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Unit One About Me,The first period (Part A),Lets talk!,Lets sing!,Whats your name?,Welcome To Dafeiyang Primary School,Im Xiyangyang. Im a boy. Im six.,Im Meiyangyang.,Im a girl. Im five.,Im Meiyangyang.,Im a girl. Im five.,girl 女孩,boy 男孩,Young Pioneer 少先队员,Ask and Answer,Time for introduction,Fill in the blanks,我的明星卡,1. 听录音,模仿跟读Unit 1 Part A; 2. 用英语向爸爸妈妈介绍自己; 3. 用英语向爸爸妈妈介绍今天在大肥羊学校认识的新朋友“羊羊”们。,Homework,The second period (Part B&G),Time for self-introduction!,Time for song!,1. Boy and Girl 2. My name is ,Class One Grade One,Class Two Grade One,Which class are you in?,Xiyangyang: Hello! Good morning!,Meiyangyang: Whats your name?,Lanyangyang: How old are you?,Feiyangyang: What class are you in?,Nuanyangyang: Are you a student or a Yong Pioneer?,Dafeiyang: Nice to meet you! Lets be friends!,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Choose and Draw Lines,Whats your name? How are you? How old are you? Good morning!,Im seven. Good morning! My name is Jill. Fine, Thank you!,Make a Student Card,Homework,The third period (Part B&F),Time for song!,My name is ,Time For Activity,Lets do some exercises!,Click Here,1. 听录音,跟读Part A&B; 2. 拿着自制校牌,向爸爸妈妈介绍自己在“大肥羊学校”的情况(包括年龄、班级等)。,Homework,The fourth period (Part C&D),Time for song!,My name is ,Lets talk!,How to make friends with Xiyangyang?,Lets watch a video,Story Time,Click Here,Exercise,1. Bob is a ( ). A. boy B. girl 2. How old is Bob? He is ( ). A. seven B. eight,A,A,Show Time,1.Tell your parents how to “Make friends with Xiyangyang” 2.Listen to the tape (Part C) and read after it. 3.Draw yourself.,Homework,The fifth period (Part E),Lets talk!,Show Time,Lets sing!,ABC Song,Lets play!,1. 圈一圈,圈出你所听到的字母: LNM HJK pbt KQW aer 2. 记一记,排一排:按顺序排列下列字母串: I K J H M L N u s t p q o r 3. 记一记,填一填:给出所给字母的左邻右舍: _c_,_h_,_m_,_x_,_r_,Lets do some exercises!,Lets chant!,尖尖三角长双腿AAA; 双劈葫芦齐又齐BBB; 新月弯弯亮无比CCC; 半圆气球打足气DDD; 搬来青山横竖起EEE; 风儿吹起两条布FFF;,凳子搁在月亮里GGG; 一跟条档难成梯HHH; 笔直旗杆人人爱III; 一条钓钩把鱼牵JJJ; 两个V字手牵手WWW; 会打*做老师XXX; 弹弓光剩木柄在YYY; 白鹅一游游出海ZZZ。,Sing the “ABC”song to your parents. Play the games with your parents.,Homework,The sixth period (Revision),Lets sing!,1.ABC Song 2.My name is ,Lets talk!,Time for introduction,读一读,选一选,About me Hello! Im Ann. Im a (boy/girl). Im (seven/ two). Im in (Class Two, Grade One/ class two, grade one). Im a (young pioneer/ Young Pioneer). This is my (nose/ noses). They are my (eyes/ eye). They are my (ears/ ear). This is my (


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