o


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