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【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:陈述句,疑问句,感叹句,祈使句二. 重难点讲解:A. 陈述句陈述句用来陈述一件事或表达一种看法,有肯定和否定两种形式,句末通常用句号,读降调。(一)陈述句的肯定式:主语+ 谓语+ 其他eg. That boy always helps others.I went to the cinema yesterday.(二)陈述句的否定形式1. be的否定式(1)be 用作系动词时,结构为:主语+ be +not+表语+其他eg. She is not a teacher.Tom was not at home yesterday.(2)be 用作助动词,用于be doing / be going to do/ be done 等时态或被动语态中,结构为主语+ be + not +动词的现在分词或过去分词+其他。Tim isnt playing football.The sweater isnt made of woolen.2. 助动词、情态动词的否定式The boy doesnt do housework at home.Man cant live without water.3. 除not外,其他否定词也可以构成否定句。(1)用no 表示,no=not any/ aHe has no sister.= He doesnt have any sisters.(2)never绝不,从来不I have never seen such a man.(3)little, few 几乎没有There are few students in the classroom.(4)no one/nobody 没有人Nobody is interested in the book.(5)nothing 什么也没有There is nothing wrong with you.(6)neither of 两者都不none of 三者及以上都不Neither of them has ever been to Beijing.(7)seldom 很少; hardly 几乎不I seldom go to hospital.I can hardly say a word.(8)tooto 太以至于不能He is too late to catch the bus.B. 感叹句感叹句是表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情的句子。感叹句一般用how或what开头。(一)what引导的感叹句结构有三种:1. What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 主语+谓语!What a beautiful girl she is!2. What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 + 主语+ 谓语!What important jobs they have done!3. What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 主语+ 谓语!例如:What fine weather it is! (二)how 引导的感叹句结构有:1. How + 形容词 + 主语 + 谓语!How beautiful the flowers are!2. How + 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!例如:How heavily it is raining! 3. How+ 主语+谓语!How time flies!注:how 和what 都用来引导感叹句,它们有什么区别呢?how 在这里是一个副词,用来修饰形容词和副词;而what是用来修饰名词的, 所以即使是同样的句子,how 和what 引导的句子结构是不一样的。请看下列例句:(1)多美丽的一朵玫瑰花呀!How beautiful a rose it is!What a beautiful rose it is!(2)多晴朗的天气呀!How sunny the weather is!What sunny weather it is!(3)这些学生是多么聪明呀!How clever the students are!What clever students they are!总结:如何判断用what 还是用how来引导感叹句方法一:凡使用aan 开头的,多用what方法二:凡是形容词直接加名词的,多用what方法三:其他一般用how(三)一些特殊形式C. 疑问句:用于提问的句子叫做疑问句,句末用问号。(一)一般疑问句注意:一般疑问句通常是怎么问,怎么答。但下列情况例外1. 用情态动词must 提问,否定回答用neednt/ dont have toMust I go now?Yes, you must.No, you neednt.2. 用其他词语代替yes或no 回答,从而使语气变得客气、委婉Can you come and go to the park with me?Im afraid not. I Have a lot of work to do.3. 否定的一般疑问句通常是以be,情态动词或助动词与not 的缩略形式开头,往往表示惊讶、赞叹、怀疑等语气。Dont you hear of that?Yes, I do.No, I dont.(二)特殊疑问句1. 疑问代词:what, who, which, whose, whom2. 疑问副词:when, where, why, how3. 疑问词组:how soon, how long, how far, how often4. 特殊否定疑问句一般有劝告、建议、责备等意味。(三)选择疑问句1. 两种或两种以上的情况用or连接2. 回答是不能用yes / no,而要用一个完整的句子或其缩略形式3. 一般选择疑问句Do you like apples or pears?I like pears.4. 特殊选择疑问句Which would you like better, coffee or tea?I like coffee.(四)反意疑问句,1. 反意疑问句(Tag Question)也叫附加疑问句,是一种常用于口语的疑问句式,主要由“陈述句附加疑问”构成,附加疑问部分的动词一般要与陈述部分的动词相对应,附加一闻部分的主语要与陈述部分的主语相对应,如果陈述部分的主语是名词词组,则附加疑问部分用相应的代词表示。反意疑问句主要有两类,即“陈述句反意附加疑问”和“陈述句非反意附加疑问”。这两类又可以分为以下四种形式:(1)肯定的陈述句否定的附加疑问句。例如:That clock is slow, isnt it?(2)否定的陈述句肯定的附加疑问句。例如:That clock isnt slow, is it?(3)肯定的陈述句肯定的附加疑问句。例如:That clock is slow, is it?(4)否定的陈述句肯定的附加疑问句。例如:That clock isnt slow, isnt it前两种形式是主要的,后两种形式使用场合较少。反意疑问句也可由“祈使句附加疑问”构成。例如:Carry this box for me, will you?Remember to buy some meat, wont you?2. 对于我们已经学过的七种时态,这里各举两例:一般现在时:Lily likes going shopping, doesnt she?They arent students, are they?现在进行时:Youre going to the cinema, arent you?She isnt waiting for me, is she?现在完成时:They have been to Singapore, havent they?Jack hasnt finished his homework, has he?现在完成进行时:You have been living in Beijing all these years, havent you?Denis hasnt been watching TV, has she?一般过去时:They had a good time at the party last Saturday, didnt they?Fanny didnt go home last night, did she?过去进行时:You were making dinner when I called, werent you?She wasnt sleeping at this time yesterday, was she?一般将来时:We will have wonderful summer holidays, wont we?They wont come back until midnight, will they?3. 关于反意疑问句的构成,有以下几点值得注意:(1)当陈述部分的主语是everybody,everyone,someone,no one,nobody,somebody等指人的合成词时,反意疑问句的附加部分的主语在正式语体中通常 用he。例如: Everybody knows what he has to do, doesnt he?Nobody wants to go there, does he?None of the boys can do it, can he?在非正式语体中则往往用they。例如: Nobody phoned while I was out, did they?Everyone enjoyed the party, didnt they?Somebody borrowed my dictionary yesterday, didnt they?但若陈述部分的主语是everything, anything, something, nothing等指物的合成词时,反意疑问句的附加部分的主语只能用it。例如: Nothing could stop them, could it?Everything is ready, isnt it?