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Unit 2 Great People单元基础知识过关二1能力 _ 2疾病_ 3进步;进展_ 4社区;社会_ 5仍然是;保持不变 _ 6生产;出产(v.)_7最坏的(地);最糟的(地)_ 8环境;条件;状态,状况_ 9政府_ 10医学的;医疗的_ 11(用作动词或介词的宾语)谁_ 12任何人_ 13化学_ 14作家_15对话;对白_ 16失明的;瞎的_17调查_ 18解决;解答_19先锋;先驱_20采用;引进;推行_21失聪的;聋的_22决定(n.)_(v.)_23意义;意思(n.) _(v.)_ 24获得成功的;有成就的_ (n.)_(v.)_ 25领导者;领袖_(v.)_1深思;沉思_ 2尽某人最大努力 _ 3在方面成功;顺利完成 _ 4对友好_ 5因而闻名;众所周知_ 6继续_ 7在领域_ 8(婉辞)去世_ 9致力于_ 10. 丧失的能力_ 11取得很大进步_ 12. 在岁时 _ 13仍在使用_ 14急救_ 15做决定_ 16一天又一天_ 17建立_ 18从那时开始 _ 19基于;以为基础_ 20. 和年龄一样大_ 1生活的意义是什么?What is the _ _ life?2还有,在生活中我们怎样才能成功呢?And how can we_ _ life?3我爸爸总是说我们应该对别人友好。My dad always says that we should_ _ _ others.4毕业后他去瑞士继续研究物理学。_ he finished school, he _ _ _ study physics in Switzerland.5在去世之前,他签署了他的最后一封信。He signed his last letter _ he_ _6一个从不犯错误的人一定从来没有尝试过任何新鲜事物。 Anyone_ has never_ _ _ has never tried anything new.7从那时开始,他花费大量时间研究和开发新品种。_ _, he has_ much of his time researching and developing new varieties.8但是我的报告应该是关于谁的呢?But _ should my report be _?9他曾经不间断地做了69个小时的手术。He once operated for sixtynine hours straight _ _10在丧失了视觉和听觉之后,她变得难以相处并且暴躁。After she _ _ _ _ see and hear, she became difficult and wild.11. 她尽全力帮助社区里其他失聪的人或盲人。She_ _ _ _ help others in the community who were deaf or blind.12他还发明了今天仍在使用的医疗器械。He also invented tools_ _ _ _ today.根据句意及所给提示完成句子1Its our duty to help b_ people because they are unable to see.2He is so worried because his pet dog is m_. He cant find it.3I _ (graduate) in 2003 and began to work in 2005. 4The weather today is as_ (bad) as they predicted.5Since then, he _ (produce) his own sports magazine.6I dont know _ (somebody) here. I feel very lonely.7The living _ (条件) in the past were very poor in China.8We have received some help from the_ (政府)9From_ (谁) did he get so much money? 10She is _ (成功的) as an actress than she thought.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空set up, together with, deep in thought, make a lot of progress, go on 1He, _ his cousins, plays basketball after class every day.2I believe I can _ this time.3A new hospital will _ in the town next year.4They didnt have a break and _ working.5The old man often sits in the chair in the sun, _.根据汉语意思完成句子1在听到这个坏消息之后,每个人都充满了悲伤。Everyone_ _ _ sadness after hearing the bad news. 2我们已经决定要自己做这个课题了。Weve _ _ _ to work on the project by ourselves.3这个小男孩成功地设计出了一个新的飞机模型并且获得了一等奖。The little boy _ _ designing a new model plane and got the first prize.4在科学领域已有许多重大发现了。 Many great discoveries have been made _ _ _ _ science.5作为一名中学生,我们应该掌握一些急救知识。As a middle school student, we should master some knowledge about _ _.按要求完成下列各题1I have a friend. She is from Africa.(改为含有定语从句的复合句)I have a friend _ _ from Africa.2I go out. I always say goodbye to my mum. (用before连接两个句子)_3I like the emojis that she often uses when we chat by QQ. (改写为两句话)_4He will call you. He gets there. (用after连接两个句子)_5We will remember these heroes forever.(改为被动语态)_.根据汉语意思完成句子1这部电影是根据韩寒的小说改编的。The movie is _ _ a novel by Han Han.2离开教室之前,一定要把窗户关好。Be sure to close the window _ _ the classroom.3他不假思索,立刻说出了答案。He said the answer at once _ _4因为健康问题,他没有参加那次会议。He didnt attend the meeting _ _ his health problem.5为了帮助那些人,我们想出了很多不同的办法。_ _ those people, we _ _ _ many different ideas.教师详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1gress4community5.remain6. ernment10medical11.whom12.anybody13chemistry14.writer15. dialogue16. blind17.survey18. solve19. roduction21. deaf 22decision; decide23. meaning; mean24. successful; success; succeed25. leader; lead重点短语1deep in thought2.try/do ones best3succeed in4.be good to5be well known for6.go on7in the field of8.pass away9.work on10lose the ability to11.make a lot of progress12at the age of13.remain in use14first aid15.make a decision16day after day17.set up18. since then 19based on20.the same age as重点句型1meaning of2.succeed in3be good to4.After; went on to5before; passed away6.who; made a mistake7Since then; spent8. who/whom; about 9without stopping10.lost her ability to11did her best to12.that remain in use【基础知识迁移】单词回顾1blind2. missing3. graduated4. bad 5. has produced6. anybody7. ernment 9whom10.more successful 短语运用. 1. together with2. make a lot of progress 3be set up4. went on5. deep in thought . 1. was filled with/was full of 2made a decision3. succeeded in4in the field of5. first aid 句型突破. 1. that/who is 2I always say goodbye to my mum before I go out.3I like


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