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大余中学20182019学年度下学期高二年级第一次考试英语试题第I卷(选择题,共85分)第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读一遍。1. Whose book does Suzie have? A. Hannahs.B. Her mothers.C. Deborahs.2. How will the woman go to the town center? A. By train.B. By bus.C. By taxi.3. How many shirts will the man buy? A. Three.B. Five.C. Six.4. Who is Jack probably talking with? A. His mother.B. His teacher.C. His dentist.5. What will the boy probably do this weekend? A. Have a picnic. B. Learn about science.C. Study math by himself.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. How many people will there be in the party? A. Twelve.B. Fourteen.C. Twenty.7. Where will the party be held? A. In a park. B. At the office.C. At a co-workers house.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What did the man give the woman? A. A bill.B. A key card.C. Some money.9. What did the man enjoy about his trip? A. The room service. B. The helpful people.C. The pleasant weather.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why does Michael feel sorry? A. He is having a lot of problems. B. He forgot his grandmothers birthday. C. He hasnt called his grandmother for a long time.11. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Michaels birthday. B. Michaels grandfather. C. Michaels busy schedule.12. How does Michael probably feel about going to college? A. Worried.B. Confident.C. Disappointed.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where does the conversation take place? A. At a bank.B. At a drugstore.C. At a post office.14. Where is the mans mother? A. In Atlanta.B. In St. Louis.C. In Memphis.15. Why is there extra cost for the man to pay? A. He is paying for overnight service. B. He is paying with a credit card. C. He has a fragile item.16. What is the man giving to his mother? A. A box of cookies.B. Some cash.C. A cup. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the important weather news? A. There will be rain all night. B. There will be a storm this morning. C. There will be sunny skies tomorrow. 18. When will the storm pass? A. On Tuesday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.19. Where is the tornado starting? A. In Tulsa.B. In Springfield.C. In Oklahoma City. 来20. What supplies does the speaker suggest people prepare in the end? A. Umbrellas.B. Rain boots.C. Water and food.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出最佳选项。AThroughout history scientists have risked their health and their lives in their search for the truth.Sir Isaac Newton, the seventeenth century scientist, was very smart, but that didnt stop him from doing some pretty stupid things. In his laboratory in Cambridge he often did the strangest experiments. Once, while testing how light passes through lenses (晶状体), he put a long needle into his eye, pushed it to the back, and then moved it around just to see what would happen. Luckily, nothing long-lasting did. On another occasion he stared at the sun for as long as he could bear, to discover what effect this would have on his sight. Again he escaped sufferingpermanentdamage, though he had to spend some days in a darkened room before his eyes recovered.In the 1750s the Swedish chemist Karl Scheele was the first person to find a way to produce phosphorus (磷). He in fact discovered eight more chemical elements including chlorine (氯), though he didnt get any praise for them. He was a very clever scientist, but his one failing was a curious habit of tasting a little of every substance he worked with. This risky practice finally caught up with him, and in 1786 he was found dead in his laboratory surrounded by a large number of dangerous chemicals, any of which might have been responsible for his death.Eugene Shoemaker was a respected geologist. He spent a large part of his life studying craters (火山口) on the moon, and how they were formed, and later did research into the comets of the planet Jupiter. In 1997 he and his wife were in the Australian desert where they went every year to search for places where comets might have hit the earth. While driving in the Tanami desert, normally one of the emptiest places in the world, another vehicle crashed into them and Shoemaker was killed on the spot. Some of his ashes (骨灰) were sent to the moon aboard the Lunar Prospector spacecraft and left therehe is the only person who has had this honor.21. What did Karl Scheele like doing when performing experiments?A. Tasting chemicals.B. Staying in the empty lab.C. Experimenting in darkness.D. Working together with others.22. What special honor was Shoemaker given after his death?A. He was buried in the Tanami desert.B. Some of his ashes were placed on the moon.C. One comet of Jupiter was named after him.D. A spacecraft carrying him traveled around Jupiter.23. The text is mainly about three great scientists _.A. special honors B. great achievementsC. famous experiments D. sufferings in the jobBThe English language is full of phrases about the weather. Some of these phrases are easy to understand, but others are not really about the weather at all. If you say you “hit roughweather”, you may not be struck by a real storm, but you do experience difficulties or problems. If you dont know whatsuch phrases mean, they might leave you“in a fog (雾)”!In English, you can “shoot the breeze”, or have an informal chat. But things can also be a breeze. If you take an exam and find it very easy, youd tell your friends: “It was a breeze!” The wind can also bring information. You can “get wind of” a piece of news, and if someone“knows which way the wind blows”, they have a good