(2)当陈述部分是there be句型时,反意疑问句的附加部分的主语也用there。例如:Theres no help for it, is there?Theres something strange, isnt there?(3)陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little, nowhere, nothing等否定词或半否定词是,反意疑问句的附加部分的动词用肯定形式。例如:Father rarely got drunk, did he?Few people know him, do they?She seldom goes swimming, does she?如果陈述部分的否定词仅带有否定前缀,那么,该陈述部分作肯定句处理,附加疑问部分一般仍用否定形式。例如:She was unsuccessful, wasnt she?(4)如果陈述部分的主语是Im结构,反意疑问句的附加部分一般用arent I。例如:I am an adult, arent I?(5)如果陈述部分以不定代词one作主语,附加疑问部分的主语在正式场合用one,在非正式场合用you。例如:One cant be too honest, can one?One cant be too honest, can you?(6)当陈述部分是一个带有that分句作宾语的主从结构时,反意疑问句的附加部分一般应与主句的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系。例如:You think you are humorous, dont you?He thinks he is going to become an actor, doesnt he?She says (that) I did it, doesnt she?但是,当陈述部分的主句是I suppose,I think,I believe,I suspect,I imagine等结构时,反意疑问句的附加部分则往往与that分句中的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系,但要注意否定的转移。例如:I suppose (that) hes funny, isnt he?I dont think (that) she likes my clothes, does she?(7)在由“祈使句附加疑问句”构成的反意疑问句中,附加疑问部分一般用will you,wont you,would you。例如:Dont close the window, will you?Be quiet, would you?但是,在以lets开头的祈使句之后,附加疑问部分用shall we。例如:Lets go out to play soccer, shall we?Lets have a rest, shall we?以let us开头的祈使句,含义是allow us,不包括听话人在内,因此反意疑问句的附加部分用will you。例如:Let us stop now, will you?Let us have a look at your book, will you?4. 反意疑问句的回答方式和一般疑问句一致,根据事实来回答。注意当陈述部分是一个否定句时,英文的回答方式和中文的回答方式有差别。例如:She is a beautiful girl, isnt she? 她是个漂亮的姑娘,不是吗?Yes, she is. 是的,她是。No, she isnt. 不,她不是。You dont like onions, do you? 你不喜欢洋葱,是吗?Yes, I do. 不,我喜欢。No, I dont. 是的,我不喜欢。E. 祈使句祈使句是表示请求,命令或建议的句子,以动词原形开头,句末用感叹号或句号,一般用降调。例如:Come here, please! 请过来。Dont talk in class. 在课堂上不要讲话。(一)祈使句的表达形式 1. 祈使句的肯定形式(1)动词原形开头。例如:Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。Please keep the classroom clean and tidy. 请保持教室干净、整洁。(2)有时为加强语气,可在动词前加do。例如:Do come to school on time tomorrow. 明天务必准时到校。(3)用客气的语气表达祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加please;在句尾加please时,要在please前加逗号;在祈使句中如有呼语,一定要用逗号隔开。例如:Keep quiet, please. 请保持安静。Lily, come earlier next time, please. 莉莉,下次请早点儿来。注意:let sb. do sth;let sb. not do sth,后面是省略to的不定式。Lets do sth. 表示“咱们做吧。” (包括说话人), 反意疑问句用shall we; Let us do sth. 表示“让我们做吧。”(不包括说话人,询问对方),反意疑问句用will you。2. 祈使句的否定形式。Dont +动词原形。例如:Dont look out of the window. 别朝窗外看。Dont be angry with me. 不要生我气了。(二)祈使句的句型转换1. you must do. 你一定= Be.。例如:You must be quiet. = Be quiet!2. You cant do. 你不可以做 =Dont do sth. 例如:You cant walk your dog here. = Dont walk your dog here.3. Will you please. ? = Please + 祈使句。例如:Will you please pass me the English book? = Please pass me the English book.4. 祈使句有时相当于一个由if引导的条件状语从句。例如:If you work hard, youll pass the exam. = Work hard, and youll pass the exam.【模拟试题】一. 略二. Multiple Choice(每小题1分,共15分)21. At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the _ of the running water.A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound22. _ it be Meimei who took my dictionary away? No, it _ be her, and it _ be Wangfei who did it.A. Can; cant; must B. Must; mustnt; can C. May; may not; must D. Can; mustnt; may23. Night has fallen. We have to go home, _?A. dont we B. havent we C. mustnt we D. shouldnt we24. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to25. Tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job.A. so not as to B. so as not toC. so as to not D. not so as to26. It is careless _ the same mistake in your composition .A. for you to make B. for you making C. of you to make D. of you making27. Its 10 oclock now. I must go. Its raining outside. Dont leave _ it stops. A. when B. since C. while D. until28.Dont worry. She can look after your pet_. A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully29. He _ in the classroom just now. He _ be there now. A. heard to sing, may B. was heard sing, must C. heard sing, must D. was heard to sing, may30. This kind of food _ cool, clean and dry according to the instruction.A. should be carried B. must be put C. should be placed D. must be kept31. Which do you like better, a pizza or a hamburger? _, I just like Chinese fooddumplings.A. Both B. Each C. Either D. Neither32. Has the match started? Started? Finished! Guo Yue _.A. is winningB. winsC. will winD. has won33. I dont think _rain this afternoon.A. it wont B. its going to C. if its going to D. whether its going to34. Please answer every question with great care. You