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,Unit3 What would you like?,Part A Lets talk &Lets learn,Food,juice,water,bread,cola,milk,beef,ice cream,eggs,chicken,cake,rice,noodles,soup,fish,tea,vegetables,noodles,Food,chicken,beef,soup,water,rice,tea,cola,cake,Drinks,Food,bread,fish,milk,juice,Unit3 What would you like?,Part A Lets talk &Lets learn,School is over,Its time for lunch.,Its 12 oclock.,What would you like to eat?,Id like some,hamburger,ice cream kite bike,sandwich /snwit /,salad/sld/,salad,vegetable,salad,beef and vegetable,salad,fruit,Id like some,Mum, Im hungry.,What would you like to eat?,Id like a sandwich,please.,Have some tea, too.,Thank you.,tea/ti:/,green tea,black tea,milktea,Mum, Im hungry.,What would you like to eat?,Id like a sandwich,please.,Have some tea, too.,Thank you.,What would he like?,Im hungry and thirsty.,Im thirsty.,What would he like?,Im hungry and thirsty.,a sandwich and some juice a hamburger and some water a sandwich and some water,Sarahs father would like,How does Sarah ask? Sarah是怎么问的呢?,What would you like to drink?,听音模仿P24,:Im _,:What _you like to_?,:A _,please.,:OK,:What_ you like to_?,:Id like _. Im _!,:Here _,:Thanks .,I am thirsty. Id like some water.,I am hungry. Id like a hamburger.,Lets chant,Hungry, hungry,Thirsty, thirsty,beef,vegetables,What would you like to drink/eat?,Id like some,salad,hamburgers,sandwiches,tea,soup,juice,milk,They are in the _.,lunch room,What would you like to eat?,Id like a hamburger, please.,OK. What would you like to drink?,A cola, please.,Here you are.,Thank you.,What would you like to eat?,Id like _,please.,OK. What would you like to drink?,Can I have _, please?,a sandwich.,some tea,Sure.Here you are.,What would you like to eat?,Id like _,please.,OK. What would you like to drink?,Can I have _, please?,some rice.,some cola,Sure.Here you are.,What would you like to eat?,Id like _,please.,OK. What would you like to drink?,_, please.,some beef.,some juice,Here you are.,Invite your friend home!,-Im hungry.,-What would you like to eat?,-Id like someplease.,-Here you are.Have sometoo.,A:,-Thanks.Im thirsty.,-What would you like to drink?,juice,egg,noodles,bread,cake,milk,fish,water,rice,cola,hanburger,sandwich,meat,


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