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Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars李仕才一、阅读理解。 This month, the singing competition, American Idol, will come to an end. For years, the popular show was a platform for rising artists. With a group of famous judges and a wide range of talents, it is clear that the competitive atmosphere of American Idol will remain unrivaled by any other show. After all, its success has been unmatched in broadcasting history.American Idol came from the British series Pop Idol. Through an application, contestants came into the competition and thereafter, were chosen to audition(试音)for the show. Each candidate would have to perform a piece to the judges, and participate in a strict selection process. Not only would contestants have to sing in groups, they were sometimes tasked to perform pieces without musical instruments. At the end of this stage, only 24 o 36 artists were chosen to enter the semi-final stage. Soon, the fate of the contestants would be decided by the public. During the candidates live performance, a free telephone number was displayed on the screen for viewers to dial, to cast their vote. At the end of the night, only 13 lucky singers would be left in the competition; by the finals, only 8 contestants would remain. Finally, a runner-up(亚军)and a winner were announced every season. Though only the winner would receive a million dollar reward and a significant record deal, other contestants would have had a chance to be known by the public. As the famous producer Simon Cowell once said, The point of the show is not to be mean to loser, but to find a winner.As the final season of the program begins, past winners will return to the stage to say goodbye and a new winner will be announced. With amazing performances and an excellent cast of singers, the shows conclusion will leave audiences nostalgic(怀旧的), but more satisfied than ever.1. Those who enter American Idol will _.A. share the one million dollar reward togetherB. be asked to perform in pairs in the semi-finalsC. experience at least three rounds of performancesD. have the chance to become famous even if they fail2. Who play the most important roles in the finals of American Idol?A. The audiencesB. The past winnersC. The judgesD. The record companies3. The author thinks the conclusion of American Idol will _.A. change its historyB. be worth watchingC. not be the last seasonD. pick her favorite singer4. In which section of the newspaper may you probably find the passage?A. AdvertisementB. FinanceC. EntertainmentD. Business【语篇解读】本文为说明文,介绍了很受欢迎的流行节目American Idol和它的比赛过程。2.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第六、七、八句话可知在决赛阶段起最重要作用的是观众,故选A。3.B【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句话With amazing performances and an excellent cast of singers, the shows conclusion will leave audiences nostalgic, but more satisfied than ever可知作者认为the shows conclusion值得观看,故选B。4.C【解析】推理判断题。根据文章可知本文介绍的是歌唱比赛节目,应属于娱乐类,故选C。二、单句语法填空1Though injured seriously, he tried to cheer , hoping to make his parents less worried.答案:up2Her (puzzle) look on her face suggested she didnt understand what I said.答案:puzzled3The passengers were warned to watch out thieves.答案:for4New technologies have made it possible (turn) out new products faster and at a lower cost.答案:to turn5As we know, getting angry not only does harm ones health but also has a bad effect the relationship between people.答案:to; on6(2018长春质检)Some believe in the (exist) of life on Mars, while others consider it as a myth.答案:existence7Last night, Mrs. Green had a heart attack. But luckily, the doctor came in time (save) her life.答案:to save8Now youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.答案:that9I suppose by the time I come back in ten years time all these old houses will (pull) down.答案:have been pulled10She strongly objected to my mothers marriage. Surprisingly, my mothers (react) to it was rather calm.