



Unit 6 Im going to study computer science本单元的写作内容是谈论对于自己或他人未来的职业和理想生活的打算。写此类作文时应注意以下几点:1使用一般将来时be going to do的句型结构。2叙述要条理清晰、逻辑清楚。先描述未来的职业和理想生活,再描述打算采取的行动。3结尾要谈一谈自己对于实现理想的决心或希望。根据下列提示及要求,以“My Dream Job”为题用英语写一篇短文,谈一谈你的理想职业,要怎么实现以及什么时候开始行动。提示:1想成为一名记者。2打算给报社、杂志社写文章。3高中毕业后想去北京上大学。4想在一家电视台工作并环游世界。要求:1条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。2提示内容全部体现在文章中,可适当发挥。3不少于70词。1时态:一般将来时be going to do结构2可以根据提示内容适当发挥。常用短语1坚持写文章_2把它们寄给报社和杂志社_3当我高中毕业时_4遇到很多有趣的人_常用句子1I want to be a/anwhen I grow up.2Im going to practice basketball every day./Im going to keep on writing stories.3Im going to take up a hobby. 4. I think singing is a great activity, so Im going to learn to sing.5This will make my family happy because they love to listen to music and sing together.6In order to realize my dream, Im going to work harder than before.7Im going to try my best to make my dream come true.,高分模板My Dream JobRich or poor,_ young or old, we all dreamt about our future jobs once.As for me, my dream job is to be a reporter when I grow up. The reason why I want to doThis is that I enjoy meeting different kinds of people and sharing their stories with others. In order to make my dream come true, Im going to do the following things step by step. First, _I will read many books and practice writing every day. Then, Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. Whats more, I am going to study in Beijing after high school. Last but not least,_ I want to work at a TV station and travel all over the world for selfimprovement. All in all, at the bottom of my heart, I have to be honest and say only if I hold on to my dream can I make it come true.名师点评开篇点题,简洁有力。正文描述了自己的理想职业是什么以及如何实现,结构清晰,层次分明。恰当使用表示顺序的连接词,使文章逻辑性更强。此外,文中句式多样,如“The reason whyis that”的使用。结尾运用了倒装句,表达自己对于实现理想的决心和希望。首尾呼应。假如你是李华,校刊的英文专栏正在举办关于业余爱好的征文活动。本期主题是如何坚持或培养一个爱好,促进身心健康发展。请你描述自己在新的一年里准备坚持或培养的业余爱好是什么,为什么,以及你打算怎么做。80词左右。提示词汇:hobby, improve, health提示问题:What hobby are you going to keep/take up? Why?What are you going to do to keep or develop the hobby?详解详析【素材积累】1. keep on writing articles2. send them to newspapers and magazines3. when I finish high school4. meet lots of interesting people【小试身手】One possible version:Hobbies are very important to a person. I would like to take up a new hobby of reading before bedtime. I want to take up reading as a hobby because reading something relaxing before bedtime can help me relax and refresh my mind after a days hard work. Im going to try to finish all my schoolwork quickly at school and at home. Then Im going to set the alarm to remind me to start reading before bedtime. When it is


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