know, _ you are, _ mistakes youll make.A. the careful, the few B. the more careful, the lessC. careful, fewD. the more careful, the fewer35. _ do you guess will be the first 10 top students in English in your school next term?A. WhoB. Whom C. Which D. What三. Cloze(每小题1分,共10分)When youre a teenager(青少年), it seems that every time you say, “I want to ”, your parents answer, “No, you cant.”Young people further complain that their parents do not (36) them. When something goes (37), most parents just dont believe in their children. (38) asking why, they think their kids are wrong. And not many parents allow their kids to choose for themselves.Yes, (39) is true that your parents sometimes treat you as a little child. But remember that not long ago you were really a child. Your parents still remember the childish (40) you used to make. They want to protect you (41) you dont want them to do so.So, if you want to get (42) freedom(自由), please try to understand your parents and dont lie to them. Try a more friendly way. If you want them to (43) you to stay out late, dont just say, “All (44) kids can stay out late.” Tell them as much as you can about what you want to do and where youll be and (45) its important for you to stay out late. Then they just might say, “yes”.36.A. enjoyB. prefer C. understand D. decide37.A. badly B. wrong C. nice D. clear38.A. Except B. Instead C. With D. Without39.A. it B. this C. that D. one40.A. uses B. differences C. minds D. mistakes41.A. if B. though C. because D. since42.A. most B. least C. more D. less43.A. allow B. hope C. wish D. ask44.A. another B. others C. the others D. the other45.A. how B. when C. why D. which四. Reading Comprehension(每小题1分,共15分)ASaturday,March 24thWe have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok. This is our first trip to Thailand(泰国). All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap, and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North.Tuesday, March 27thBangkok is wonderful and surprising! The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is so colorful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai.Friday,March 30thOur trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. They always smile and say “hello”. Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thai, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness. I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year.46. The diaries above show the writers _ days in Thailand.A. 3 B. 7 C. 15 D. 3047. It seems that visitors _ in Bangkok.A. often feel hungry B. can always find cheap thingsC. cant take any photos D. can enjoy themselves48. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Chiang Mai is a beautiful city in the south of Thailand.B. The writer left Chiang Mai for Chiang Rai by bus.C. Chiang Rai is a boring city in the mountains.D. The writer is traveling alone in Thailand.49. The people in the village _.A. are friendly to others B. like to speak EnglishC. are very weak D. hope to live in the cities50. What is the best title(标题)for the whole diary?A. My First Travel B. The Outside WorldC. Traveling in Thailand D. A Country on the TrainB51. Which passage is about sports news?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 5.52. Tom Consins performance is _.A. goodB. terribleC. boringD. frustrating53. _ won the match for Liverpool.A. Joe SwiftB. Tom Cousin C. Wilkes D. Joseph Mendes54. Harry Goldstein _ for the movie that is produced by Steven Bloomberg.A. wrote music B. played the gamesC. sold tickets D. performed55. People are not allowed to bring _ into the concert hall.A. tickets B. computers C. boys and girls D. cameras, food and drinkCIve loved my mothers desk since I was just tall enough to sit above the top of it. Mother sat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be a most wonderful thing in the world.Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother. “But the desk,” she said again, “is for Elizabeth.”I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it action. But as a young girl, I wanted to have heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional(易动感的)”.But she lived “on the surface(表面)”.As years passed, I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace it seemed that nothing happened. I couldnt be sure that the letter had even got to Mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could s


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