答案:reaction三、完形填空Do you see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty? Such clichs(陈词滥调)are 1 questions, as researchers examine with great care the power of positive thinking. Research is proving that optimism can 2 you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, 3 , to hopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked to 4 , loneliness and painful shyness. If we could teach people to think more positively, it would be like protecting them against these 5 illnesses.Your abilities count but the belief that you can succeed 6 the result. When things go wrong the pessimist tends to 7 himself. “Im not good at this,” he says. “I always fail.” But the optimist looks for other 8 . Negative or positive, you are what you think. If people feel hopeless they dont 9 to acquire the skills they need to succeed.A sense of control is the real test for 10 . The optimist feels in control of his own life. If things are going badly, he 11 quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and 12 for advice. The pessimist feels like a toy of fate and moves slowly. He doesnt seek advice, since he 13 nothing can be done. Many studies suggest that the pessimists feeling of helplessness 14 the bodys immune system. The pessimist doesnt take good care of himself. Feeling passive and unable to avoid lifes 15 , he expects ill health and other misfortunes, no matter what he does. He eats junk food, avoids exercise, and 16 the doctor.Most people are a(n) 17 of optimism and pessimism, but are in favor of one direction or the other. It is a pattern of 18 learned at our mothers knees. It grows out of thousands of cautions or 19 , negative statements or positive ones. Pessimism is a hard habit to 20 but it can be done. So, if you are a pessimist, there are ways.语篇解读:做一个乐观的人如果改变你的思想,从悲观到乐观,你可以改变你的生命。1.A. specific B. scientific C. physicalD. universal【答案】B【解析】根据下文出现的“researchers, research”等字眼,可以推断“这个问题”与科学(scientific)有关。2. A. help B. force C. forbidD. train 【答案】A【解析】根据下文出现的“to be happier, healthier and more successful”等积极字眼,可以推断“乐观可以帮助(帮助)你变得更快乐,更健康,更成功”。3.A. for instance B. at bestC. after allD. by contrast【答案】D【解析】by contrast对比起来,相比之下。与上文的“乐观”进行比较。4.A. patience B. carelessness C. passion D. depression【答案】D【解析】与下文“loneliness and painful shyness孤独以及痛苦的害羞”能够并列的应该是“depression抑郁”。 研究表明,乐观可以帮助你变得更快乐,更健康,更成功。比较而言,悲观导致没有希望、疾病和失败,并且和抑郁、孤独以及痛苦的害羞有联系。5.A. severe B. mental C. terminalD. normal【答案】B6.A. challenges B. contradictsC. affects D. abuses【答案】C【解析】根据下文的叙述可以知道“你的习惯很重要,但是你能成功的信念也会影响(affects)结果。”7.A. correct B. comfort C. balanceD. blame【答案】D【解析】根据下文:“Im not good at this,” he says. “I always fail.”(“我这方面不行。”“我总是失败。”他会这么说)可以知道这里是指“责备自己”。8.A. excusesB. opportunitiesC. explanations D. advantages【答案】C【解析】上文说“当事情出了问题的时候,悲观者往往会责备自己”,那么“乐观者”会怎么做呢?他或她应该是寻找其他的原因即:解释(explanations)。9.A. botherB. agree C. argueD. hesitate【答案】A【解析】bother to do sth.费心做某事。如果人们觉得无望,他们是不会费劲地去获取成功所需的技能的。本段译文:你的习惯很重要,但是你能成功的信念也会影响结果。当事情出了问题的时候,悲观者往往会责备自己。“我这方面不行。”“我总是失败。”他会这么说。但是乐观者会寻找其他的解释。消极还是积极,你想的是什么你就是什么。如果人们觉得无望,他们是不会费劲地去获取成功所需的技能的。10.A. ambitionB. success C. conscienceD. wisdom【答案】B【解析】这是本段的主题句。下文所说的都是“成功(success)与否”的因素。11.A. runsB. actsC. quitsD. turns【答案】B【解析】下文中的“action”提示答案。如果事情正变得糟糕,他会迅速行动。12.A. turning up B. making up C. looking out D. reaching out【答案】D13.A. suspectsB. deniesC. assumes D. pretends【答案】C【解析】这里是指“悲观者”的思想认识。assume假定,认为。因为他认为无计可施,所以才“不寻求他人建议”。14.A. weakens B. restoresC. improvesD. defends【答案】A【解析】“悲观者的无助的感觉”显然对“人体的免疫系统”没有好处,也就是说“削弱(weaken)了人体免疫系统的功能”。15.A. aimsB. gifts C. blessesD. blows 【答案】D【解析】下文所说的都与“blows打击”有关。16.A. consultsB. ignores C. misunderstandD. follows 【答案】B【解析】跟上文“吃垃圾食品,不做体育锻炼”相起并论的应该是“忽视(ignores)医生的建议”。本段译文:控制感是对成功的真正的考验。乐观者觉得能控制自己的生活。如果事情正变得糟糕,他会迅速行动,寻求解决措施,形成一个新的行动计划,并且向别人寻求建议。而悲观主义者会觉得命运弄人,不能迅速行动。他不寻求他人建议,因为他认为无计可施。许多研究表明,悲观者的无助的感觉会削弱人体的免疫系统的功能。悲观者不能好好照顾自己。悲观者表现被动,感觉无法躲避生活的打击,不论做什么对未来都有疾病和不行发生这样的预期。他们通常总吃垃圾食品,不做体育锻炼,对医生的建议置之不理。17.A. resultB. optionC. mix D. image【答案】C【解析】大部分人都是乐观和悲观的混合体(mix)。18.A. thinking B. behaviorC. expressionD. complaining【答案】A【解析】“乐观和悲观”都与人的“思维/思考(thinking)”有关。19.A. pressuresB. favoursC. criticisms D. encouragements【答案】D20.A. develop B. assessC. break D. understand【答案】C【解析】break a habit打破一个习惯。本段译文:大部分人都是乐观和悲观的混合体,但是会倾向于一个或另一个方向。它是一种在我们孩提时代就习得的思考模式。它是从数千次的警告或鼓励、消极话语或积极话语中成长起来的。太多的“不要”和危险的警告可能会使一个孩子觉得无能、恐惧和悲观。悲观是一种难以打破的习惯,但是这是可以做到的。以,如果你是悲观主义者,有的方法。 四、单句改错1That guy was a dangerous person.


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