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Unit 7 How much are these socks第2课时分层训练Section A2 3a3c.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1The girl _ (看起来) happy. 2She is a lively _ (女子)3I _ (需要) my pen and notebook now. 4Will you _ (买下) this radio, Ms.Brown?5This _ (一对) of earrings(耳环) is my aunts.用is, are, Its或Theyre填空1How much_ these green bags?_ $20.2How much_ these red shoes?_ $50.3How much_ those black trousers? _ $100.4How much_ this tape player?_ $120.5How much _ the shirt and the sweater?_ $80. .单项填空()1.How much is this dictionary?_ ten dollars.AItBIts CTheyDTheyre()2.These shoes _ very nice. How much _ this pair of black shoes?Aare; are Bare; isCis; are Dis; is()3._ milk do you have for breakfast?Just one glass.AHow much BHow manyCHow old DHow about()4.Your shoes look very nice._AYes, please BNo, thanksCThank you DNo, they arent()5._ Yes, please. I need a pair of shoes.ACan I help you? BHere you are.CWhats this? DHow old are you?.按要求完成下列各题1His new coat is 90_yuan(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ his new coat? 2What can I do for you?(改为同义句)_ I _ you?3They are blue cars.(改为单数句)_ _ _ blue _4I want a_red_skirt(对画线部分提问)_ _ you want?5Thank you.(写出答语)_ .翻译句子1我需要一个上学用的书包。_2这些短裤看上去不错。_3我要买下这两个汉堡包。_4简不喜欢这条黑色的短裙。_5这些杯子十元一个,十五元两个。_.完形填空My name is Mary. I have lots of(许多) clothes, and many of_1_ are yellow. Yellow is my favorite_2_. But my sister Mona doesnt_3_ yellow. Her favorite color is_4_. Today Mona goes to Mr. Cools Clothes Store with Mom. Mom buys(买) a _5_ Tshirt and a skirt for Mona. Mona likes the_6_ and the skirt very much, because (因为) they are white. I also have a(n)_7_. His name is Tony. Tonys favorite color for_8_ is black. He has black jackets, sweaters, trousers and shorts. He also_9_ a black hat. The_10_ is from Grandma. He likes it very much.()1.A.us Byou Cthem Dthey()2.A.name Bcolor Csport Dnumber()3.A.like Bsee Cspell Dknow()4.A.yellow BwhiteCblack Dblue()5.A.big Bsmall Clarge Dnice()6.A.shoes BtrousersCTshirt Dshorts()7.A.brother BsisterCaunt Ddaughter()8.A.beds Bsofas Cclothes Dcards()9.A.wants BhasCtakes Dwatches()10.A.jacket BsweaterCbag Dhat.阅读理解AHello, everyone! Come and buy your clothes at Smiths Clothes Store! We have some clothes at very good prices. Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors for 60 dollars each! Do you need bags for sports or school? We have great bags for only 8 dollars! For young boys and girls, we have Tshirts in red, yellow, white and black for only 10 dollars. And socks in all colors for 2 dollars! And thats not all. Come to Smiths Clothes Store now!()1.The _ in all colors are 60 dollars each.Abags BsweatersCTshirts Dsocks()2.The bag is only _ dollars.A5 B6 C7 D8()3.You can buy a yellow Tshirt for _ dollars.A15 B20 C10 D30()4.You want to buy a sweater and a bag, and how much are they?A$68. B$70. C$79. D$89.()5.Can you buy blue socks in this store?ANo, I cant. BYes, I can.CNo, I can. DYes, I cant.BHello, boys and girls! Please have a look at Lejin Clothes Store. Everything is on sale. We have black and red hats for $10. Do you need sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors for $30 each. Do you need bags for sports or school? You can buy great bags for only $4! For boys, we have Tshirts in black, white and blue for only $14 each! And we also have socks in many colors! They are only $2. Do you like all these things? Come to Lejin Clothes Store!()6.You can buy hats, sweaters, socks, _ at Lejin Clothes Store.Ashoes and pensBbags and shoesCbags and TshirtsDTshirts and rulers()7.Hats in Lejin Clothes Store are _A$10 B$30 C$4 D$2()8.Two Tshirts in white in the store are _A$30 B$14 C$28 D$10()9.You cant buy a _ Tshirt in the store.Ared Bblack Cwhite Dblue()10.Lejin Clothes Store has red and _ hats.Ablack Bblue Cwhite Dyellow.任务型阅读Big Sale at Guangming Clothes StoreHello, everyone! Welcome to Guangming Clothes Store. We have shorts, Tshirts, (1)_(帽子), socks, sports bags and so on (等等). They are all at very good prices(价格). These Tshirts are $15 each. The shorts are $12 each. The hats are $3 each. For girls, we have sports bags (2)_ red and white. (3)A sports bag is $4. (4)Come_to_Guangming_Clothes_Store_now!根据短文内容,完成下列各题。1根据汉语提示写出画线(1)处单词:_2选择正确的介词填入(2)处:_A. atBin C. for D. of3对(3)处句子画线部分进行提问。_4根据上下文的意思将(4)处句子译成汉语。_5将画波浪线的三种商品价格译成英语:$15_$12_$3_详解详析课内基础自测.1.looks2.woman3.need4.take5pair.1.are; Theyre2.are; Theyre3are; Theyre4.is; Its5are; Theyre课后巩固提升.1.B“How much is物品(单数可数名词或不可数名词)?”用来询问物品价格,答语为“Its价格”2B前句的主语shoes是复数形式,谓语动词用are;后句的主语是this pair,谓语动词用is。3Amilk是不可数名词,故用how much来提问。 4C对别人的夸奖要表示感谢。5A“Can I help you?”是商店或餐馆里服务员的常用语。.1.How much is2.May/Can; help3It is a; car4What do5Youre welcome./Not at all./Thats all right./Thats OK.1.I need a schoolbag for school.2These shorts look nice.3Ill take the two hamburgers/burgers.4Jane doesnt like this black skirt.5These cups are 10 yuan for one and 15 yuan for tw


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