idea about how things will work out. But dont“throw caution (警惕) to the wind”that means taking a great risk!Clouds sometimes bring rain, and in English they often represent problems or difficulties. If someone“sees a cloud on the horizon (地平线)”, there may be problems ahead. And if someone is“under a cloud”, then people think the person might have done something wrong. But clouds are not always bad; in fact, people say that “every cloud has a silver lining”. This means that there is a good side to every situation. You may even end up “on cloud nine”, which means you are very happy! But some people have their “heads in the clouds”, not paying attention to reality.No one likes to be stuck in the rain or storm, so its no surprise that phrases about them are generally negative. When someone says“it never rains but it pours”, they are complaining (抱怨) that when things go wrong, they go very wrong. People who talk about “weathering a storm” just want to get through a difficult period or situation.24. What does the underlined part “suchphrases” in the first paragraph refer to?A. The old phrasesaboutthe weather. B. The funny phrasesaboutthe weather.C. The simple phrasesaboutthe weather. D. The confusing phrasesaboutthe weather.25. Which of the following phrase means danger?A. Shoot the breeze. B. Know which way the wind blows.C. Get wind of a piece of news. D. Throw caution to the wind.26. What may you say if you look at something in a positive way?A. you are under a cloudB. your head is in the cloudsC. every cloud has a silver liningD. you see a cloud on the horizon27. Phrases like “it never rains but it pours” and “weathering a storm” mean something _.A. changeableB. unfavorableC. acceptableD. unbelievableCIn New York, Ma witnessed the Alibaba Group opening on the New York stock exchange with the largest initial public offering (IPO,新股发行) in American history. “Alibaba, the worlds largest Internet commerce company makes China equal to the US in the rapidly increasing global competition for technological innovation (创新) and economic transformation ” commented the South China Morning Post.It has also made Ma Chinas richest man with a fortune of around $25 billion (153 billion yuan), reported Reuters.Its reported that Mas rags-to-riches journey is just as spectacular as his Internet empire. Ma failed the national college entrance exams twice before he was finally in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt and failed in finding a suitable job several times. Also, Mr. Ma is a big believer in perseverance, which was proved in his English study experience.However, it was his vision and goals that launched his career.During a short trip to the US as an interpreter in 1995, Ma first experienced the Internet. He believed in the Internets business potential when few other Chinese people did. He started Alibaba in his Hangzhou apartment, with 17 friends and $60,000 of funds. At the time, when e-commerce was unheard of in China, “I called myself a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers,” he once said, according to The Guardian. His unusual ideas earned him the nickname “Crazy Jack Ma”.Indeed, Ma is different. Although he is very thin and about 160cm tall, “Ma is yet animated and forceful, said The Guardian. “He is funny, creative, and a compelling (引人注目的) speaker. Ma told Time magazine that he was “old for the Internet”. He started to slow down and looked around. According to The Wall Street Journal, Ma “plans to open a tai chi club with the actor Jet Li, build an entrepreneur (企业家) university in Hangzhou and continue to work on several environmental projects.”28. What made him into e-commerce industry? A. His foresight and ambitions.B. His English learning experience.C. His belief in perseverance.D. His 17 friends and $60,000 funds. 29. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean? A. Ma is a blind man riding on a blind tiger. B. Ma had no confidence in his business future. C. Ma knew little about e-commerce. D. Ma had not enough money at that time.30. Whats the personality of Ma Yun according to the passage? A. Funny and competitive.B. Determined and creative. C. Rich and different. D. Attractive and believable.31. Whats the best title of the passage? A. The Development of Alibaba Group B. Ma Yuns Personal LifeC. Ma Yuns Crazy Success D. E-commerce in ChinaDEver walked to the shops only to find, once there, youve completely forgotten what you went for? Or struggled to remember the name of an old friend? For years weve accepted that a forgetful brain is as much a part of aging as wrinkles and gray hair. But now a new book suggests that weve got it all wrong. According to The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it comes to the important things, our brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and 60s much later than previously thought.Furthermore, rather than losing many brain cells as we age, we keep them, and even produce new ones well into middle age. For years its been assumed that brain, much like the body, declines with age. But the longest, largest study into what happens to people as they age suggests otherwise.This continuing research has followed 6,000 people since 1956, testing them every seven years. It has found that on average, participants performed better on cognitive (认知的) tests in their 40s and 50s than they had done in their 20s. Specifically, older people did better on tests of vocabulary, verbal memory (how many words you can remember) and problem solving. Where they performed less well was number ability and perceptual speed how fast you can push a button when ordered. However, with more complex tasks such as problem-solving and language, we are at our best at middle age and beyond. In short, researchers are now coming up with scientific proof that we do get wiser with age.Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with aging. A recent US study found older people were much better at controlling and balancing their emotions. It is thought that when were younger we need to focus more on the negative aspects of life in order to learn about the possible dangers in the world, but as we get older weve learned our lessons and are aware that we have less time left in life: therefore, it becomes more important for us to be happy.32. Barbara Strauch probably agrees that _.A. the young are better at handling important thingsB. peoples brains work best between their 40s and 60sC. aging leads to the decline of the function of the brainD. wrinkles and gray hair are the only symbols of aging33. The continuing research has found older people perform better on _.A. perceptual speedB. number ability C. vocabulary testsD. body balance34. People are happier with aging because _.A. they learn to value the time left B. they know how to share feelingsC. they cannot focus on negative aspects D. they do not realize the possible dangers35. What is the main idea of the passage?A. People get happier with age.B. People get wiser with age.C. People get more forgetful with age.D. People get more self-aware with age. 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Many people believe that there is some truth in the saying Laughter is the best medicine. 36 Laughter helps relieve pain, strengthen the immune system and reduce stress. Laughter stimulates(激发) hormones which make us feel happy. Laughter also increases the flow of blood throughout the body and has benefits which are similar to the ones you get by doing exercise. 37 Children exposed to funny films and cartoons before major medical procedures are able to cope better with pain and anxiety. 38 . These are professional clowns who are sent to hospitals and wards to entertain and distract sick children.Laughter therapy has become very popular in recent years and as a result, more and more laughter clubs are starting to open up in cities and towns all over the world. At a laughter session, a trained therapist instructs the group to perform a series of exercises which are designed to produce laughter. 39 And it takes them some time to get rid of their inhibitions(心理抑制).They might even start off with fake laughter, but this doesnt matter because our bodies cant tell the difference, and the results are the same. Moreover, laughter is contagious(传染的). 40 So next time you feel ill, stressed out or depressed, try watching a funny film or try remembering an amusing incident in your life. You will soon feel better.A. If one person starts giggling, it is unavoidable that everyone else will be drawn in.B. Laughter helps you focus.C. This finding has led to so-called clown doctors.D. In fact, research done by scientists has shown that laughter has a lot of health benefits.E. Laughter makes the world a better and more colorful place.F. Some people may find the idea embarrassing at first.G. Using laughter therapy in childrens hospitals has proven to be invaluable.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was quite a bad time for me. I was in low _41_ and felt tired physically. Probably _42_ this I hadnt shaved (剃须) for a few days _43_ because I had been doing some repairs at my daughters house, I was _44_ quite scruffily (邋遢的). Boarding the _45_ to go home,I saw it was almost _46_ so I found a rail to rest against.That was when a young woman, siting with her child, stood up and _47_ me her seat. “Wow !” I thought, surprised. Out loud I said, “Do I look that old and tired?” She _48_ to me with; a smile, You look like youve had a tough day. I thanked her sincerely and stayed where I was standing.A moment later a man _49_ from his seat at the back of the bus and made his way _50_ towards me, walking past several people on the way. He told me that he had a serious alcohol addiction _51_ and wanted to ask my advice. We _52_ about life for a few minutes and then he went back to his seat._53_ him go, I also looked at the bus-load of people _54_ me and his seat. He hadnt _55_ to talk to those strangers. He chose to talk to this stranger for whatever it _56_ to him and whatever comfort it brought him. Why?Thats when it _57_ to me that he must have thought that I had been where he was. I probably _58_ a man who would understand a difficult life. I was a little sad at first, but then I was inspired by the _59_ that even when we are at our lowest we can still _60_ others if we look like we might be able to meet them where they live or walk a while in their world.41. A. situationB. strength C. spirits D. power42. A. on account of B. in favor of C. consisting of D. instead of43. A. However B. Also C. Anyhow D. But44. A. dressedB. polluted C. decorated D. shown45. A. planeB. train C. ship D. bus46. A. largeB. full C. late D. dark47. A. pointedB. passed C. offered D. Led48. A. signedB. responded C. reported D. turned49. A. escapedB. raised C. hid D. rose50. A. exactlyB. directly C. seriously D. carefully51. A. memoryB. level C. problem D. condition52. A. chattedB. learned C. complained D. doubted53. A. HearingB. Watching C. Letting D. Helping54. A. amongB. along C. beside D. between55. A. determinedB. demanded C. chosen D. refused56. A. meantB. seemed C. appeared D. happened57. A. referredB. occurred C. belonged D. adapt


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