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Unit 3 Safety单元基础知识过关三1. 安全;平安_ 2小心的;仔细的_ 3悬挂;垂下_ 4严重的;严肃的_ 5必需的_ 6城镇_ 7丑陋的;难看的 _ 8肩;肩膀_ 9伤;伤口_ 10期待;盼望_ 11突然(的)_12血_ 13膝;膝盖;膝关节_ 14碎石;岩石_ 15插入;穿入_ 16陌生人_ 17粗心的_ 18某些;某个_ 19他(她、它)们自己_ 20食盐_ 21剪刀_ 22刀_ 23高温;加热_ 24烧伤;烫伤;燃烧_ 25地震_ 26物体;对象;目标_ 27规则;规章_ 28训练;培养(n.)_1跳起来_ 2在上面_ 3呼救_ 4及时_ 5追逐;追赶_ 6摘下;脱掉_ 7stick out of_ 8shout for help_ 9put out_ 10be careful with_ 11stay calm _ 12protectfrom (doing)_ 13.pull over_ 14keep an eye out for_ 15. stay away from_ 1它难道不漂亮吗?_ _ beautiful?2让我给你拿把梯子。Let me_ the ladder _ you.3我想我的胳膊没有折断。I _ _ my arm is broken.4而且街道上结满了冰小汽车不能及时停下来。And the street was icythe car couldnt stop_ _5我想阻止她追赶球,但是她没有听见我(说的话)。I wanted to _ her _ _ _ the ball, but she didnt hear me.6有一块锋利的岩石从它外面扎了进来。There was a sharp rock _ _ _ it.7我感觉如此糟糕,以至于又躺下了。I felt _ terrible _ I lay down again.8当我妈妈赶到医院时,她紧紧地抱住了我。When my mother got to the hospital, she _ _ _ _ _9厨房和浴室是房子里最危险的两个房间。The kitchen and the bathroom are _ _ _ _ _ in the house.10不要在厨房存放毒药。_ _ poisons in the kitchen.11你需要坚固的东西在周围来保护你免受落物的伤害。You need to have something strong around you to_ you _ falling objects.12如果你在外面,要尽快到开阔的地方去。If you are outside, get to an open area _ _ _ you can.根据句意及所给提示完成句子1The big fire has b_ for two hours. We must take action to put it out.2His dream is to be a _ (report) in the future.3Be careful when you are driving. Because the road is _ (ice)4He is reading todays newspaper_ (careful) in the living room now.5We _ (decorate) the meeting room just now.6The boys uncle is good at _ (train) dogs. His dogs can do wonderful tricks.7They dont like to eat out. They often cook meals by_ (they) at home.8School bus _ (safe) is a big problem in China.9The little boy is _ (躺) on the grass, looking up at the sky.10Dont play with _ (刀), children. Its dangerous. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空stay calm, take off, in time, put out, run after 1Has the fire been _?Not yet.2The plane _ ten minutes ago.3_ is important when you are in danger.4They hurried and got there _5He is _ a lovely cat. 根据汉语意思完成句子1请尽量说慢一点。Please _ _ speak a little slowly.2小心!不要滑倒了。_ _! Dont slip down.3我们一定要阻止类似的事情再次发生。We must _ such things _ happening again.4突然,那辆车停下了。_ _ _ _, the car stopped.5很多人从椅子上摔下来伤到了自己。Many people hurt themselves by_ _ chairs. 按要求完成下列各题1You should learn the rules carefully.(改为祈使句)_ _ _ carefully, please.2You cant play the guitar in the classroom. (改为祈使句)_ _ the guitar in the classroom.3Tina was so weak that she couldnt carry the box.(改为同义句)Tina wasnt_ _ to carry the box.4Could you please tell me where I can get some stamps?(改为同义句)Could you please tell me where _ _ some stamps?5You should come here as soon as possible.(改为同义句)You should come here as soon as _ _. 根据汉语意思完成句子1务必在上午八点之前到达公园入口。_ _ _ arrive at the entrance of the park before 8 am.2“她不是英语老师吗?”“是的,她是语文老师。”_ she an English teacher?No, she is a Chinese teacher.3今天上午我们花费了两个小时来装饰房间。It _ us two hours _ decorate the room this morning.4这场大雪阻止了我们外出。The heavy snow_ us _ going outside.5过马路的时候要密切注意汽车。_ _ _ _ _ cars when crossing the road.教师详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1safety2.careful3.hang4serious5.necessary6.town7ugly8.shoulder9.wound10expect11.sudden12.blood13knee14.rock15. stick16. stranger17. careless18. certain19. themselves20. salt21.scissors22. knife23. heat24. burn25.earthquake26. object27. rule28.training重点短语1jump up2.on top of3cry for help4.in time5.run after6take off7.从伸出来8大声呼救9.扑灭10.小心; 注意11保持镇静12保护免于13(把车)开到路边14密切注意; 提防; 警觉15.远离重点句型1Isnt it2.get; for3.dont think4in time5.stop; from running after6sticking out of7. so; that8gave me a big hug9the two most dangerous rooms10. Dont tect; from12as fast as 【基础知识迁移】单词回顾1burned/burnt2. reporter3. icy4. carefully5. decorated6. training7. themselves8. safety9.lying10. knives短语运用. 1. put out2. took off3. Staying calm4.in time5. running afterII. 1. try to2. Take care/Be careful/Look out/Watch out3. stop/prevent/ke


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