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兴东中学八年级英语学科学案 编号: 13 编写人:孙虹姣 审核人:高主任 班级: 姓名:课题:Chapter Six - language P82-P84一 学习目标: 1.掌握现在进行时 2. 不用现在进行时的动词二学习重点:1现在进行时的构成 2不用现在进行时的动词34用英语表达数学中的加、减、乘、除运算公式三. 学习难点:1祈使句的反意疑问句 2祈使句与陈述句的区别四温馨提示:表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。 五学习过程.温故知新翻译下列句子(1) 这里每个人至少懂得两种语言._(2) 不过,他们几乎都以同样的方式数数._(3) 用这十个数字,我们可以写任何数字,从最大到最小._(4)算盘既快又准确,今天人们仍然在使用它们._(5)有些人称大脑为活电脑. _ 2.自主预习 疑惑 修正 补充看随堂讲与练P83-85,请回答:现在分词形式的构成规则例词一般在动词原形后加-ing work working; look looking以不发音字母e结尾的动词, 先去掉e再加-ing come coming; take taking以重读闭音节结尾的动词, 如果末尾只有一个辅音字母, 应先双写这一字母, 再加-ing。 stop stopping; swim swimming; get getting现在进行时的句式变化1) 否定句: 主语+ be动词(am / is / are) + not + 现在分词+其他。 I am not playing the piano.2) 一般疑问句: Be动词(am / is / are) +主语+现在分词+其他+ ? Are you doing your homework?3) 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ be动词+主语+现在分词+其他+ ? What are you doing now?写出下列动词的现在分词形式 1)give_ 2)use_ 3)move_4)skate_ 5)draw_ 6)tell_7)ring_ 8)wear_ 9)get_10)put_ 11)hit_ 12)stop_13)keep_ 14)hurt_ 15)know_16)lie_ 17)die_ 18)begin_19)forget_ 20)save_21)close_ 22)see_ 23)carry_1.祈使句中谓语动词一律用_。祈使句一般没有_。2.祈使句主语是you时,you常_。为了使语气委婉,常在句尾加_。 Go and wash your hands, please.3.用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上_,但如果在句尾加please,那在please之前一定要加一个_4. 如果句子中有称呼语,一定要用_隔开,放在_或_。 Listen to me carefully, David.你会用英语说出它们吗? 1)add / plus3 6_3 6 = 9_2)subtract / minus 9 3_9 3 = 6_3)multiply 3 9_3 9 = 27_ 4)divide9 3 _9 3 = 3_六. 合作探究你能找出规律吗?现在进行时的构成及用法1) 构成:主语+be 动词(am, is, are) +现在分词形式(动 词-ing形式)+其他。 I am reading in the library.2) 用法 1. 通常表示现在或当前一段时间正在发生或进 行的动作。 句中如果有Look!或Listen!等提示,通常都表示要 用现在进行时。 Look! They are playing basketball on the playground. 现在进行时的时间状语通常是now, these days等。 He is watching TV now.1祈使句的表现形式 肯定结构 Please have a seat here.1). Do型-Be a good boy!2). Be型-Let me help you.3). Let型- 否定结构: Dont forget me! Dont be late for school!1). Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加_构成。如:_ Dont let him go. / Let him not go. 2). Let型的否定式有两种:。 _和_3). 有些可用-开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:_禁止吸烟 将下列汉语翻译成英语。 1. 请照看好您的包。 _. 2. 让我们去学校吧! _! 3. 亲爱的,高兴点儿! _! 4. 不要把书放这儿。 _. 5. 不要让猫进来。 _. 2祈使句的反意疑问句,一般在句尾加_。Use your brain,_? Lets 开头的祈使句的反意疑问句, 后用_ Lets go home,_? Let us 开头的祈使句的反意疑问句, 后用_。 Let us go shopping,_?3比较祈使句和陈述句: You sit down. 祈使句: Sit down.坐下 你能说出它们的区别吗?_ 4对比下面句子,请找出加、减、乘、除运算公式区别Add 3 and 9.3 plus 9 equals / is 12.1)加法表达:祈使句 陈述句 Subtract 3 from 9.疑惑 修正 补充9 minus 3 equals / is 6.2)减法表达:祈使句 陈述句 Multiply 3 by 9.3 multiplied by 9 equals / is 27.3)乘法表达:祈使句 陈述句 Divide 9 by 3.9 divided by 3 equals / is 3.4)除法表达:祈使句 陈述句 七. 拓展深化单项选择 1)Jack is _ with Jim. They are good _. A. running; friend; B. running; friends; C. running; friends D. run; friends 2)Look! Mary _ doing _ homework. A. is; ones B. is; her C. are; his D. are; her 3)Its 8 oclock; the students _ class now. A. have B. has C. is having D. are having 4)The children are _ TV. A. watch B. seeing C. watching D. reading 5)- Are the boys looking at the blackboard? - Yes, they _. A. arent B. do C. dont D. are 用动词的适当形式填空。1. Look! The Greens _ (watch) TV in the living room.2. Listen! Who _ (sing) next door?3. Be quiet! The baby _ (sleep) in the room. 4. My mother _ (not wash) clothes now. 5. _ Tim _ (read) a newspaper now?6. Mr. Green _ (write) a novel these days. 7. What _ the boys _ (do)? They are playing football in the playground.8. I _ (leave) for London next week. 9. She _ (come back) tomorrow. 【2011黑龙江绥化市】24. Dont make so much noise. The children _ an English lesson.A. have B. are having C. were having【2011广东】31. Alan, its late. Why not go to bed? Jenny hasnt come back yet. I _ for her.A. waitedB. have waitedC. am waitingD. was waiting 【2011沈阳】14. buy your ticket from a ticket machine. There are lots of people there.A. Not B. not too C. Dont D. Dont to【2011湖北黄石】35.Dont make so much noise, Lily, _?A do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you 1.Never _ out by yourself at night, little Walt. A. going B. go C. goes D. went2.用plus;minus;multiplied;divided;is/equals填空(1)9_by 3 is 3.(2)3 _9 is 3.(3)50_13 is 37.(4)20_by 5 equals 100.(5)180 divided by 3 _ 60. 3选择并抄写单词。 1) 1,3, 5,and 7 are _(odd, even) numbers. 2) 6 _(multiplied, divided) by 3 is 2. 3) 3 plus 9 _(are, equals) 12. 4) Two _(hundred, hundreds) teachers are here. 5) I played tennis five _(times, time) a week.八. 知识归纳(用思维导图的形式将所学祈使句内容归纳出来)九. 学后反思III. 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) Let me tell you something about the number eight. Its Chinese pronounciation ba(八) sounds (听起来) 26 to the word which means rich(发). In some areas the words for eight27 luckare also similar. 8 is believed as such a lucky number that even 28 with several eights is thought very lucky. A telephone number with all numbers 29 eights is sold for $270,723 in Chengdu, China. The 29th Summer Olympics in Beijing 30 at 8:08:08 p.m. on August 8th, 2008. The Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia each 31 88 floors. The Air Canada route from Shanghai to Toronto is Flight AC88. The KLM 32 from Hong Kong to Amsterdam is Flight KL888. In Singapore, 33 is a kind of unusual Dragon fish (which are lucky fish). People there 34 numbers with lots of eights to name it (e.g. 702088880006688). An auspicious (预示成功的)number system was used 35 the developers of 39 Conduit Road Hong Kong, where the top floor was 88Chinese for double fortune (双喜). ( )26. A. different B. similar C. big D. small ( )27. A. because B. but C. and D. as ( )28. A. anything B. something C. some D. any ( )29. A. being B. bringing C.


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