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Module 4 Seeing the doctor【巩固练习】I. 单项选择。1How long are you going to stay here? _ AFive days ago BSince five days ago CFor five days DIn five days2My mother tells me _ food is good _ my health Ahealthful;to Bhealthy;to Chealthy;for Dhealthful;for3Miss Lin _ a lot of work for the poor area since 2010 Adoes Bdid Chas done Dwill do4He _ for ten years Ahas been married Bmarried Cgot married Dhas married5Have you heard about that car accident near the school? Yes,luckily no one _ Ahurt Bwas hurt Chas hurt Dwere hurt6_ great picture! Who painted it? AHow BWhat CHow a DWhat a7_ of volunteers will be needed for planting trees near that desert Lets go and _ them AThousands;join BThousand;be a member of CThree thousand;take part in DThousands;be in8Tom,_ afraid of speaking in front of peopleYou are the best one Adont Bnot Cnot be Ddont be9He has never been to Urumqi,_?Ahas he Bhasnt he Cis he Disnt he10My mother is ill._AI think so. BThats OK. CReally? Thank you. DIm sorry to hear that.11Im very tired. I should _.Awork Brest Chave lunch Dsee a film12Nancy is not feeling _now.Abadly Bwell Cnice Dright13Its spring now, so we decide _to the mountains.Ato go Bgoing Cto going Dgo14Miss Green isnt in the officeShe _ to the libraryAhas gone Bwent Cwill go Dhas been15The students have cleaned the classroom,_? Aso they Bdont they Chave they Dhavent they真题链接1. Did you see Tom yesterday? No, I _ him for a long time.A. didnt see B. hasnt seen C. saw D. havent seen2.Has Jane done the washing yet? You cannot her to do such a thing.A. wantB. hopeC. expect D. wish3. Since 2009, Modern Family _ us the funny, sad and moving stories of three American families. A. has given B. will give C. gave D. gives II. 完形填空。You may think that English dictionaries have been used for many,many centuriesIn fact,an English dictionary you 1 today wasnt made until the Qing Dynasty(清朝)Three men did most of the important 2 work on dictionariesThey spent nearly all their lives trying to 3 words for their dictionariesThe 4 for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857Twenty-two years later,Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor(编者) of its new dictionary Murray had never been to 5 At the age of fourteen,he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in a bank 6 he became a great teacherAfter Oxford gave him the job,Murray had a small house 7 in his garden to do the workEvery morning,Murray got out of bed at five oclock and 8 in the small house several hours before breakfastOften he would work into the nightMurray hoped to finish the new dictionary in the yearsBut after five years,he was 9 adding(增加) words for the letter “A”! He worked on the dictionary 10 he was very oldForty-four years later,in 1928,other editors finished the dictionary1Ause Bwrite Ccopy Dmust2Aeasy Bboring Cearly Ddangerous3Aspell Binvent Ccollect Dmake4Away Bidea Cuse Dprize5Aschool Bcinema Cvillage Dcollege6ALater BLong before CSo far DEver since7Asold Bbuilt Cbroken Ddrawn8Aread Bwrote Cworked Dthought9Aalready Bstill Cusually Dalways10Aif Bbecause Cuntil DsinceIII. 阅读理解。A Mr. Scott is a pediatrician (儿科医生). Almost all the people in the town know him. He is working there for a long time. He is always kind to the children and often plays games with them. The children arent afraid of him and they think hes a good doctor. One afternoon he is busy. A lot of people have a cold. Now a woman with a baby in her arms comes in. The doctor doesnt know her but he sits down to look over the baby carefully. The baby looks very nervous (紧张). Seeing this, Mr. Scott points to the babys ear, and says, “Is this your nose, my little friend?” The baby turns to his mother at once and says, “I think we should find a good doctor!”1. Most people in the town know Mr. Scott because _.A. hes there for a long timeB. he works in the hospitalC. he often plays games with the children D. he is a famous doctor 2. Mr. Scott has no time to have a rest because _.A. he is waiting for the strange boyB. he is a careful doctorC. there are many sick people that afternoonD. he want to make more money3. The boy hopes to see a good doctor because _.A. he doesnt think Mr. Scott is a good doctorB. he doesnt like Mr. Scotts joke (笑话)C. he thinks he is all rightD. he is afraid of Mr. Scott4. What does “Is this your nose, my little friend?” mean?A. Mr. Scott doesnt know the babys nose.B. Mr. Scott wants the baby to relax.C. Mr. Scott wants to know where the babys nose is.D. Mr. Scott wants to play games with the baby.5. Mr. Scott is_.A. badB. not cleverC. kindD. not good at his workB We are all busy talking about and using the Internet (互联网), but how many of us know the history of the Internet?Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks (网络) didnt work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.At first the Internet was only used by the government, but, in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made surfing(浏览) the Internet more convenient.Today it is easy to get on-line (上网) and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of peoples life.判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。6. The Internet has a history of less than forty years. 7. In the 1960s, computer networks went wrong easily.8. Computers become cheaper and easier to use by the start of the 1990s.9. People didnt have enough software to get on-line conveniently until the early 1990s.CYour parents might not realize how important their health is to you. Now its your chance to let them know!Think about it before starting.Before you talk with your parents, it helps to get clear on what you want them to do. _10_ Get more exercise? Get more sleep? If you want a parent to lose weight, youd better find out the disadvantage of being heavy and how great they will feel after eating healthy food or exercising more._11_Pick a moment when everyones relaxed and theres time to talk. Say something like: “Dad, I care about your health and I worry youre so busy that you dont have time for exercise.” Let parents know you are willing to make the change yourself. For example, say youd be willing to walk together after dinner.Come up with a plan togetherHas your mom or dad agreed to your ideas? Well done! Lets say the change your mom or dad agreed to is eating healthier food. _12_ Examples are: Ill eat five fruits every day. Ill eat breakfast every morning.Show your encouragement and understandingIts normal if your parents fail at first. If parents want to give up, encourage them to keep going. If youre making a change together, you can say, “Well, Im sorry. Lets start fresh and go on with our plan tomorrow.” _13_ Let your parents know you love and care about them for what theyre doing and that it means a lot to you.What if a parent says No?If parents dont follow your ideas, ask them (gently): “Could you at least think about it for me?” _14_How many times have you pushed back on something they asked you to do, but then later thought more about it?Soon youll be grown and out of the house. Heres your chance to set your parents on the right way.根据材料内容,选出最佳选项。A. Then give them a little time to consider.B. Do you want a parent to eat better?C. Work together to plan what they and you will do.D. Offer your praise!E. Talk to parents the same way youd like them to talk to you. IV. 书面表达。随着阳光体育运动在全国的开展,“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子”的理念深入人心,校园里出现了可喜的变化:运动时间延长了,运动项目增加了,学生体质增强了,校园生活丰富了。请以“Sports in our school”为题给校刊写一篇报道。内容要点提示:1time for sports2kinds of sports3changes of students health and study4change of school life要求:180词左右,可适当发挥;2文中不得出现真实的地名和人名。Sports in our school_答案与解析:. 单项选择。1C。C项表示一段时间,可用于回答how long引起的疑问句;A项常用于一般过去时的句子中,B项常用于现在完成时,此两项均与题干时态不符;D项常用于回答由how soon引导的特殊疑问句。2C。healthy形容词,意为“健康的”,作定语;healthful形容词,意为“有益于健康的”;be good for意为“对有益”。若选D则造成语意重复。3C。由时间状语since 2010可知,此处表示某个动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,故用现在完成时。4A。B、C两项时态不对,可排除;marry是非延续性动词,在现在完成时的肯定句中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,可排除D项;married可作形容词,意为“结婚的”,故选A。5B。根据主语no one可知,谓语动词为第三人称单数形式,由句意知用被动语态,故选B。6D。因为picture是可数名词,且是单数,故用由what对名词进行感叹的句式“What + aan + 形容词 + 可数名词单数+主语+谓语+其他!”。7A。thousand与of搭配时,应使用复数形式,构成thousands of,排除B、C两项;join“加入;参加”,其后接团体或组织,也可接人be in“参加”,其后一般不接人;由答语中的them可知,答案应为A。8D。否定祈使句的结构为:dont + 动词原形。9A。在反意疑问句中应当遵循“前肯后否;前否后肯”的原则。never为表示否定意义的词,故后面的简略问句应为肯定形式。10D。Im sorry to hear that.此处意为“我听到这个消息很难过”。一般是听到别人不好的事情时的反应。11B。根据语境“我很累”可推断选B,rest“休息”。12B。well此处作形容词,意为“(身体)好的”。句意:Nancy现在感觉不舒服。13A。decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。14A。“have gone to+地点”意为“去了某地(还没回来)”。15D。在反意疑问句中应当遵循“前肯后否;前否后肯”的原则。真题链接1. D。句意:你昨天看见汤姆了吗? 没有,我很长时间没有看见他了。从句中for a long time可知这是典型的现在完成时的标志词,强调这个动作从过去持续到现在,应该用现在完成时。因为主语是I,助动词要用have, 故选D。2. C。want sb.to do sth.“想要某人做某事”;hope 后不能跟sb.to do sth.;expect sb.to do sth.“期望某人做某事;指望某人做某事”;wish sb.to do sth.“希望某人做某事”。问句为“简洗完衣服了吗?”,由答语的语气可判断出句意是“你不能指望她做这样的事情”。因此C项符合题意。3. A。句意:自从2009年以来,“摩登家庭”给我们讲述了三个美国家庭的有趣的,伤心的和感人的故事。since + 时间点是现在完成时的标志词,可知本句应该用现在完成时,故答案为A项。II. 完形填空。1A。事实上,现在你用的英语字典直到清朝才有的。2C。三个人为了英语字典做了早期重要的工作。3C 。他们花费将近一生的时间尽可能为他们的字典收集词汇。4B。在此是指“出版英语字典的想法”。5D。根据下文可知。6A。根据上下文可知。7B。Oxford给他这份工作后,Murray让人在花园里建了座小房子来做这份工作。8C。为出版字典而工作。 9B。但是五年后,Murray还在为字母A添加词汇。10C。Murray为编写字典工作到老。III. 阅读理解。A篇1. A。由第一段中的“Almost all the people in the town know him. He is working there for a long time.”可知答案。2. C。由第二段中的“A lot of people have a cold.”可知答案。3. A。来看病的这个孩子没有明白Mr. Scott是在和他开玩笑,以为Mr. Scott不是一名


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